Latest Flocknotes

19 December 2011


The website will be unavailable from Wednesday, December 28 starting at 8am Eastern Time (ET) through Thursday, December 29 ending at 5pm due to required server maintenance.

During this time, parents will not be able to log into the website to utilize any of the functions.

15 December 2011

Weekly Word 12-15-11

13 December 2011

The cafeteria WILL serve lunch and milk on Friday, 12/16.

Friday Lunch:
Merry Medley - Santa's Sandwich Selections!
A variety of sandwiches will be available such as hamburgers, chicken patties, meatball sub, toasted cheese...
Lunch will include a vegetable, fruit and milk.

12 December 2011


The end of Pearl Street is a NO PARKING ZONE.

If you have a friend or relative pick your child up after school, please tell them that they are NOT ALLOWED to PARK in the turn-a-round at the end of Pearl Street.

Anyone parking there is violating an existing city ordinance and it makes it very difficult for the other parents to turn around once they have picked up their child(ren).

We have asked NUMEROUS TIMES for families to respect this. PLEASE either park across from the school and walk to meet your child or go through the pick up line.

A big 'Thank You' to those who consistently work with us to keep our children safe!

08 December 2011

01 December 2011

29 November 2011

28 November 2011

Giant Eagle will be giving away $1MM in educational rewards to area schools. Let's make sure that we earn our share! It’s easy to register your Giant Eagle card. Click here for flyer.
We would like to thank all the volunteers, Teachers, Parents, and supporters of the St. Francis de Sales Christmas bazaar. This is a huge event and would not be possible without everyone's hard work and dedication. While this is a fundraising event for the school, our main focus is that the students of St. Francis have fun and enjoy the day. Again thank-you very much and we are looking forward to next year. -Mike & Joni O'Neil

18 November 2011

On Tuesday, November 22nd, the CAFETERIA will serve Macaroni and Cheese, green beans, fruit, and a Holiday Cookie (NOT turkey as listed on the calendar.)

The Thanksgiving Holiday weekend is a great time to clean out those closets! The Student Council will be collecting gently used clothing for the St. Vincent de Paul Society on Monday, 11/28.

17 November 2011

16 November 2011

First and Second Grade Parents: Please remember to send in a green shirt for painting by tomorrow, Thursday the 17th. We will be painting the shirts this Friday the 18th for the December 6th program. If you have any questions, please contact Mrs. Rodenberger -

An update letter regarding volunteer hours was sent home on Friday. This includes all hours that have been submitted through November 4th. Please note – hours worked on the Christmas Bazaar have not yet been submitted so your personal tally may be higher than what the office has recorded. Another update will be sent towards the end of the first semester.
TONIGHT - 8th grade parent information night at Newark Catholic - 6:00pm!

We are in need of the following for the Christmas Bazaar this Friday if any one is able to donate!
8 Large Cans of Shredded Chicken ($7.49 at Krogers in yellow can or Sweet Sue Brand at Giant Eagle/Meijers but may cost more)
Looking for 8 people to donate 1 can each!

12 packs of Coke, Mountain Dew, Dr. Pepper
*If you can donate 12 packs of pop, please deliver to the gym on Thursday evening or Friday morning.

Please email me ( on Wednesday if you are able to donate canned chicken or call my cell 740-975-1400 and I will pick up on Wednesday evening when I get off of work!
Thank you!
Christy Annarino
Hot Foods

FRIDAY - Bazaar Day - CAFETERIA KITCHEN IS CLOSED. All students should bring a packed lunch from home. All students may have a CASUAL DAY according to handbook guidelines on Friday, 11/18. It is suggested that students wear Christmas colors! Of course they may wear a bazaar T-shirt from any year!

CALENDAR REVISION - the Bazaar will be held on FRIDAY ONLY - not Saturday as listed in the green family calendar.

NO SCHOOL - Wednesday, 11/23 through Friday, 11/25 in honor of Thanksgiving!

Let's WALK through the WEEKLY WORD!
In an effort to raise awareness of our newsletter, we have been sending the Weekly Word home to all of our families for the past few weeks. After Thanksgiving, we will return to sending paper copies ONLY to those families who DID NOT sign up to 'GO GREEN' at the beginning of the school year. If you have changed your preference in how to receive communication (paper vs. electronic) please let Linda know in the office.

