Many thanks to Judy Kircher for helping us out in the cafeteria!
Lunch menu for Thursday, January 3rd:
Grilled Chicken, Breadstick, Mashed Potatoes, Gravy, Cinnamon Apples, Milk
Lunch menu for Friday, January 4th:
Mac & Cheese Triangles, Romaine Salad, Salad Dressing, Mixed Fruit, Milk
19 December 2012
Tomorrow, Thursday, 12/20, there will be an All School Liturgy at 9am. Please consider joining us!
Students may dress down tomorrow! The suggested attire involves Christmas colors! Please be sure to follow the guidelines in our handbook for dressing down.
A big 'Thank You' to Mrs. Diane Martin for her service to the preschool program!
A huge THANK YOU to all for your part in the Student Council Food Drive. Our families donated over 3400 items - surpassing the goal of 3000!!! May God bless you for your generosity. We received a letter from the manager of the St. Vincent de Paul Society Food Pantry, which read in part:
"Your great generosity has resulted in our shelves and warehouse filled to the brim, just in time for Christmas! The pantry cannot function as it does without ... donations... The boys' and girls' wonderful contributions to our pantry are truly a reflection of their charity ad love for our residents. I can truly say that those families who come to our pantry this holiday season will leave with great joy and thanksgiving for the food they are able to receive."
The staff wishes everyone a happy and safe Christmas!
Students may dress down tomorrow! The suggested attire involves Christmas colors! Please be sure to follow the guidelines in our handbook for dressing down.
A big 'Thank You' to Mrs. Diane Martin for her service to the preschool program!
A huge THANK YOU to all for your part in the Student Council Food Drive. Our families donated over 3400 items - surpassing the goal of 3000!!! May God bless you for your generosity. We received a letter from the manager of the St. Vincent de Paul Society Food Pantry, which read in part:
"Your great generosity has resulted in our shelves and warehouse filled to the brim, just in time for Christmas! The pantry cannot function as it does without ... donations... The boys' and girls' wonderful contributions to our pantry are truly a reflection of their charity ad love for our residents. I can truly say that those families who come to our pantry this holiday season will leave with great joy and thanksgiving for the food they are able to receive."
The staff wishes everyone a happy and safe Christmas!
17 December 2012
The following letter was sent home today:
December 17, 2012
Dear Families:
We as a community understand loss and grief. Our faith guides us to believe in life after death, in the arms of our Savior. Our faith is our strength; our refuge in time of tragedy. Our faith guides us to realize that this is beyond our understanding.
For children, routines are assurance that their world is in order. This week will be busy before Christmas break. We will do our best to keep to our normal routines. If students ask questions, the staff will answer as simply and honestly as possible without discussing details. Staff members will be available if any student needs to talk or simply to be reassured.
Our safety procedures are in place and are regularly practiced. As a side note, I wanted to let you know we
recently had a visitor to our school who told me she was so impressed because after identifying herself and being buzzed in, she had two different adults stop her on the short distance to the office to ask if they could help her. She was also so impressed by the atmosphere in our building when she was given a tour, and she registered her child for next year.
Because teachers requested it, the Parish Office is now using visitor badges for inspectors, etc. who need access to our building, just as we do in the school office. You can help us by reminding your child(ren) they should not open an outer access door for any adults, even if they know the person visiting. We will continue to review the plans we have in place and look for areas for improvement.
In last week’s ‘Weekly Word’ I encouraged parents to be vigilant in checking your children’s internet and social media sites. I would also like to add to that a plea to monitor their access to violent video games, TV shows and movies.
The Diocese of Columbus has provided resources for parents in talking with their children. They are listed on the reverse side of this letter, along with suggestions from the National Mental Health Association.
The Sandy Hook tragedy is beyond the strength of our hearts to endure and our minds to comprehend. May perpetual light shine upon the lives senselessly lost. May the angels lead them to paradise. May they rest in peace. May the community feel the prayers of the world and bring comfort to their broken hearts. Prayers seem to be the greatest gift we can offer at this time.
In His Name,
Mrs. Mary T. Walsh
Be alert for any child getting more upset than a normal response such as losing sleep or having nightmares. "For the average child, having the opportunity for a day or two to express it and then let it dissipate, that’s going to be the normal response."
Melissa Brymer, director of the terrorism and disaster programs at the National Center for Child Traumatic Stress at UCLA, suggests talking at a time when you can focus on your child’s verbal and nonverbal responses, perhaps after dinner. Bedtime isn’t a good choice, since the child’s anxiety could spiral late at night. “Explain that emergencies can happen in many different ways,” says Brymer, “and that schools have crisis plans to make sure kids are safe so they can learn.”
To guide parents through difficult discussions about school violence, the National Mental Health Association offers the following suggestions:
· Encourage children to talk about their concerns and to express their feelings. Some children may be hesitant to initiate such conversation, so you may want to prompt them by asking if they feel safe at school. When talking with younger children remember to talk on their level. For example, they may not understand the term “violence” but can talk to you about being afraid of a classmate who is mean to them.
· Talk honestly about your own feelings regarding school violence. It is important for children to recognize they are not dealing with their fears alone.
· Validate the child’s feelings. Do not minimize a child’s concerns. Let him/her know that serious school violence is not common, which is why these incidents attract so much media attention. Stress that schools are safe places. In fact, recent studies have shown that schools are more secure now than ever before.
· Empower children to take action regarding school safety. Encourage them to report specific incidents (such as bullying, threats or talk of suicide) and to develop problem solving and conflict resolution skills. Encourage older children to actively participate in student-run anti-violence programs.
· Discuss the safety procedures that are in place at your child’s school. Explain why visitors sign in at the principal’s office or certain doors remain locked during the school day. Help your child understand that such precautions are in place to ensure his or her safety and stress the importance of adhering to school rules and policies.
· Create safety plans with your child. Help identify which adults (a friendly secretary, trusted teacher or approachable administrator) your child can talk to if they feel threatened at school. Also ensure that your child knows how to reach you (or another family member or friend) in case of crisis during the school day. Remind your child that they can talk to you anytime they feel threatened.
· Recognize behavior that may indicate your child is concerned about returning to school. Younger children may react to school violence by not wanting to attend school or school-based activities. Teens/adolescents may minimize their concerns outwardly, but may become argumentative, withdrawn, or allow school performance to decline.
· Keep the dialogue going and make school safety a common topic in family discussions rather than just a response to an immediate crisis. Open dialogue will encourage children to share their concerns.
· Seek help when necessary. If you are worried about a child’s reaction or have ongoing concerns about his/her behavior or emotions, contact a mental health professional at school or at your community mental health center.
13 December 2012
Weekly Word with attachments 12-13-12
Attachments Included:
• Youth Ministry Pancake Breakfast
• Labels for Education Winter Collection Sheet
Attachments Included:
• Youth Ministry Pancake Breakfast
• Labels for Education Winter Collection Sheet
12 December 2012
Sunday Morning, December 16th after all morning Masses. All-You-Can-Eat Pancakes, Sausage Links, Coffee, and Orange Juice. $7.00 per person. $4.00 Children 4 Years and Under. Not just a breakfast.. but a show too! (To benefit parish youth participating in the 40th Annual March for Life)
Click here for the flyer
11 December 2012
Hope to see you all TONIGHT at our Christmas program - 7pm in the gym!
OLPH's 2nd/3rd grade choir is one of 3 finalists in the Sunny 95 Christmas Idol
Contest! Beginning Monday morning, December 10th, go to: click on Christmas Idol 2012 and vote for
Our Lady of Perpetual Help School! Voting goes through Thursday, December 13th! The
grand prize is $1,000 and a performance on a live radio show on December 21st.
Spread the word and vote!
OLPH's 2nd/3rd grade choir is one of 3 finalists in the Sunny 95 Christmas Idol
Contest! Beginning Monday morning, December 10th, go to: click on Christmas Idol 2012 and vote for
Our Lady of Perpetual Help School! Voting goes through Thursday, December 13th! The
grand prize is $1,000 and a performance on a live radio show on December 21st.
Spread the word and vote!
We would like to say a ”BIG” Thank You to all involved with the 2012 Christmas Bazaar. There are many individuals that participate and are seen, but the ones that are behind the scenes doing so much work that are forgotten and yes , taken for granted, not in a bad way, it is a way that we all assume that it will be done, and if not for folks like you, it would not be the success that it is. So thanks to all the Teachers, Students, Parents, Grandparents, Parishioners, and supporters that made this happen.
Through the years I am always asked “how did the Bazaar do”, “did you make much money”, and every year I give the same answer. It is not about the money, sure we like to be in the positive, but I always measure success in the faces of the students, did they have FUN, that is my main objective, to make it fun and enjoyable for all ages, if the children had fun, then we were successful, and every year I believe they have fun and look forward to that day. So thanks for all the hard work, and see you next year.
Mike and Joni O’Neill
Through the years I am always asked “how did the Bazaar do”, “did you make much money”, and every year I give the same answer. It is not about the money, sure we like to be in the positive, but I always measure success in the faces of the students, did they have FUN, that is my main objective, to make it fun and enjoyable for all ages, if the children had fun, then we were successful, and every year I believe they have fun and look forward to that day. So thanks for all the hard work, and see you next year.
Mike and Joni O’Neill
10 December 2012
From: Mary Walsh, Principal, St. Francis de Sales, Newark, OH
As many of you know, my husband and I moved here in 2006 from Little Egg Harbor, NJ, just off Long Beach Island. Two of our sons still live there in our family home. The entire region was devastated by Hurricane Sandy in October. Over 800 homes in our community were condemned and thousands more families lost everything.
