27 June 2012
To help save on printing costs we are asking our families to please keep their copy of the Parent/Student Handbook that was given out at the beginning of the last school year. If there are any changes we will print an addendum only. We WILL print a new Calendar/Directory for all of our families. Thank you for helping us to save paper and printing costs!
For families of 6th, 7th, and 8th graders: you should have received a letter regarding the purchase of Ipad2 devices for your child. Regarding the rubber cover that was recommended by the Diocesan Tech Supervisor: we were told at the Apple workshop we attended that an experiment was done at Bishop Hartley. The Ipad was dropped several floors down in the stairwell. With this cover on it, it was unharmed!!!
We are waiting for more information from the diocese regarding insurance for the devices. As soon as we have that information it will be posted here! It is important that you return the bottom portion of the letter so that we can determine the number of Ipads to order.