There are now fewer postings to the Scoop during the week as we try to include information in the Weekly Word. On Thursdays, the Word is sent out to about 60 of our families who have requested paper copies, and it is also posted to the Scoop for our 'GREEN' families, along with any other flyers/forms that were sent home that week. This is why we request electronic copies of items needing to go home. We are happy that so many of our families have chosen the electronic version so that we can save paper. However, we want to be sure that on Thursdays you will check the Scoop and read the Weekly Word. There is also an archive section on the right side of the Scoop where you can download previous copies of the Weekly Word.

The WW newsletter is divided into sections. On the left side we list calendar changes and reminders. Please try to check your green family calendar often because most of the information is already printed in there and will not be repeated. After the calendar section there is a list of 'Enclosed Today.' There is often something printed on the back of the WW (to save paper) and this will usually be the second page of the electronic version. If an item needs to be returned to school it will be marked in BOLD and should be downloaded and printed out. It is strongly suggested that items needing to be returned be done so in a timely fashion so that they are not forgotten! The last section of the left column is for prayer requests.

The main body of the newsletter contains information of interest for our families. Sometimes there is a right column that will help to clarify policies in our handbook. There are other small boxes (such as the upper left corner or across the bottom) so be sure to read the ENTIRE newsletter! We do ask that submissions for the newsletter be received via email by Tuesday of the week of publication. We will try to accommodate requests for inclusion of information as long as space permits.

11 November 2011

Students in families who have donated to the SFDS drive for our PTA will receive a casual day on 12/14/11, regardless of the date of the donation. The students will be bringing their coupon home today, so please keep it in a safe place, as it WILL NOT be reissued and MUST BE PRESENTED to the classroom teacher on December 14th. If a student had a relative donate and did not receive a coupon, please let Linda know in the office. We can't always match student names and their relatives.

MANY THANKS TO THOSE WHO HAVE DONATED. Please check the flyer sent home yesterday for further details.
Weekly Word with attachments 11-10-11

The cafeteria kitchen will be closed on Friday, November 18th - Bazaar Day! Students should bring their own lunch that day.

09 November 2011

Book Fair Reminders

Please make checks payable to: St. Francis de Sales School
On-line ordering at:  is available until November 25, 2011

08 November 2011

Waves of Steel Wrestling

Tuesday, November 8th will be Sign-Ups and Parent's meeting at 7:00pm at the Blessed Sacrament Annex.  Practice will start on Tuesday, November 15th.  See flyer here.  For more information, please contact Rich Stalnaker:
Help us get ready for the 2011 St. Francis Christmas Bazaar! Cleaning out your basement or garage? Leftover goods from a garage or yard sale? Donate all your unwanted merchandise for the White Elephant Sale at the 2011 St. Francis de Sales Christmas Bazaar! Call Mike or Joni O’Neill at 740-345-5625 or 740-323-5865, to schedule a pick-up time at your convenience.
The Bazaar is Friday, November 18th (7am-3pm with live auction @3pm). Click here for flyer.

03 November 2011

28 October 2011

26 October 2011

Win $100 for our Orchestra! (and hear a great concert too!)

Mrs. Rodenberger will be playing horn with the Heisey Wind Ensemble this Sunday the 30th at 8pm at the OSU Newark Reese Center. They will be holding a student ticket raffle during intermission and the winning student will receive $100 for their school instrumental music program. You can help us win by:

1) Contacting Mrs. Rodenberger for FREE student (18 and under) tickets(adult tickets $15 at the door).

2) Write your name and St. Francis De Sales Elementary Orchestra on the back of the ticket

3) Attend the concert Sunday night and turn in your ticket for the raffle

Thanks for your support of the St. Francis Strings! Please feel free to contact me with any questions! I will also tack some free student tickets to the music bulletin board - feel free to help yourself! -Mrs. R
St. Francis Christmas Bazaar

It’s less than 30 days away…the Annual St. Francis Christmas Bazaar is Friday, November 18th. Click here for flyer.