My daughter, Mariclare Walsh, a graduate of Fisher Catholic High School and now a sophomore at Ohio University, Athens, is living out her faith in service to others. Thank you for anything you can do to help!
From Mariclare’s Facebook page: HURRICANE Sandy Relief – 12/12/12
Join us on a date that occurs only once in every 100 years - only once in your lifetime; make it meaningful!
This Wednesday, on 12/12/12, Buffalo Wild Wings on Memorial Drive in Lancaster, Ohio will be donating 10% of all pre-taxed food sales, from any guest that presents a fundraising ticket, to victims of hurricane Sandy. All proceeds will go to Pinelands Community Center, the local coordinators of Sandy relief efforts, in my hometown of Little Egg Harbor, NJ. Please come out to BWW's in Lancaster, eat wings, and support a good cause! Let’s all help ‘restore the shore!’ To learn more about relief efforts in Little Egg Harbor, NJ, visi and like their page!
Click here for discount flyer
As many of you know, my husband and I moved here in 2006 from Little Egg Harbor, NJ, just off Long Beach Island. Two of our sons still live there in our family home. The entire region was devastated by Hurricane Sandy in October. Over 800 homes in our community were condemned and thousands more families lost everything.
My daughter, Mariclare Walsh, a graduate of Fisher Catholic High School and now a sophomore at Ohio University, Athens, is living out her faith in service to others. Thank you for anything you can do to help!
From Mariclare’s Facebook page: HURRICANE Sandy Relief – 12/12/12
Join us on a date that occurs only once in every 100 years - only once in your lifetime; make it meaningful!
This Wednesday, on 12/12/12, Buffalo Wild Wings on Memorial Drive in Lancaster, Ohio will be donating 10% of all pre-taxed food sales, from any guest that presents a fundraising ticket, to victims of hurricane Sandy. All proceeds will go to Pinelands Community Center, the local coordinators of Sandy relief efforts, in my hometown of Little Egg Harbor, NJ. Please come out to BWW's in Lancaster, eat wings, and support a good cause! Let’s all help ‘restore the shore!’ To learn more about relief efforts in Little Egg Harbor, NJ, visi and like their page!
Click here for discount flyer
07 December 2012
29 November 2012
Weekly Word with attachments 11-29-12
Attachments Included:
• MCA Christmas Artwork Contest (on reverse of WW)
• DOC Family Bowling Day w/ Ed Apparel SALE (on reverse)
• Terra Nova results- Grades 2-8 w/letter and return slip
• December cafeteria menu
Attachments Included:
• MCA Christmas Artwork Contest (on reverse of WW)
• DOC Family Bowling Day w/ Ed Apparel SALE (on reverse)
• Terra Nova results- Grades 2-8 w/letter and return slip
• December cafeteria menu
Volunteers needed for Adopt-a-Family
(Giving Tree) Program for St. Francis Parish
Volunteers are needed for the
following tasks:
Transporting gifts from church to
sorting area (after Saturday masses 12/8,15 and noon masses
Sorting gifts (times will
Distribution of gifts to families:
Friday, December 21 (times available from noon through evening)
Cookies and punch for distribution
Times are flexible: individuals,
families and teens are welcome. Please contact Susan Martine at 740-975-0820 if
Please join us. Fun and Christmas
spirit are guaranteed.
28 November 2012
Need volunteer hours? Hard to find the time? How about early morning?? We are looking for someone to be outside each morning from 7:30-8:15am to greet our bus students. If you are interested please call Linda in the main office - 740-345-4049 x2.
Terra Nova results for grades 2-8 will be sent home with your child tomorrow. Please sign the slip included and return it to the classroom teacher by Wednesday, 12/5, to indicate that you have received your child's envelope.
We are still in need of chairs for the Parish Festival. Both the school and the parish benefit from this annual event. If you are interested please contact the office.
Don't forget to reserve your copy of the 2012-2013 yearbook. Full color and filled with many special events such as the dedication of Michael's Playground, Walk-A-Thon, Christmas Bazaar, and the list goes on! Don't wait to order, extra copies are not guaranteed and sell out very quickly. Get yours now for $24.00.
Yearbook is in desperate need of your St. Francis sponsored sporting event candids. Burn them to a cd or save them to a jump drive and send them to the school office labeled "Attention: YEARBOOK". We also welcome any miscellaneous school candids as well. Contact Gretchen Bjornson,, if you have any questions about submitting images.
Gretchen Bjornson
Terra Nova results for grades 2-8 will be sent home with your child tomorrow. Please sign the slip included and return it to the classroom teacher by Wednesday, 12/5, to indicate that you have received your child's envelope.
We are still in need of chairs for the Parish Festival. Both the school and the parish benefit from this annual event. If you are interested please contact the office.
Don't forget to reserve your copy of the 2012-2013 yearbook. Full color and filled with many special events such as the dedication of Michael's Playground, Walk-A-Thon, Christmas Bazaar, and the list goes on! Don't wait to order, extra copies are not guaranteed and sell out very quickly. Get yours now for $24.00.
Yearbook is in desperate need of your St. Francis sponsored sporting event candids. Burn them to a cd or save them to a jump drive and send them to the school office labeled "Attention: YEARBOOK". We also welcome any miscellaneous school candids as well. Contact Gretchen Bjornson,, if you have any questions about submitting images.
Gretchen Bjornson
Educational Apparel is running a Big inventory reduction sale 11/26-12/1. All in stock merchandise will be an amazing 30% off and we have a lot of inventory. Click here for the flyer.
27 November 2012
Job Opening
St. Francis de Sales Cafeteria Manager - immediate part time position. Requires learning and implementing government requirements for National School Lunch program, ordering food, preparing menus. Computer skills helpful but not required - training will be given on our point of sale system. If interested please call Linda at 740-345-4049 x2.
St. Francis de Sales Cafeteria Manager - immediate part time position. Requires learning and implementing government requirements for National School Lunch program, ordering food, preparing menus. Computer skills helpful but not required - training will be given on our point of sale system. If interested please call Linda at 740-345-4049 x2.
It's not too late to sign up to participate in 'The Advent Bag.' This is a great way to be connected to our school family during the busy season of Advent. Forms were sent home with the November 15th issue of the Weekly Word and can be found in the WW archives. Confirmation of your date to receive the bag will be sent home on Thursday to those who have signed up.
There will be a PTA meeting TONIGHT - Tuesday, 11/27 - night at 6:30 PM in the old Art Room.
There will be a PTA meeting TONIGHT - Tuesday, 11/27 - night at 6:30 PM in the old Art Room.
This will be the last meeting for 2012. Please join us as we plan for the remaining events in this school year!
There will be a pep rally Wednesday night at NC at 7:30pm to support the football team as they compete for the state championship!
Friday, Nov. 30th, will be a free casual day to show support for NC! Students may wear green and white or NC/SFdS spirit wear if possible. Please refer to the handbook for casual day guidelines.
If your child will not be in school Friday please send a note to the office, preferably by Wednesday, so that we can plan accordingly.
19 November 2012
Parking Concerns
When utilizing the small, gravel
parking lot west of 45 Granville St., please park in an orderly fashion. There
have been multiple complaints of parishioners and school parents being blocked
in and cars blocking the “entrance” and “exit” of that small lot. At most, the
lot can hold 8-9 vehicles. Once spring comes, we will be able to re-grade the
lot and hopefully put parking blocks in place. We ask you to exercise caution and
courtesy when parking in this lot. There is plenty of parking available in the
east lot and along the south side of Granville Street during school hours. Thank you for your cooperation.
We hope to see many of our families at our Thanksgiving Prayer Service tomorrow at 1:30pm in the gym. Our Student Council members will be recognized, our strings group will perform, and our preschool and kindergarten classes have planned a surprise! And, of course, we will all get to do the 'Turkey Trot!' The main lot behind the church will be open for parking - please enter and exit from Pearl Street.
12 November 2012
08 November 2012
Weekly Word with attachments 11-08-12
Attachments Included:
• Hurricane relief efforts
• Student Council Food Drive Calendar
• Box Tops/Labels for Education info
• Thanksgiving Prayer Service
Attachments Included:
• Hurricane relief efforts
• Student Council Food Drive Calendar
• Box Tops/Labels for Education info
• Thanksgiving Prayer Service
05 November 2012
Tonight! Join us for 'Healthy Eats and Music Treats' - vote on new meal ideas for our lunch menu!
5:30pm - Families entering the cooking contest can drop off their food in the cafeteria.
5:45pm - 'Music Treats' begins in Multi-Purpose Room with Mrs. Rodenberger. Come enjoy our beautiful Orff instruments and 'compose' with your child! During this time judges will vote for the 'Judge's Choice' Award.
6:30pm - sample cooking contest entries and vote for your favorite! Dinner is available for purchase, courtesy of our Boys Scouts.
Dinner = shredded chicken sandwich OR sloppy joe sandwich OR hot dog
fresh popcorn, drink
All for the low price of $2.50 (no more than $10.00 for a family of more than 4!)
While families are eating dinner, we will tally the 'People's Choice' votes and then winners will be announced!
We will also announce the winners of our WE fundraising drive!
Hope to see you there for a fun evening of good food, music and fellowship!
NOTE: Boy Scout meeting will follow this event!
There will also be a Bazaar Meeting following...
The Holiday Bazaar is aproaching fast!
We could still use the following items:
We are in need of bake items to sell and also people to man the table with us. Please contact
Janelle Hamilton ( or
Audra Brothers (
White Elephant items or to volunteer to help set up or work the bazaar: contact Mike or Joni @323-5865 or 345-5625.
