REMINDER: Tomorrow is an All School Liturgy at 9:00am, followed by the blessing and dedication of Michael's Playground.
Students may dress casually. Each student should bring a beach towel to sit on outside. Weather permitting, we will have a picnic lunch from 10:45 - 11:45am.
Continuing our celebration of Catholic Schools Week, we will have our Walk for Education on Friday. Volunteers should check in at the table near the gym on Friday morning. A letter was sent home yesterday to those who volunteered (ask your child!). It was also posted on the Scoop today. Please remember that the Diocese of Columbus requires all volunteers to attend a Protecting God's Children workshop and to have a background check (BCI) done. We must have a copy of both forms on file in the school office along with a volunteer information form. Please call Linda in the main office if you have further questions.