*aka - Walk for Education
In order to accomodate our families with more than one student, the committee has decided to revise the dollar amounts for earning a T-shirt:
$55.00 in pledges/donations for the 1st child to earn a T-shirt
$35.00 in pledges/donations for the 2nd child to earn a T-shirt
$25.00 in pledges/donations for the 3rd child to earn a T-shirt
$15.00 in pledges/donations for any others after that to earn a T-shirt
Please remember that if you want to ensure a T-shirt prior to the walk, those pledges/donations need to be received in the office by this Friday.
Remember - for EACH child:
Just 1 pledge/donation earns a prize - a St. Francis water bottle!
5 pledges/donations earns a free casual day pass!
The class with the highest percentage of participation earns a 'Balloon Bash!'
See the prize flyer sent home and posted last week for other prizes.
Help us promote physical fitness while raising funds for our school. Together WE can!!