Items for the Children's Raffle and/or the Chinese Raffle contact the main office - 740-345-4049.
Items for 'Baskets of Joy': send to your child's classroom.
Thank you for helping to provide another year of bazaar fun for our families!!
5:30pm - Families entering the cooking contest can drop off their food in the cafeteria.
5:45pm - 'Music Treats' begins in Multi-Purpose Room with Mrs. Rodenberger. Come enjoy our beautiful Orff instruments and 'compose' with your child! During this time judges will vote for the 'Judge's Choice' Award.
6:30pm - sample cooking contest entries and vote for your favorite! Dinner is available for purchase, courtesy of our Boys Scouts.
Dinner = shredded chicken sandwich OR sloppy joe sandwich OR hot dog
fresh popcorn, drink
All for the low price of $2.50 (no more than $10.00 for a family of more than 4!)
While families are eating dinner, we will tally the 'People's Choice' votes and then winners will be announced!
We will also announce the winners of our WE fundraising drive!
Hope to see you there for a fun evening of good food, music and fellowship!
NOTE: Boy Scout meeting will follow this event!
There will also be a Bazaar Meeting following...
The Holiday Bazaar is aproaching fast!
We could still use the following items:
We are in need of bake items to sell and also people to man the table with us. Please contact
Janelle Hamilton ( or
Audra Brothers (
White Elephant items or to volunteer to help set up or work the bazaar: contact Mike or Joni @323-5865 or 345-5625.
Items for the Children's Raffle and/or the Chinese Raffle contact the main office - 740-345-4049.
Items for 'Baskets of Joy': send to your child's classroom.
Thank you for helping to provide another year of bazaar fun for our families!!
02 November 2012
Weekly Word with attachments 11-01-12
Attachments Included:
• Christmas Program info, grades 1 & 2
• Bazaar T-shirt order form
• Bazaar donations needed
• November cafeteria lunch menu
Attachments Included:
• Christmas Program info, grades 1 & 2
• Bazaar T-shirt order form
• Bazaar donations needed
• November cafeteria lunch menu
29 October 2012
26 October 2012
Volunteer Hour Update Reports
Dear St. Francis Families and Supporters,
Each quarter, we like to send an update to our families to let them know where they are with their volunteer hours. The update that was expected to go home with report cards next week will be delayed.
As some of you may know, one person serves as the Volunteer Hour Coordinator and keeps track of all of the hours that are submitted to us from each organization, function and activity. Michelle Burd has served in this role for the last 3 years and has been a huge help to me by keeping track of these hours and logging them into a database.
Michelle approached me yesterday and asked that I make everyone aware that her family is currently faced with a medical trial and because of that, she will not be able to provide the report to me in time to generate letters home that show the number of hours to date. Michelle has indicated that she will have the remaining hours logged and ready to email to me by the end of November. As soon as we are able to issue a letter home, we will do so. Michelle and I do ask for your patience as we work toward completing the data entry process so that you can have an updated tally of hours served.
If you have any questions, you are welcome to contact me at 345-9874 ext 235 or via email to Michelle can be reached at
Thank you for understanding and have a blessed weekend.
Amber McCracken
Each quarter, we like to send an update to our families to let them know where they are with their volunteer hours. The update that was expected to go home with report cards next week will be delayed.
As some of you may know, one person serves as the Volunteer Hour Coordinator and keeps track of all of the hours that are submitted to us from each organization, function and activity. Michelle Burd has served in this role for the last 3 years and has been a huge help to me by keeping track of these hours and logging them into a database.
Michelle approached me yesterday and asked that I make everyone aware that her family is currently faced with a medical trial and because of that, she will not be able to provide the report to me in time to generate letters home that show the number of hours to date. Michelle has indicated that she will have the remaining hours logged and ready to email to me by the end of November. As soon as we are able to issue a letter home, we will do so. Michelle and I do ask for your patience as we work toward completing the data entry process so that you can have an updated tally of hours served.
If you have any questions, you are welcome to contact me at 345-9874 ext 235 or via email to Michelle can be reached at
Thank you for understanding and have a blessed weekend.
Amber McCracken
Holiday Bazaar T- shirt contest and Bazaar info (page was missing in yesterday's post)
Junior High boys basketball conditioning starts Monday October 29, 2012 in the St. Francis gym. 7th grade boys should attend from 6:00-7:30 and 8th grade boys from 7:30-9:00. Anyone interested in playing should attend.
Questions? Contact 8th grade coach Brad Feightner (740-334-7456) or 7th grade coach Ken Kent (740-973-1496).
Junior High boys basketball conditioning starts Monday October 29, 2012 in the St. Francis gym. 7th grade boys should attend from 6:00-7:30 and 8th grade boys from 7:30-9:00. Anyone interested in playing should attend.
Questions? Contact 8th grade coach Brad Feightner (740-334-7456) or 7th grade coach Ken Kent (740-973-1496).
25 October 2012
Weekly Word with attachments 10-25-12
Attachments Included:
• Red Ribbon Week activities (on reverse)
• Event Reminders
• Holiday Bazaar T- shirt contest and Bazaar info
• Rewards Checklist -Easy ways to help our school!
Attachments Included:
• Red Ribbon Week activities (on reverse)
• Event Reminders
• Holiday Bazaar T- shirt contest and Bazaar info
• Rewards Checklist -Easy ways to help our school!
22 October 2012
Reminder: Tuesday night, 10/23 - PTA meeting, 7pm in old Art Room (across from elevator in basement of Lamy Center). Please join us to discuss our upcoming Balloon Bash, Trunk or Treat, Cooking Contest, and Holiday Bazaar!
Spaces are filling up fast for our TRUNK or TREAT!!! Be sure to reserve your SPOT in the LOT by Wednesday, 10/24. We are looking forward to a fun-filled evening! Remember - no need to worry about dinner! Just pre-order your pizza and it will be there for your family to enjoy. We will also have fresh popcorn, beverages, candy, coloring books, and other goodies. Who knows - we may even have some surprise guests!!!
While you are filling out your reservation form for Trunk or Treat, we hope you will also register for our very first FAMILY COOKING CONTEST - Healthy Eats and Music Treats! Families are invited to enter a healthy entree, side dish or dessert that may make it to our lunch menu. We have exciting guest judges coming - Eric Mason (owner of The Grill, Chop House, and Pappy's Grill), Bill Doehring, chef at Mitchell's Steak House in Columbus, and Matt Schenk, head chef/teacher at Columbus Culinary Institute! While the judges are judging, Mrs. Rodenberger will lead our families in a fun session composing music and using our Orff instruments. See the flyer sent home last Thursday and posted here on our Scoop.
Trick or Treat Safety Tips
Spaces are filling up fast for our TRUNK or TREAT!!! Be sure to reserve your SPOT in the LOT by Wednesday, 10/24. We are looking forward to a fun-filled evening! Remember - no need to worry about dinner! Just pre-order your pizza and it will be there for your family to enjoy. We will also have fresh popcorn, beverages, candy, coloring books, and other goodies. Who knows - we may even have some surprise guests!!!
While you are filling out your reservation form for Trunk or Treat, we hope you will also register for our very first FAMILY COOKING CONTEST - Healthy Eats and Music Treats! Families are invited to enter a healthy entree, side dish or dessert that may make it to our lunch menu. We have exciting guest judges coming - Eric Mason (owner of The Grill, Chop House, and Pappy's Grill), Bill Doehring, chef at Mitchell's Steak House in Columbus, and Matt Schenk, head chef/teacher at Columbus Culinary Institute! While the judges are judging, Mrs. Rodenberger will lead our families in a fun session composing music and using our Orff instruments. See the flyer sent home last Thursday and posted here on our Scoop.
Trick or Treat Safety Tips
18 October 2012
Weekly Word with attachments 10-18-12
Attachments Included:
• Heisey Wind Ensemble
• November Prayer Leaves
• REVISED Trunk or Treat
• REVISED Healthy Eats/Music Treats
• Coke Rewards
Attachments Included:
• Heisey Wind Ensemble
• November Prayer Leaves
• REVISED Trunk or Treat
• REVISED Healthy Eats/Music Treats
• Coke Rewards
17 October 2012
Hope everyone is clipping and saving box tops and labels for education. Please don’t forget to send them in with your child by Oct 26th.
Also, we have a chance to earn an extra 100 Bonus Points from Labels for Education. All you have to do is send in the barcodes off the following magazines you have purchased from the store! Easy points! The qualifying magazines are: People, Real Simple, Time, All You, Cooking Light, Southern Living, and Health. When you clip these barcodes, if you can somehow write the name of the magazine, maybe on the back of the label, that would help me know if they qualify. Thank you for supporting our school and if you have any questions please feel free to email me at or contact me on my cell at 740-334-9310.
16 October 2012
The 7th grade girls beat Licking Valley in the volleyball semi-finals last night, which advanced them to the finals for the championship tonight at Granville Middle School at 5:00 against Granville. The 8th grade girls will play for the championship as well, following the 7th. We would love to see a crowd to cheer them on!!!
15 October 2012
The 8th grade Volleyball team beat Bexley and Lakewood in the first 2 rounds of the MSL tournament on Saturday. They will play in the championship game on Tuesday at 6:00 against Granville at Granville Middle School. We could use a big crowd to support the girls.
The 7th grade will play in the semi-finals Monday at 5:00 at Licking Valley Middle School.
Safety Letter 10-15-12
The 7th grade will play in the semi-finals Monday at 5:00 at Licking Valley Middle School.
