Latest Flocknotes

26 June 2012

IMPORTANT MEETING REGARDING PUBLIC SCHOOL TRANSPORTATION! Recently the Johnstown and Northridge School Districts have questioned the need to bus students to St. Francis, Blessed Sacrament, and Granville Christian Schools. At their June meeting the Johnstown board voted against transportation. However, they have since decided to call a meeting in July to re-evaluate the #s they voted on and re-address this issue. Time & Date TBD. The Northridge School Board tabled the discussion and will meet again on July 2nd at 6:30pm in the Northridge HS media center. Also the County board, Educational Services Center, has a meeting on July 19th where they could potentially be addressing this issue since they have to concur with the local school boards. Our diocesan representative will find out if the bussing will be on their agenda for that meeting. While currently this only affects the families who use the Johnstown and Northridge buses, it has the potential to 'snowball' to other public school sending districts. WE APPRECIATE YOUR SUPPORT! There are some families who, without bussing, may have to leave our school! We ask our families to: #1. Please pray that both boards will vote to continue bussing our students. #2. Come and show your support for these families at a meeting to be held this Thursday, June 28th, at 7pm at Church of the Ascension. #3. Anyone interested in speaking their mind about the bussing issue is invited to attend the board meetings of either district listed above. We will continue to post information here on the Scoop as it becomes available.