Latest Flocknotes

06 July 2012


Due to the power outages and the fact that some of our families are on vacation, we have extended the deadline to order an Ipad2 to next Friday, July 13th. We have had very positive responses so far - of 31 responses, 23 will be purchasing an Ipad and 3 will be purchasing the cover for an Ipad they already own! We strongly suggest that if your child has an Ipad that you purchase the recommended cover through the school.

To answer a few frequently asked questions:
1. The Ipad2 is 16GB.
2. The school will not be purchasing special insurance coverage. What other schools have suggested is parents either add the Ipad to their homeowner's insurance, or check out AppleCare for a plan offered through Apple.
3. When the Ipads are not in use (i.e. during lunch/recess) they will be stored in locked cabinets. This goes for those brought from home as well as our classroom set. 4. All Ipads will be labeled with the student name or with a class #.
5. Q- Can the iPad 1 (first generation) be used at school or do I need to get a new one?
A- So far everything being tested seems to be compatible at this time. With that said though, the iPad 1st gen won't be supporting any future operating system updates from Apple. The next major update (iOS6) is due out sometime in the fall. The only potential problem that can be foreseen is that after that time, when the later generation iPads are updated with an app requiring iOS6 or higher being used, the iPad 1 wouldn’t be able to run that particular app.

We will have some iPads available for use though, if this scenario happens to play out, which will probably be unlikely in our first year using them.