Safety Letter 10-15-12
11 October 2012
Weekly Word with attachments 10-11-12
Attachments Included:
• Free Dyslexia Seminar
• Book Fair volunteers
• Volleyball Tournament
• Information on non-public bussing
• ‘Healthy Eats and Music Treats’ flyers
Scholastic Online Bookfair Link
Attachments Included:
• Free Dyslexia Seminar
• Book Fair volunteers
• Volleyball Tournament
• Information on non-public bussing
• ‘Healthy Eats and Music Treats’ flyers
Scholastic Online Bookfair Link
05 October 2012
04 October 2012
Weekly Word with attachments 10-04-12
Attachments Included:
• Flu Season
• Box Tops Packet
• Labels for Education Packet
• Revised Oct/Nov calendar pages
• Trunk or Treat
Attachments Included:
• Flu Season
• Box Tops Packet
• Labels for Education Packet
• Revised Oct/Nov calendar pages
• Trunk or Treat
28 September 2012
27 September 2012
The rain today did not dampen the spirits of our students, staff and guests as we watched orange balloons fly off into the distance! Our celebration of Michael's life and joy was truly wonderful. There are not enough ways to say 'thank you' to ALL the people involved in getting 'Michael's Playground' completed, whether it be by contributing their time, their talent, or their treasure! An especially big THANK YOU to Maura Urban and her committee! God certainly did rain down His blessings on us today!!
And to close out Catholic Schools Week, we look forward to our Walk for Education tomorrow. Students who earned a T-shirt received them today. We will be double checking our records tonight. If you believe that your child should have received a T-shirt but did not, please send a note to the office in the morning. We did order some extras to be safe.
Due to the generosity of some anonymous donors, EVERY child will receive a WE water bottle! We have also received a few extra prizes, so the names of students who did get at least one pledge will go into a drawing for those. Students can still bring pledges in tomorrow. We also have lots of door prizes!
If you need a copy of your child's pledge sheet please let us now. We will determine our top fundraising winners after all the pledges and donations have been received. Also, those students who earned a free casual day pass will receive that next week.
And to close out Catholic Schools Week, we look forward to our Walk for Education tomorrow. Students who earned a T-shirt received them today. We will be double checking our records tonight. If you believe that your child should have received a T-shirt but did not, please send a note to the office in the morning. We did order some extras to be safe.
Due to the generosity of some anonymous donors, EVERY child will receive a WE water bottle! We have also received a few extra prizes, so the names of students who did get at least one pledge will go into a drawing for those. Students can still bring pledges in tomorrow. We also have lots of door prizes!
If you need a copy of your child's pledge sheet please let us now. We will determine our top fundraising winners after all the pledges and donations have been received. Also, those students who earned a free casual day pass will receive that next week.
26 September 2012
REMINDER: Tomorrow is an All School Liturgy at 9:00am, followed by the blessing and dedication of Michael's Playground.
Students may dress casually. Each student should bring a beach towel to sit on outside. Weather permitting, we will have a picnic lunch from 10:45 - 11:45am.
Continuing our celebration of Catholic Schools Week, we will have our Walk for Education on Friday. Volunteers should check in at the table near the gym on Friday morning. A letter was sent home yesterday to those who volunteered (ask your child!). It was also posted on the Scoop today. Please remember that the Diocese of Columbus requires all volunteers to attend a Protecting God's Children workshop and to have a background check (BCI) done. We must have a copy of both forms on file in the school office along with a volunteer information form. Please call Linda in the main office if you have further questions.
Students may dress casually. Each student should bring a beach towel to sit on outside. Weather permitting, we will have a picnic lunch from 10:45 - 11:45am.
Continuing our celebration of Catholic Schools Week, we will have our Walk for Education on Friday. Volunteers should check in at the table near the gym on Friday morning. A letter was sent home yesterday to those who volunteered (ask your child!). It was also posted on the Scoop today. Please remember that the Diocese of Columbus requires all volunteers to attend a Protecting God's Children workshop and to have a background check (BCI) done. We must have a copy of both forms on file in the school office along with a volunteer information form. Please call Linda in the main office if you have further questions.
25 September 2012
20 September 2012
Weekly Word with attachments 09-20-12
Attachments Included:
•Michael’s Playground Blessing/Dedication Information
As mentioned in study hall today, Apple iOS6 is now available. All of the apps that we have been using are compatible with the new release (may require app updates). I noticed that the updates took quite some time to complete, so if you decide to update (not required), I would wait until the weekend to run them. If you have any questions or concerns, let me know.
Dave Stenson
Attachments Included:
•Michael’s Playground Blessing/Dedication Information
As mentioned in study hall today, Apple iOS6 is now available. All of the apps that we have been using are compatible with the new release (may require app updates). I noticed that the updates took quite some time to complete, so if you decide to update (not required), I would wait until the weekend to run them. If you have any questions or concerns, let me know.
Dave Stenson
18 September 2012
WE update:
Thank you to ALL of our sponsors and donors for the Walk for Education!!! Our families are doing a terrific job!!!!
A few important reminders:
We would like for all of our students to earn a St. Francis water bottle. All it takes is ONE pledge or donation. No amount is too small!!
Any class that has 100% participation from the students will earn a 'Balloon Bash' in the playground in October!!
LAST CALL for T-shirts before the walk! Students can continue to work towards earning prizes right up to the day of the walk (9/28). However, if you want to receive your T-shirt to wear that day, we must have your pledges/donations by tomorrow (Wednesday). While students can earn a T-shirt after tomorrow, we can't guarantee delivery before 9/28.
Thank you to ALL of our sponsors and donors for the Walk for Education!!! Our families are doing a terrific job!!!!
A few important reminders:
We would like for all of our students to earn a St. Francis water bottle. All it takes is ONE pledge or donation. No amount is too small!!
Any class that has 100% participation from the students will earn a 'Balloon Bash' in the playground in October!!
LAST CALL for T-shirts before the walk! Students can continue to work towards earning prizes right up to the day of the walk (9/28). However, if you want to receive your T-shirt to wear that day, we must have your pledges/donations by tomorrow (Wednesday). While students can earn a T-shirt after tomorrow, we can't guarantee delivery before 9/28.
14 September 2012
THERE'S STILL TIME to earn your 'WE' T-shirt! Some of our families forgot to send in their forms today so we will accept T-shirt orders for the Walk for Education on Monday, 9/17.
Please remember that pledges/donations should total $55.00 for the first T-shirt ordered, $35.00 for the second, $25.00 for the 3rd, and $15.00 for any additional shirts needed. This includes shirts for adult volunteers as well. For example, if you have one child who has earned a T-shirt with $55.00 in sponsorship, a parent can 'earn' a T-shirt for $35.00. If you have 2 children who have earned a shirt, a parent can get one for $25.00. If you have 3 children who have earned a shirt, a parent can get one for $15.00.
It is our goal to have EVERY child receive a water bottle and be entered into a prize drawing, so if you have not participated yet, please remember 'ALL IT TAKES IS ONE PLEDGE.'
We will continue to accept pledges right up until the Walk on 9/28, and donations any time! Thank you so much to those who have already supported this new and exciting event! There is still time to volunteer as well. Just send your slip into the office next week!
The deadline for 3rd - 5th grade students to sign up for Book Club has been extended to next Friday, Sept. 21st. For more information see the flyer posted with last week's Weekly Word. Those interested can email Bernadette Bloom at or Becky Howard at
Please remember that pledges/donations should total $55.00 for the first T-shirt ordered, $35.00 for the second, $25.00 for the 3rd, and $15.00 for any additional shirts needed. This includes shirts for adult volunteers as well. For example, if you have one child who has earned a T-shirt with $55.00 in sponsorship, a parent can 'earn' a T-shirt for $35.00. If you have 2 children who have earned a shirt, a parent can get one for $25.00. If you have 3 children who have earned a shirt, a parent can get one for $15.00.
It is our goal to have EVERY child receive a water bottle and be entered into a prize drawing, so if you have not participated yet, please remember 'ALL IT TAKES IS ONE PLEDGE.'
We will continue to accept pledges right up until the Walk on 9/28, and donations any time! Thank you so much to those who have already supported this new and exciting event! There is still time to volunteer as well. Just send your slip into the office next week!
The deadline for 3rd - 5th grade students to sign up for Book Club has been extended to next Friday, Sept. 21st. For more information see the flyer posted with last week's Weekly Word. Those interested can email Bernadette Bloom at or Becky Howard at
13 September 2012
Weekly Word with attachments 09-13-12
Attachments Included:
•Revised Walk for Education Prize Flyer
•Shoe Policy
•Dedication of ‘Michael’s Playground’ Response Form
Attachments Included:
•Revised Walk for Education Prize Flyer
•Shoe Policy
•Dedication of ‘Michael’s Playground’ Response Form
10 September 2012
*aka - Walk for Education
In order to accomodate our families with more than one student, the committee has decided to revise the dollar amounts for earning a T-shirt:
$55.00 in pledges/donations for the 1st child to earn a T-shirt
$35.00 in pledges/donations for the 2nd child to earn a T-shirt
$25.00 in pledges/donations for the 3rd child to earn a T-shirt
$15.00 in pledges/donations for any others after that to earn a T-shirt
Please remember that if you want to ensure a T-shirt prior to the walk, those pledges/donations need to be received in the office by this Friday.
Remember - for EACH child:
Just 1 pledge/donation earns a prize - a St. Francis water bottle!
5 pledges/donations earns a free casual day pass!
The class with the highest percentage of participation earns a 'Balloon Bash!'
See the prize flyer sent home and posted last week for other prizes.
Help us promote physical fitness while raising funds for our school. Together WE can!!