We are seeking volunteers and asking for help in the following areas. Contact Mike O’Neill at Mike or Joni O’Neill at 740-345-5625 - Mike / 740-323-5865 - Joni





25 October 2011

National Red Ribbon Week continues...
Wednesday, 10/26 - While we take care of our bodies by making healthy choices, we can also be good stewards of this earth God has given us! Students are encouraged to bring in some paper to recycle - those who do will receive a casual day pass to use on Thursday! [It is suggested but NOT REQUIRED to wear something RED!]

Each Thursday we have been sending home and posting our Weekly Word. 'Green' families have not been receiving paper copies per their requests. Please be sure to look for it each week as it gives important reminders and news about our school. If you missed any issues check out the archive link on the right side of this blog page! This week look for information regarding a poster contest for healthy eating choices.

Once again we ask parents to please respect all of our families by following the directions regarding morning drop-off and afternoon pick-up.
1. Please DO NOT drop your children off at the front door of the school. The morning is extremely busy and there is not always someone at the desk to answer the doorbell.
2. Please do not park in front of the school at drop off OR pick up time. This causes more traffic congestion as cars cannot always get around parked vehicles.
3. Parents should not be waiting in the main hallway of the school for pick up time. This causes distractions to students who are switching classes.

A big thank you to Mrs. Martine for helping with our Drama Club Treat Sale today. The winner of the 'mum' cake was Kalina Kozlowski. Thanks to all who participated.

There will be a Bake Sale on Thursday for our 'Battle of the Books' Club. Items will cost $.25. The money is used to purchase books for our team to read. Last year our Books Team placed first in the regional competition and 2nd in the finals!
The Fall Parent-Teacher Conferences for 2011-2012 are on November 7th and November 10th 3:30pm-7:30pm.

As a reminder, the online scheduling application, pickAtime, is available for the Fall Conferences. By using pickAtime, you can schedule appointments that meet your busy schedule, print your scheduled appointments, and even receive an email reminder. To access this program, please click on the scheduling link on our school’s website It will remain open through 11:59 p.m. on Sunday, November 6th for the November 7th Conference dates, and 11:59 p.m. on Wednesday, November 9th for the November 10th Conference dates. If you do not have internet access, appointments can be made by contacting Linda McDonald @ 345-4049 ext 2.

Directions for using pickAtime can be found here.

24 October 2011

There will be a PTA meeting on Tuesday October 25 at 7 pm in the cafeteria. ALL are invited to attend!

20 October 2011

19 October 2011

The FAMILY MUSIC FEST has been canceled for Thursday October 20th, due to a lack of participants. We hope to reschedule for the spring.

18 October 2011

Please remember that we are administering the Terra Nova Standardized Tests this week in grades 3-8. While this is not an assessment that can be studied for, it is helpful if students get a good night's rest and eat a good breakfast in the morning. If for some reason your child misses the chance to eat before coming to school, we do have breakfast available all week in the cafeteria for $1.00. If they forget their money they may still get a breakfast and bring their dollar the next day. Research has proven that students who eat do better in school and we want to offer our students the opportunity to do their best on the testing. Students who are absent due to illness will have an opportunity to make up the test. Our testing schedule is done in the mornings so please do not take your child out of school for appointments, workshops at other schools, etc. It is also important that students be on time as we cannot admit them to a classroom that has already started testing.

The Holiday Bazaar is fast approaching! We are looking for all types of donations for the Chinese Raffle/Silent Auction. In the past, we have had several families donate wonderful things such as handmade items, sporting event tickets, electronics and spirit wear, etc. If you or someone you know is interested in making a donation, please contact Cathey Pangborn ( at 740-522-1331 or Marcy Wamer ( at 740-364-1658. Thank you in advance for your generous support.

Many thanks to our PTA chairs Brooke McKenna, Mary Beth Musgrave, and Laura Reed for all their work in getting the St. Francis Drive off the ground. It is not too late to donate! Please check the PTA website.

We also want to thank Christy Annarino for chairing the Spaghetti Dinner and John Pressey for cooking on Saturday. Unfortunately less than 30 people attended the free dinner. It is discouraging when a group works so hard to plan community type events for our families and the participation is so low. Please consider supporting PTA events in the future. The funds raised by the PTA are much needed in providing assemblies, Religion curriculum items, technology, and lots of other things for our students!

