Latest Flocknotes

27 September 2012

The rain today did not dampen the spirits of our students, staff and guests as we watched orange balloons fly off into the distance! Our celebration of Michael's life and joy was truly wonderful. There are not enough ways to say 'thank you' to ALL the people involved in getting 'Michael's Playground' completed, whether it be by contributing their time, their talent, or their treasure! An especially big THANK YOU to Maura Urban and her committee! God certainly did rain down His blessings on us today!!

And to close out Catholic Schools Week, we look forward to our Walk for Education tomorrow. Students who earned a T-shirt received them today. We will be double checking our records tonight. If you believe that your child should have received a T-shirt but did not, please send a note to the office in the morning. We did order some extras to be safe.

Due to the generosity of some anonymous donors, EVERY child will receive a WE water bottle! We have also received a few extra prizes, so the names of students who did get at least one pledge will go into a drawing for those. Students can still bring pledges in tomorrow. We also have lots of door prizes!

If you need a copy of your child's pledge sheet please let us now. We will determine our top fundraising winners after all the pledges and donations have been received. Also, those students who earned a free casual day pass will receive that next week.