*aka - Walk for Education
In order to accomodate our families with more than one student, the committee has decided to revise the dollar amounts for earning a T-shirt:
$55.00 in pledges/donations for the 1st child to earn a T-shirt
$35.00 in pledges/donations for the 2nd child to earn a T-shirt
$25.00 in pledges/donations for the 3rd child to earn a T-shirt
$15.00 in pledges/donations for any others after that to earn a T-shirt
Please remember that if you want to ensure a T-shirt prior to the walk, those pledges/donations need to be received in the office by this Friday.
Remember - for EACH child:
Just 1 pledge/donation earns a prize - a St. Francis water bottle!
5 pledges/donations earns a free casual day pass!
The class with the highest percentage of participation earns a 'Balloon Bash!'
See the prize flyer sent home and posted last week for other prizes.
Help us promote physical fitness while raising funds for our school. Together WE can!!
07 September 2012
Hope to see our families at the noon Mass on Sunday. Bishop Campbell will be joining us to celebrate the 125th anniversary of our parish!
The full September Lunch menu can be found here.
It's not too late! Still interested in strings, but missed the meeting? Contact Mrs. Rodenberger at for an information packet. Beginning classes start next Monday the 10th. Thanks!
The full September Lunch menu can be found here.
It's not too late! Still interested in strings, but missed the meeting? Contact Mrs. Rodenberger at for an information packet. Beginning classes start next Monday the 10th. Thanks!
06 September 2012
Weekly Word with attachments 09-06-12
Attachments Included:
•TRIP Information
•Student Insurance Flyer
•PGC Curriculum Pamphlet
•September Lunch Menu
•SFDS Walk for Education Flyer
•SFDS Walk for Education Corp Sponsors Flyer
•Art Club Flyer
•Book Club Flyer
Attachments Included:
•TRIP Information
•Student Insurance Flyer
•PGC Curriculum Pamphlet
•September Lunch Menu
•SFDS Walk for Education Flyer
•SFDS Walk for Education Corp Sponsors Flyer
•Art Club Flyer
•Book Club Flyer
05 September 2012
04 September 2012
31 August 2012
Don’t Miss the Opportunity for Corporate Sponsorship of St Francis de Sales Walk for Education
As friends and families are gearing-up for our first Walk for Education (WE) to be held on September 28, 2012, we would like to extend an invitation to your company to become a Corporate Sponsor.
This is a great opportunity to support a fundraising event that brings together the promotion of good health and physical fitness for St. Francis students.
The sponsorship will not only provide name recognition for your company on the WE advertisement flyers, but will also be acknowledged in the parish church bulletins. We see this as the perfect opportunity for your company not only to be recognized as a local contributor but also as a supporter of ‘FITNESS can be FUN’ for families.
Your corporate support of the 2012 Walk for Education helps promote the success of St. Francis School. Sponsoring the 2012 Walk this fall is an opportunity your company cannot afford to miss!
We have the following Sponsorship opportunities for your convenience:
Platinum WE Saints $150.00+
Golden WE Saints $100.00 - $149.00
WE Saint Supporters $75.00 - $99.00
WE Saint Friends Up to $74.00
Please do not hesitate to contact the school WE coordinator, Brooke McKenna - - for further details about sponsoring the 2012 Walk for Education!
Click here to download the registration form
As friends and families are gearing-up for our first Walk for Education (WE) to be held on September 28, 2012, we would like to extend an invitation to your company to become a Corporate Sponsor.
This is a great opportunity to support a fundraising event that brings together the promotion of good health and physical fitness for St. Francis students.
The sponsorship will not only provide name recognition for your company on the WE advertisement flyers, but will also be acknowledged in the parish church bulletins. We see this as the perfect opportunity for your company not only to be recognized as a local contributor but also as a supporter of ‘FITNESS can be FUN’ for families.
Your corporate support of the 2012 Walk for Education helps promote the success of St. Francis School. Sponsoring the 2012 Walk this fall is an opportunity your company cannot afford to miss!
We have the following Sponsorship opportunities for your convenience:
Platinum WE Saints $150.00+
Golden WE Saints $100.00 - $149.00
WE Saint Supporters $75.00 - $99.00
WE Saint Friends Up to $74.00
Please do not hesitate to contact the school WE coordinator, Brooke McKenna - - for further details about sponsoring the 2012 Walk for Education!
Click here to download the registration form
30 August 2012
Weekly Word with attachments 08-30-12
•St. Francis Fitness Walk Flyer
•St. Francis Fitness Walk T-Shirt Form
•St. Francis Fitness Walk Flyer
•St. Francis Fitness Walk T-Shirt Form
29 August 2012
MySchoolBucks - Update
The online prepayment system issues should be resolved now. If you continue to experience any problems, let me know. Thanks again for your patience during the transition.
Dave Stenson -
740.345.4049 ext 237
The online prepayment system issues should be resolved now. If you continue to experience any problems, let me know. Thanks again for your patience during the transition.
Dave Stenson -
740.345.4049 ext 237
28 August 2012
Attention 5th Grade and New 6-8th Families : The Beginning Strings
Information and Instrument Sizing Meeting will be Thursday, September 6th
from 6-7:30pm in the Multi-Purpose Room. Stop in at your convenience!
Contact Mrs.Rodenberger with questions:
Please do not park in the adoration lot at dismissal time. Parents waiting to pick up students should be in the Pearl Street line. Thank you.
Information and Instrument Sizing Meeting will be Thursday, September 6th
from 6-7:30pm in the Multi-Purpose Room. Stop in at your convenience!
Contact Mrs.Rodenberger with questions:
Please do not park in the adoration lot at dismissal time. Parents waiting to pick up students should be in the Pearl Street line. Thank you.
27 August 2012
You're Invited! Please come to the first PTA meeting of the school year
tomorrow night at 7:00 PM in Conference Room B in the basement of the Lamy Center. We will be discussing all the
planned events for the year among other things. Everyone is welcome to
See you tomorrow night!
Please remember to label ALL of your child's belongings. There are a number of lunch boxes that do not have names in them. Also, students bringing lunch in a paper bag should have their name on it.
If you are sending money to school, please put it in an envelope marked with your child's name and class, and what the money is for - this will help us to credit it correctly. Thank you!
24 August 2012
MySchoolBucks - Update
The cause of the problems have been identified by support. The upper tier of Nutrikids/MySchoolBucks support are working to remedy the issues. I appreciate your patience and apologize for any inconvenience.
In the meantime you may make payments via cash or check, which should be made payable to the St. Francis de Sales School. Please write your child’s full name and student ID on the check or envelope.
The cause of the problems have been identified by support. The upper tier of Nutrikids/MySchoolBucks support are working to remedy the issues. I appreciate your patience and apologize for any inconvenience.
In the meantime you may make payments via cash or check, which should be made payable to the St. Francis de Sales School. Please write your child’s full name and student ID on the check or envelope.
22 August 2012
MySchoolBucks - Update
There are still ongoing issues with some accounts that are being looked into by MySchoolBucks support. I appreciate your patience and apologize for any inconvenience.
In the meantime you may make payments via cash or check, which should be made payable to the St. Francis de Sales School. Please write your child’s full name and student ID on the check or envelope.
The lunch menu for the remainder of the week can be found here:
There are still ongoing issues with some accounts that are being looked into by MySchoolBucks support. I appreciate your patience and apologize for any inconvenience.
In the meantime you may make payments via cash or check, which should be made payable to the St. Francis de Sales School. Please write your child’s full name and student ID on the check or envelope.
The lunch menu for the remainder of the week can be found here:
21 August 2012
MySchoolBucks - Checkout
There has been another bug reported, where in some cases after adding money to a students account, proceeding to the checkout shows a different accounts name (some sort of non-live demo account name). If you notice a name that is not your child's, do not proceed in checking out. Please logoff, and send me an e-mail ( with your students name and ID# so that I can contact support.
I appreciate your patience as we work out these transitional issues.
There has been another bug reported, where in some cases after adding money to a students account, proceeding to the checkout shows a different accounts name (some sort of non-live demo account name). If you notice a name that is not your child's, do not proceed in checking out. Please logoff, and send me an e-mail ( with your students name and ID# so that I can contact support.
I appreciate your patience as we work out these transitional issues.
20 August 2012
MySchoolBucks Bug
There is currently an issue with some of the new students that were added into the online prepayment system for the 2012-13 year. You may be getting an error that the student can't be found when trying to add them to your "My Household".
This error show didn't up until after the migration to the new prepayment went live yesterday. There is an open support ticket that has been escalated, so the issue should be resolved soon. Thank you for your patience and I apologize for any inconvenience.
There is currently an issue with some of the new students that were added into the online prepayment system for the 2012-13 year. You may be getting an error that the student can't be found when trying to add them to your "My Household".
This error show didn't up until after the migration to the new prepayment went live yesterday. There is an open support ticket that has been escalated, so the issue should be resolved soon. Thank you for your patience and I apologize for any inconvenience.
Apple iPad Information Page
Here is a link to some information regarding the iPads (including a link to a full manual):
The page will be transitioning to an actual site specifically designed for mobile device access in the future.
Here is a link to some information regarding the iPads (including a link to a full manual):
The page will be transitioning to an actual site specifically designed for mobile device access in the future.
16 August 2012
The class lists for 2012-13 are now available online here (from the main school website, they are listed under Publications).
Student iPad Distribution
If you ordered an iPad and/or case, they will be available Sunday August 19th after the 12:30pm 6th-8th grade meeting in Johnson Hall. If you are unable to attend, they will be available Tuesday from 8am-12:00pm, or by appointment only. A parent/guardian (person who placed the order) must sign upon receipt of the iPad and/or case.