Tomorrow look for the instructions to schedule your parent teacher conferences!

14 October 2011

Don't forget about the Spaghetti Dinner on Saturday, 10/15. The dinner is FREE and will be held in the cafeteria after the 5:30pm Mass.

We will have food available for purchase during testing next week. For $1.00, your child may purchase a drink (either a juice OR a milk) and a choice of either a PBJ ‘Uncrustables’ or a package of Austin cheese crackers. If you would like to have your child purchase breakfast on any of the testing days, please try to have them here at school by 7:50am. We will allow extra time for bus students.

Catholic Youth Group Night at the Y

13 October 2011

06 October 2011

05 October 2011

Due to Trick or Treat being on Thursday, October 27, TRIP pickup will be closed that evening. We will have Trip pickup on Friday morning, October 28 from 7:30am - 8:45am.

03 October 2011

Thank You to all involved in the 1st Annual St Francis Family Yard Sale. It was a huge success thanks to all of our sellers, volunteers and the community who supported it. If you have a YARD SIGN, we would like you to return it so we may reuse it for next year. Please drop it off on the back porch at 1015 Granville Road or contact Traci Hogue ( or Donna Buchanan (

29 September 2011

28 September 2011

26 September 2011

PTA Meeting Reminder
Please join us for the first PTA meeting of the year on Tuesday September 27th at 7:00 PM in conference room B. ALL are welcome!! See you tomorrow!!"
This week sees the return of our restored, original stained glass window at the front of the church facing Granville Street. The crew will also be installing new storm coverings on the windows. This means there will be some heavy machinery at the front and sides of the church. The crew will be taping off their danger areas with CAUTION tape, please do not enter these areas. This is extremely important for your safety and the safety of the workers. Thank you!

Also don’t forget St. Francis will hold their The Implementation of the new Roman Missal workshop Thursday, September 29, 2011 at 7PM in Johnson Hall. Fr. Patrick Toner, Pastor of St. Joseph Church, Plain City will present the subject of The Mass as the Word of God proclaimed in word and deed. Light refreshments will be served. Fr. Toner is a member of the Ad hoc Committee on the Implementation Translation of the Roman Missal. For more information, please call Fr. Bob Penhallurick at St. Francis (740) 345-9874 ext. 202.

22 September 2011


The St Francis Family Yard sale is being held on Saturday and Sunday, Oct 1 & 2 and we really need your help to make this a great first year event. Opportunities are also available on Friday for set up.

If you would like to sign up to work and receive school volunteer hours, please click here: ONLINE VOLUNTEER SIGN UP SHEET.

This link will take you to an online volunteer sign-up sheet. At the bottom of the spreadsheet there are tabs set up for each day we need volunteers. Simply click on one of those tabs and view which slots are still available.

From there, type your name in a BE PLEASE BE SURE TO HIT SAVE! Go to File, then click on Save.

16 September 2011

Attention 5th and 6th grade cheerleaders:

Sunday’s game will be held at Heath High School. Please be at the high school by 12:15 so that we have time to warm up before the game which starts at 1. The White squad will not be cheering this weekend.

Remember, cheer practice for 5th and 6th grade will be held on Tuesday from 5 to 7:30at St. Francis. Please meet in the parking lot near the gym.

Thank you, Cindy Myers and Deborah Pegher

15 September 2011

Weekly Word
Family Yard Sale

Saturday, October 1th 8:00 am - 3:00 pm
Sunday, October 2nd 12:30 pm - 3:30 pm (Half Price Sale)

Help us raise money for the tuition fund and get great stuff at the same time.
The gym will be filled with gently used adult & children’s clothing, household goods, kitchen items, furnishings, toys, sporting goods...and much, much more!

Volunteers Needed All Shifts!
Earn School Volunteer Hours
Contact Traci Hogue via email:

Click Here for Flyer

14 September 2011

Tomorrow, parents can pickup students attending the funeral in the Cafeteria at 10am.

