THERE'S STILL TIME to earn your 'WE' T-shirt! Some of our families forgot to send in their forms today so we will accept T-shirt orders for the Walk for Education on Monday, 9/17.
Please remember that pledges/donations should total $55.00 for the first T-shirt ordered, $35.00 for the second, $25.00 for the 3rd, and $15.00 for any additional shirts needed. This includes shirts for adult volunteers as well. For example, if you have one child who has earned a T-shirt with $55.00 in sponsorship, a parent can 'earn' a T-shirt for $35.00. If you have 2 children who have earned a shirt, a parent can get one for $25.00. If you have 3 children who have earned a shirt, a parent can get one for $15.00.
It is our goal to have EVERY child receive a water bottle and be entered into a prize drawing, so if you have not participated yet, please remember 'ALL IT TAKES IS ONE PLEDGE.'
We will continue to accept pledges right up until the Walk on 9/28, and donations any time! Thank you so much to those who have already supported this new and exciting event! There is still time to volunteer as well. Just send your slip into the office next week!
The deadline for 3rd - 5th grade students to sign up for Book Club has been extended to next Friday, Sept. 21st. For more information see the flyer posted with last week's Weekly Word. Those interested can email Bernadette Bloom at or Becky Howard at