If you ordered an iPad and/or case, they will be available Sunday August 19th after the 12:30pm 6th-8th grade meeting in Johnson Hall. If you are unable to attend, they will be available Tuesday from 8am-12:00pm, or by appointment only. A parent/guardian (person who placed the order) must sign upon receipt of the iPad and/or case.
15 August 2012
City of Newark is paving Granville Street this week. We were unaware that our
immediate area would be affected by the paving. Granville St is currently
closed. At the same time, we are in the process of doing parking lot repairs and
re-sealing the lots. This will create some headaches over the next few days.
For today, the main back lot is OPEN. This is where you should park when coming to Holy Day Mass tonight. All other asphalt lots will be closed. It is best to come down Church St., North on 6th St., cross Granville St. and down Pearl St. to the back lot.
For tomorrow, the main back lot will be CLOSED. Please park in the lots across the street. It is best to come down Church St., North on 6th St. and park in the lots via the alley.
Thank you for your patience!
Hope to see you all at Open House on Sunday!
For today, the main back lot is OPEN. This is where you should park when coming to Holy Day Mass tonight. All other asphalt lots will be closed. It is best to come down Church St., North on 6th St., cross Granville St. and down Pearl St. to the back lot.
For tomorrow, the main back lot will be CLOSED. Please park in the lots across the street. It is best to come down Church St., North on 6th St. and park in the lots via the alley.
Thank you for your patience!
Hope to see you all at Open House on Sunday!
14 August 2012
Protecting God’s Children Session
Newark Catholic High School will host a Protecting God’s Children Session on Saturday, August 18th starting promptly at 9:00am and last until 12noon. The session will be held in the school cafeteria. Please go to to register. Fingerprinting for BCI and/or FBI will be conducted following the session at 12noon, also in the school cafeteria. Fees for the fingerprinting are $37 for BCI or $70 for BCI/FBI. Cash, Check or Visa/MasterCard accepted.
Newark Catholic High School will host a Protecting God’s Children Session on Saturday, August 18th starting promptly at 9:00am and last until 12noon. The session will be held in the school cafeteria. Please go to to register. Fingerprinting for BCI and/or FBI will be conducted following the session at 12noon, also in the school cafeteria. Fees for the fingerprinting are $37 for BCI or $70 for BCI/FBI. Cash, Check or Visa/MasterCard accepted.
13 August 2012
We have an urgent need for volunteers this week to get the school ready! Typically in the summer, we have 2-3 Seminarians or other summer help. This year, we were only able to have one and now he has left to go back to Seminary. So a big shout out to Pushkar Baum for being with us this summer!
We need muscles and able bodies to help move desk and chairs from classrooms and to and from storage. This would be great for National Honor Society hours or Confirmation hours. Unfortunately, the work has to be done between 8am and 2pm during this week. If you can help, call Christy at 345-9874 ext 224.
We need muscles and able bodies to help move desk and chairs from classrooms and to and from storage. This would be great for National Honor Society hours or Confirmation hours. Unfortunately, the work has to be done between 8am and 2pm during this week. If you can help, call Christy at 345-9874 ext 224.
08 August 2012
Cafeteria Online Prepayment Changes
Dear Nutrikids Customer,
We are excited to announce that as part of the Heartland School Solutions team, NUTRIKIDS® POS will now provide online payment capabilities for school meals through our mySchoolBucks™ website ( The mySchoolBucks solution provides a number of benefits and is already live in thousands of schools throughout the United States.
There are no licensing or other fees for your school district for the mySchoolBucks service. The convenience fee for cafeteria account deposits will increase to $1.95, which will cover all deposits made within a single transaction.
District staff members and parents with an existing MyKids online account will be able to access their new mySchoolBucks account with the same login information. They will not be required to reregister on the mySchoolBucks site.
More information is available here:
Student ID information will be on a handout distributed at open house. The service will be allow prepayments starting August 19th, 2012.
Dear Nutrikids Customer,
We are excited to announce that as part of the Heartland School Solutions team, NUTRIKIDS® POS will now provide online payment capabilities for school meals through our mySchoolBucks™ website ( The mySchoolBucks solution provides a number of benefits and is already live in thousands of schools throughout the United States.
There are no licensing or other fees for your school district for the mySchoolBucks service. The convenience fee for cafeteria account deposits will increase to $1.95, which will cover all deposits made within a single transaction.
District staff members and parents with an existing MyKids online account will be able to access their new mySchoolBucks account with the same login information. They will not be required to reregister on the mySchoolBucks site.
More information is available here:
Student ID information will be on a handout distributed at open house. The service will be allow prepayments starting August 19th, 2012.
07 August 2012
Attention Strings Parents: There will not be advanced (6th-8th Grade) strings classes during the first week of school August 22-24 to allow students to adjust to school again. Please watch for paperwork and information to be sent home. 5th Grade strings parent night will be scheduled soon - watch for more information to come!
Need Volunteer or Confirmation hours? Mrs. Rodenberger is in need of helping hands in the music room for general instrument maintenance and cleaning on Monday, August 13th from 9am-12pm. No experience necessary - bring any disinfectant wipes, rags, pliers, wood glue, or tack hammers that you have to help! Please contact Mrs. Rodenberger if you plan to come so that she can plan ahead
Need Volunteer or Confirmation hours? Mrs. Rodenberger is in need of helping hands in the music room for general instrument maintenance and cleaning on Monday, August 13th from 9am-12pm. No experience necessary - bring any disinfectant wipes, rags, pliers, wood glue, or tack hammers that you have to help! Please contact Mrs. Rodenberger if you plan to come so that she can plan ahead
25 July 2012
Just a Reminder...
The financial agreements to purchase the iPads and cases were mailed home on 7/13/2012. Your signed financial agreement is due into the office no later than this Friday at 11 a.m. If we do not have your signed agreement on file by this time, then we will not be able to order an iPad for you. You may email a PDF of your signed agreement to or fax it to 740-345-5481 which is the direct fax line to the accounting office.
The financial agreements to purchase the iPads and cases were mailed home on 7/13/2012. Your signed financial agreement is due into the office no later than this Friday at 11 a.m. If we do not have your signed agreement on file by this time, then we will not be able to order an iPad for you. You may email a PDF of your signed agreement to or fax it to 740-345-5481 which is the direct fax line to the accounting office.
17 July 2012
Please pray for the Bruah family. Saylor will be entering Kindergarten in August. She and her baby brother (15 months old) and mom, Tabitha, lost their home in a recent fire. We are accepting gift cards and/or money to help the family through this difficult time. Items can be mailed to the SCHOOL OFFICE. Please be sure to include a brief note or write the name Bruah on the memo line of your check.
In August we will post a list of things the family may need. If you have any gently used uniforms - size 6-6x jumper, blouse, shorts, slacks - we would love to pass them on to Saylor.
For parents of 6th, 7th, and 8th grade students - we are no longer taking orders for Ipads.
In August we will post a list of things the family may need. If you have any gently used uniforms - size 6-6x jumper, blouse, shorts, slacks - we would love to pass them on to Saylor.
For parents of 6th, 7th, and 8th grade students - we are no longer taking orders for Ipads.
16 July 2012
Dear 6th, 7th and 8th Grade Parents: Due to the time limitations to turn around the orders and to configure the iPads so that they are ready for the first day of school we are no longer accepting orders for iPads. Parents who have ordered an iPad will receive their invoice this week. Please review the payment contract carefully and return to Amber McCracken at: 66 Granville Street Newark, OH 43055, via fax to 740-345-5481 or via email to
13 July 2012
Thank you to all of the families who have asked really good questions! It helps us to clarify our new and exciting technology!
Mr. Stenson answers more Ipad questions:
What type of class assignments, projects, etc. will students be doing with the ipad?
The iPads will be used to expand upon the success we had last year with our set of shared netbooks (the classroom set that we had was consistently booked for use). The iPads have since matured enough to be better utilized in the school environment, making them the choice of the next generation of that concept.
There will be some productivity apps installed (pages, keynote etc.). They would be used for mutli-media projects and presentations, recording/editing audio and video, creating digital stories, and
collaboration via Google Apps for Education. We'll have an iTunes-U channel that will be used for created and shared content.
The exciting thing is that there are applications that can potentially be utilized for just about any subject. As we move forward in using them on a regular basis, there will surely be many more creative ways that come with experience.
Will apps like Facebook, Netflix etc. be accessible at school?
The iPads will be configured to use the schools wireless network which uses the same internet connection filtering that is in place for the entire network. All of the sites that have been and are currently blocked will remain that way, so that those apps will not function correctly while at school.
Will the software be compatible with their flash drives and what they do at home?
The iPad isn't really replacing desktop or laptop computers, it is complementing existing technology.
We will be utilizing online (cloud) storage solutions so that saved files can be shared between home and school and different devices (i.e. iPad and PC).
The main applications are compatible via import and export functions (i.e. Pages or Google Apps to Word). If we run into a case where something doesn't translate correctly, we can still pull it up on the appropriate platform (which is something we have always had to deal with due to multiple platforms being available).
Will their textbooks be available through these tablets?
Currently some of our text books are available via a web browser. At this time we are waiting on the publishers to make their e-book offerings available to the K-8 market.
Mr. Stenson answers more Ipad questions:
What type of class assignments, projects, etc. will students be doing with the ipad?
The iPads will be used to expand upon the success we had last year with our set of shared netbooks (the classroom set that we had was consistently booked for use). The iPads have since matured enough to be better utilized in the school environment, making them the choice of the next generation of that concept.
