Parking Concerns
When utilizing the small, gravel
parking lot west of 45 Granville St., please park in an orderly fashion. There
have been multiple complaints of parishioners and school parents being blocked
in and cars blocking the “entrance” and “exit” of that small lot. At most, the
lot can hold 8-9 vehicles. Once spring comes, we will be able to re-grade the
lot and hopefully put parking blocks in place. We ask you to exercise caution and
courtesy when parking in this lot. There is plenty of parking available in the
east lot and along the south side of Granville Street during school hours. Thank you for your cooperation.
We hope to see many of our families at our Thanksgiving Prayer Service tomorrow at 1:30pm in the gym. Our Student Council members will be recognized, our strings group will perform, and our preschool and kindergarten classes have planned a surprise! And, of course, we will all get to do the 'Turkey Trot!' The main lot behind the church will be open for parking - please enter and exit from Pearl Street.