Tonight! Join us for 'Healthy Eats and Music Treats' - vote on new meal ideas for our lunch menu!
5:30pm - Families entering the cooking contest can drop off their food in the cafeteria.
5:45pm - 'Music Treats' begins in Multi-Purpose Room with Mrs. Rodenberger. Come enjoy our beautiful Orff instruments and 'compose' with your child! During this time judges will vote for the 'Judge's Choice' Award.
6:30pm - sample cooking contest entries and vote for your favorite! Dinner is available for purchase, courtesy of our Boys Scouts.
Dinner = shredded chicken sandwich OR sloppy joe sandwich OR hot dog
fresh popcorn, drink
All for the low price of $2.50 (no more than $10.00 for a family of more than 4!)
While families are eating dinner, we will tally the 'People's Choice' votes and then winners will be announced!
We will also announce the winners of our WE fundraising drive!
Hope to see you there for a fun evening of good food, music and fellowship!
NOTE: Boy Scout meeting will follow this event!
There will also be a Bazaar Meeting following...
The Holiday Bazaar is aproaching fast!
We could still use the following items:
We are in need of bake items to sell and also people to man the table with
us. Please contact
Janelle Hamilton ( or
Audra Brothers (
White Elephant items or to volunteer to help set up or work the bazaar: contact Mike or Joni @323-5865 or 345-5625.
Items for the Children's Raffle and/or the Chinese Raffle contact the main office - 740-345-4049.
Items for 'Baskets of Joy': send to your child's classroom.
Thank you for helping to provide another year of bazaar fun for our families!!