There will be some productivity apps installed (pages, keynote etc.). They would be used for mutli-media projects and presentations, recording/editing audio and video, creating digital stories, and
collaboration via Google Apps for Education. We'll have an iTunes-U channel that will be used for created and shared content.
The exciting thing is that there are applications that can potentially be utilized for just about any subject. As we move forward in using them on a regular basis, there will surely be many more creative ways that come with experience.
Will apps like Facebook, Netflix etc. be accessible at school?
The iPads will be configured to use the schools wireless network which uses the same internet connection filtering that is in place for the entire network. All of the sites that have been and are currently blocked will remain that way, so that those apps will not function correctly while at school.
Will the software be compatible with their flash drives and what they do at home?
The iPad isn't really replacing desktop or laptop computers, it is complementing existing technology.
We will be utilizing online (cloud) storage solutions so that saved files can be shared between home and school and different devices (i.e. iPad and PC).
The main applications are compatible via import and export functions (i.e. Pages or Google Apps to Word). If we run into a case where something doesn't translate correctly, we can still pull it up on the appropriate platform (which is something we have always had to deal with due to multiple platforms being available).
Will their textbooks be available through these tablets?
Currently some of our text books are available via a web browser. At this time we are waiting on the publishers to make their e-book offerings available to the K-8 market.
11 July 2012
10 July 2012
The TRIP program is in need of volunteers for Friday mornings. The hours are 7:15am to 9am. This time does count toward your volunteer hour requirement. There is an immediate need for the first Friday of each month and the occasional fifth Friday of the month. Please contact Pam Kelley at 740-345-9874 ext 204 or e-mail her at pkelley(@)
06 July 2012
Students: Remember to keep reading!! Sign up for the Library Summer Reading Program and bring your certificate of completion to school on the first day. Those students will be recognized at our opening All School Liturgy and their names will be posted on the 'Reading Rainbow' outside Mrs. Walsh's office!
In addition, those students working on IXL throughout the summer will be recognized as well. Climb the 'Math Mountain' and have your name posted at the 500 mile mark (for 500 problems solved), the 1000 mile mark (for 1000 problems solved) or go even higher! The sky's the limit!!
In addition, those students working on IXL throughout the summer will be recognized as well. Climb the 'Math Mountain' and have your name posted at the 500 mile mark (for 500 problems solved), the 1000 mile mark (for 1000 problems solved) or go even higher! The sky's the limit!!
Due to the power outages and the fact that some of our families are on vacation, we have extended the deadline to order an Ipad2 to next Friday, July 13th. We have had very positive responses so far - of 31 responses, 23 will be purchasing an Ipad and 3 will be purchasing the cover for an Ipad they already own! We strongly suggest that if your child has an Ipad that you purchase the recommended cover through the school.
To answer a few frequently asked questions:
1. The Ipad2 is 16GB.
2. The school will not be purchasing special insurance coverage. What other schools have suggested is parents either add the Ipad to their homeowner's insurance, or check out AppleCare for a plan offered through Apple.
3. When the Ipads are not in use (i.e. during lunch/recess) they will be stored in locked cabinets. This goes for those brought from home as well as our classroom set. 4. All Ipads will be labeled with the student name or with a class #.
5. Q- Can the iPad 1 (first generation) be used at school or do I need to get a new one?
A- So far everything being tested seems to be compatible at this time. With that said though, the iPad 1st gen won't be supporting any future operating system updates from Apple. The next major update (iOS6) is due out sometime in the fall. The only potential problem that can be foreseen is that after that time, when the later generation iPads are updated with an app requiring iOS6 or higher being used, the iPad 1 wouldn’t be able to run that particular app.
We will have some iPads available for use though, if this scenario happens to play out, which will probably be unlikely in our first year using them.
Due to the power outages and the fact that some of our families are on vacation, we have extended the deadline to order an Ipad2 to next Friday, July 13th. We have had very positive responses so far - of 31 responses, 23 will be purchasing an Ipad and 3 will be purchasing the cover for an Ipad they already own! We strongly suggest that if your child has an Ipad that you purchase the recommended cover through the school.
To answer a few frequently asked questions:
1. The Ipad2 is 16GB.
2. The school will not be purchasing special insurance coverage. What other schools have suggested is parents either add the Ipad to their homeowner's insurance, or check out AppleCare for a plan offered through Apple.
3. When the Ipads are not in use (i.e. during lunch/recess) they will be stored in locked cabinets. This goes for those brought from home as well as our classroom set. 4. All Ipads will be labeled with the student name or with a class #.
5. Q- Can the iPad 1 (first generation) be used at school or do I need to get a new one?
A- So far everything being tested seems to be compatible at this time. With that said though, the iPad 1st gen won't be supporting any future operating system updates from Apple. The next major update (iOS6) is due out sometime in the fall. The only potential problem that can be foreseen is that after that time, when the later generation iPads are updated with an app requiring iOS6 or higher being used, the iPad 1 wouldn’t be able to run that particular app.
We will have some iPads available for use though, if this scenario happens to play out, which will probably be unlikely in our first year using them.
02 July 2012
Parents in the Johnstown and Northridge School Districts are in danger of losing their bus service. They are working very hard to reverse things! This could potentially affect many more non-public school families.
The Northridge school board will meet on Monday, 7/2 at 6:30 pm in the Northridge High School Media Center. At their last meeting they voted to at least table the issue because of the presence of our parents, as well as those from Blessed Sacrament, Granville Christian, Liberty Christian and St. Matthew's.
Please come out on Monday, July 2nd to show your support for the parents in the Johnstown and Northridge school districts! Meet us at the Northridge High School.
Please come to the Northridge School Board meeting TONIGHT, 7/2, at 6:30pm in the Northridge High School Media Center. Show your support for our families as they work to keep their bus service. A large presence of families will go a long way!
Also please continue to pray for our families and businesses that are still without power. I was at school Friday night just about to hit POST with this message when the power went out! Power is still out at the school and, while my family was blessed to have power, this is the first I have been able to get Internet from home.
I hope to see lots of our families there tonight. The decision made tonight can have far reaching effects with other districts and non-public transportation.
27 June 2012
To help save on printing costs we are asking our families to please keep their copy of the Parent/Student Handbook that was given out at the beginning of the last school year. If there are any changes we will print an addendum only. We WILL print a new Calendar/Directory for all of our families. Thank you for helping us to save paper and printing costs!
For families of 6th, 7th, and 8th graders: you should have received a letter regarding the purchase of Ipad2 devices for your child. Regarding the rubber cover that was recommended by the Diocesan Tech Supervisor: we were told at the Apple workshop we attended that an experiment was done at Bishop Hartley. The Ipad was dropped several floors down in the stairwell. With this cover on it, it was unharmed!!!
We are waiting for more information from the diocese regarding insurance for the devices. As soon as we have that information it will be posted here! It is important that you return the bottom portion of the letter so that we can determine the number of Ipads to order.
26 June 2012
Recently the Johnstown and Northridge School Districts have questioned the need to bus students to St. Francis, Blessed Sacrament, and Granville Christian Schools.
At their June meeting the Johnstown board voted against transportation. However, they have since decided to call a meeting in July to re-evaluate the #s they voted on and re-address this issue. Time & Date TBD.
The Northridge School Board tabled the discussion and will meet again on July 2nd at 6:30pm in the Northridge HS media center.
Also the County board, Educational Services Center, has a meeting on July 19th where they could potentially be addressing this issue since they have to concur with the local school boards. Our diocesan representative will find out if the bussing will be on their agenda for that meeting.
While currently this only affects the families who use the Johnstown and Northridge buses, it has the potential to 'snowball' to other public school sending districts.
WE APPRECIATE YOUR SUPPORT! There are some families who, without bussing, may have to leave our school!
We ask our families to:
#1. Please pray that both boards will vote to continue bussing our students.
#2. Come and show your support for these families at a meeting to be held this Thursday, June 28th, at 7pm at Church of the Ascension.
#3. Anyone interested in speaking their mind about the bussing issue is invited to attend the board meetings of either district listed above. We will continue to post information here on the Scoop as it becomes available.
Cash Mob to Benefit Killian May
Who: Licking County Community
What: An opportunity for all community members in the Heath, Newark area to help raise funds for Killian May's medical bills. Killian was diagnosed with a very serious bacterial infection in May. After more than 20 days in Nationwide Children's Hospital for treatment, his medical expenses are the last thing on the May family's mind. While Dairy Queen will be assisting with these expenses, friends of the May family would also like to help them out. The May family is a frequent contributor to the community and is part owner of the Dairy Queen franchises in Newark and Heath. They have always been willing to give and to support our community, and it is our turn to give back!
How: Visit the Dairy Queen in Heath or Newark during business hours on Saturday, July 14th. Spend money to give the local Dairy Queens an influx of cash. Help the May family while they concentrate on caring for their son and his recuperation
When: Saturday, July 14th during business hours
Cash Mob for Killian Background
The May's are residents of Heath. They are members of St. Leonard's parish and their three children attend St. Francis de Sales Elementary School. Mr. May, who previously served as a Heath City Council member, is a member of the local American Legion and Heath Sertoma. They are members of the Licking County Chamber of Commerce.
Contact: Courtney Van Ostran
Twitter: #CM4Killian
Who: Licking County Community
What: An opportunity for all community members in the Heath, Newark area to help raise funds for Killian May's medical bills. Killian was diagnosed with a very serious bacterial infection in May. After more than 20 days in Nationwide Children's Hospital for treatment, his medical expenses are the last thing on the May family's mind. While Dairy Queen will be assisting with these expenses, friends of the May family would also like to help them out. The May family is a frequent contributor to the community and is part owner of the Dairy Queen franchises in Newark and Heath. They have always been willing to give and to support our community, and it is our turn to give back!
How: Visit the Dairy Queen in Heath or Newark during business hours on Saturday, July 14th. Spend money to give the local Dairy Queens an influx of cash. Help the May family while they concentrate on caring for their son and his recuperation
When: Saturday, July 14th during business hours
Cash Mob for Killian Background
The May's are residents of Heath. They are members of St. Leonard's parish and their three children attend St. Francis de Sales Elementary School. Mr. May, who previously served as a Heath City Council member, is a member of the local American Legion and Heath Sertoma. They are members of the Licking County Chamber of Commerce.
Contact: Courtney Van Ostran
Twitter: #CM4Killian
25 June 2012
As you are aware, TRIP is a volunter driven program. Without volunteers TRIP does not operate. Over the past few months, we have experienced a lack of volunteer participation. As a result, beginning July 1, there will no longer be a TRIP pickup on Thursday evenings. TRIP pick up will be available on Friday mornings from 7:30 to 8:45.
We are sorry for any inconvenience this causes.
If you are available to volunteer on Friday mornings, we are in need of volunteers for the first Friday and the fifth Friday. Please contact Pam at 740-345-9874 ext 204. Thank you.
We are sorry for any inconvenience this causes.
If you are available to volunteer on Friday mornings, we are in need of volunteers for the first Friday and the fifth Friday. Please contact Pam at 740-345-9874 ext 204. Thank you.
13 June 2012
GRADES 6-8 : 1PM – 4PM
GRADES 9-12 : 6PM – 9PM
Click here for more information
GRADES 6-8 : 1PM – 4PM
GRADES 9-12 : 6PM – 9PM
Click here for more information
11 June 2012
The accounting and cemetery office will be closed to the public for the remainder of the week. Every three years, or with the change in Pastoral Leadership, the Diocese conducts an audit of the financial and human resources files for each Parish. If you need assistance during this time, please leave a voice message and your call will be returned during the week of June 18, 2012.
31 May 2012
Weekly Word with attachments 05-31-12
Attachments Included:
•PTA News
•PTA T-Shirt Contest
•Benefit Flyer
Attachments Included:
•PTA News
•PTA T-Shirt Contest
•Benefit Flyer
30 May 2012
29 May 2012
Do you like to paint? Would you be available a few days (daytime) this summer? We are painting 9 classrooms and several other rooms and hallways within the school and church this summer. We could use a few folks to help. Of course volunteer hours are yours if you can help us out! We will supply all the materials and supplies, we just need you! If you can assist throughout the summer (mostly end of June and through July), please call Christy at 345-9874 ext 224 or email at
Don’t have the extra time, but have extra funds…We would also like a donation of a quality power paint roller or Lowe’s Gift Cards to help us complete all our painting projects this summer.
Don’t have the extra time, but have extra funds…We would also like a donation of a quality power paint roller or Lowe’s Gift Cards to help us complete all our painting projects this summer.
Early bird registration for Vacation Bible School ends this Thursday, May 31st; save $10 per child by registering early. Registration forms are available in the back of the church , on the parish website, or in the "Scoop" archives. VBS registration continues through June 10, but the fee goes up after Thursday. VBS runs June 18-22 from 9 a.m. until 12:30 p.m. for children entering kindergarten through Grade 5 this fall. Contact Lori Mazzone at 345-9874 x 222 for further details.
Festival Raffle Winners Are...
Juan McKenna
Marilyn Aten
M.J. O’Neal
Rick Kaercher
Rolynda Tassan
Jeanne Kaercher
Deb Sherman
Roger Ettenhofer
Homer Hill
Alica Spring
Chris Mooney
Marilyn Edly
Tori Lumbatis
Max Vanoy
Bernadette Davies
Mark Powelson
Jenny Morehead
Eric Claeys
Nicolas Arnold
Mary Musgrave
Steve Gartside
Roselyn Lanza
Jennifer Hess
Bruce Brother
Thank you to everyone who supported the St. Francis de Sales Spring Festival!
Juan McKenna
Marilyn Aten
M.J. O’Neal
Rick Kaercher
Rolynda Tassan
Jeanne Kaercher
Deb Sherman
Roger Ettenhofer
Homer Hill
Alica Spring
Chris Mooney
Marilyn Edly
Tori Lumbatis
Max Vanoy
Bernadette Davies
Mark Powelson
Jenny Morehead
Eric Claeys
Nicolas Arnold
Mary Musgrave
Steve Gartside
Roselyn Lanza
Jennifer Hess
Bruce Brother
Thank you to everyone who supported the St. Francis de Sales Spring Festival!
24 May 2012
Many thanks to those families who have completed their paperwork for next year. Your child(ren) should have received a casual day pass to use TOMORROW, May 25th. If you did not yet turn in your paperwork for next year, you may send it in tomorrow and your child(ren) may still participate in the casual day!
Weekly Word with attachments 05-24-12
Attachments Included:
•LCL Summer Reading w/IXL Letter
•Strings Interest Form
•Tdap Reminder
•Spread the Word Flyer
Attachments Included:
•LCL Summer Reading w/IXL Letter
•Strings Interest Form
•Tdap Reminder
•Spread the Word Flyer
22 May 2012
Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! The Usborne Summer Reading Book Fair was a huge success Thanks to everyone who shopped we made $750 for Michael's Playground and earned $1250 in free books for our library. We couldn't have done it without so many volunteer helping hands. Your time is greatly appreciated! Happy reading students!
Kristen Stare
Educational Consultant
Usborne Books & More
Kristen Stare
Educational Consultant
Usborne Books & More
21 May 2012
All students who turn in the Tuition contract by this Friday, May 25th (or who have already turned it in), are eligible for a Casual Day this Friday!
We value your opinion! Thank you to all who have responded to the BYOD survey. The survey will be open until this Wednesday, and is available here: BYOD Survey
We value your opinion! Thank you to all who have responded to the BYOD survey. The survey will be open until this Wednesday, and is available here: BYOD Survey
A great BIG THANK YOU to all who supported the 2012 Festival, whether it was volunteering your time, sending in a donation or being a sponsor, coming out to join in the fun, or buying a raffle ticket – it takes many hands for a successful event! A very special thanks to Chad and Heather Sherburn, Diana & Steve Green and all the committee chairs who worked so hard over the past few months. Make sure you check out the Advocate photo galleries!
18 May 2012
Weekly Word 05-17-12
Just a reminder: Tuition contracts are due to the office by May 18th. If you are prepaying your tuition, please have your payment into the office by this date as well.
Just a reminder: Tuition contracts are due to the office by May 18th. If you are prepaying your tuition, please have your payment into the office by this date as well.
17 May 2012
With only a few days to go until this year's Spring Festival, we are still in need of volunteers--especially in the game and casino areas. The sign-up process is very easy at Please remember that volunteer support is so critical to the festival's success, and that your service this year will be credited toward the next school year.
If you have any questions, please email
15 May 2012
St. Francis Market Day Need Volunteers!
This Saturday, May 19, is our Market Day sale date.
If you are available to volunteer, meet me in the cafeteria at 7 a.m.
We will complete the sale by 9 a.m.
If you have any questions, please call me at 740-924-2460.
Thank you,
Elizabeth McCarthy
The Spring Festival is just a few days away! Here is what you can expect for a Saturday full of family fun:
The Shamrock Stage Line Up
12:30 - Shawn Rochelle
1:30 - Klutch
2:30 - Robin Renee
3:30 - Merlin the Magician (For the lil ones!)
4:30 - Joel Spahr & Kevin Jones
6:30 - The Smokey Row Stringband
8:30 - Mary Smith
9:00 - Reptile Smile
Games for the kids all day long. Also among this year's entertainment is a caricature artist, face painting, balloon artist, Tumblebus, MORE inflatables, 3 on 3 basketball and corn hole tournament! Great food and great people. Casino Tent and Beer Garden to enhance your evening.
An Evening with The Arts
Thursday, May17, 2012 7:00 pm
St. Francis de Sales School Gymnasium
Strings performance by St. Francis students,
Art Display by St. Francis Art Classes featuring K-3 Monet’s Garden & 4-8 selected works, and
Selected works by the St. Francis Art Club students
Click here for the flyer
This Saturday, May 19, is our Market Day sale date.
If you are available to volunteer, meet me in the cafeteria at 7 a.m.
We will complete the sale by 9 a.m.
If you have any questions, please call me at 740-924-2460.
Thank you,
Elizabeth McCarthy
The Spring Festival is just a few days away! Here is what you can expect for a Saturday full of family fun:
The Shamrock Stage Line Up
12:30 - Shawn Rochelle
1:30 - Klutch
2:30 - Robin Renee
3:30 - Merlin the Magician (For the lil ones!)
4:30 - Joel Spahr & Kevin Jones
6:30 - The Smokey Row Stringband
8:30 - Mary Smith
9:00 - Reptile Smile
Games for the kids all day long. Also among this year's entertainment is a caricature artist, face painting, balloon artist, Tumblebus, MORE inflatables, 3 on 3 basketball and corn hole tournament! Great food and great people. Casino Tent and Beer Garden to enhance your evening.
An Evening with The Arts
Thursday, May17, 2012 7:00 pm
St. Francis de Sales School Gymnasium
Strings performance by St. Francis students,
Art Display by St. Francis Art Classes featuring K-3 Monet’s Garden & 4-8 selected works, and
Selected works by the St. Francis Art Club students
Click here for the flyer
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