13 September 2011

Cub Scout Pack 8

In honor of Michael Wise and out of respect for the Wise family we will postpone our Pack Meeting which was to be held this Thursday, 15 Sep. The Pack Meeting has been rescheduled for Thursday, 29 Sep 6:30.
God Bless,
Dave Burd
The letter that went home with students today regarding the 'honor guard' at the funeral on Thursday should have read: 'For students in grades THREE - 8 who are NOT attending the funeral.'


Congratulations to our Cross Country team for their second place finish at
the West Virginia, Chick-Fil-A Invitational Meet. The team had three girls
finishing in the top 10 overall. They were Tierra Tooill finishing in ninth
place, Kat Bowman finishing in eighth place and Lauren Fischer winning the

Cross Country practice has been cancelled for Wednesday, 9/14.

Generations is our annual parish stewardship commitment program. Each year we celebrate volunteerism, our opportunity to minister; we invite all to make a commitment of time, talent and treasure to St. Francis for the coming year. Volunteers are needed to serve on this committee and to follow up with fellow parishioners by phone to encourage their participation. Please contact John Mazzone at or 366-5910 if you would like to be a part of this exciting committee! Generations – Honoring our past…Investing in the future!

12 September 2011

Parent Letter 09-12-11

How to Talk So Kids Will Listen and Listen So Kids Will Talk

Learn to communicate more effectively with your child to increase cooperation and self-esteem. A six-part series offering skills for parents and caregivers will be held Thursdays, September 15, 29, October 6, 20, November 3 and 17, 2011 from 7 – 9 p.m., at St. Edward the Confessor Parish, 785 Newark-Granville Rd., Granville, OH 43023. Advance registration is required. Fee is $30/couple or $25/individual; financial assistance is available. For more information and to register, call the Marriage and Family Life Office at (614) 241-2560 or e-mail
See flyer here.

Cheer practice for the 5th and 6th grade squads has been cancelled for the week. The coaching staff will contact the Green squad with information regarding their game next weekend. Thank you, Cindy Myers and Deborah Pegher

11 September 2011

Our hearts go out to the Wise family tonight. The staff has met this evening and we want to assure our families that we have taken steps to support the students during this difficult time. Fr. Bob and I will be visiting the classrooms in the morning to talk to the children and answer questions they may have. The teachers are prepared to do the same. We will have counselors available during the day if any student or parent feels the need to talk further. Our goal is to listen to the students, empathize with what they are feeling, and help them to move forward in the 'safe routine' of their school day.

We will be posting additional resources for families that may need more assistance in the coming days. More information will be sent home tomorrow.

09 September 2011

Lunches for the Week of September 12th have been changed from the posted menu to the following items:

Monday 9/12: Orange Chicken w/ Brown Rice, Apple, Popcorner

Tuesday 9/13: Cheese Pizza Dippers w/ Marinara Sauce, Salad, Pineapple Cup, Goldfish Crackers

Wednesday 9/14: Spaghetti, Garlic Bread, Peach Cup, Peas, Cookie

Thursday 9/15: Popcorn Chicken w/ Potato Fun Shapes, Honeywheat Pretzel, Mixed Fruit Cup

Friday 9/16: French Bread Pizza, Green Beans, Pear Cup, Cookie

08 September 2011

The Weekly Word 9-08-11
Candy Bar Reminder: Candy bar payments are due by Sept. 16th. We still have bags of candy available. If you would like to sell more candy bars please send a note to the office and we will fill your request. Thank You, Maribeth Peddicord

07 September 2011

Attention 5th Grade Families:
Last call for strings! If there are any students interested in strings that did not either attend the meeting Tuesday or already contact me, please let me know by this Friday the 9th. There is a packet of information that needs to go home with any interested students regarding participation and instrument rental.

5th grade strings begins Monday Sept. 12th. All participating students should drop off their instruments, books, and stands in the music room that morning.

Thanks! -Mrs. Rodenberger

We hope you had a chance to read our first issue of The Weekly Word last Thursday. We will continue to send it home on Thursdays to keep families informed. We will also post it here on the Scoop. If your family regularly checks the Scoop and would like to 'Go Green,' please drop us a note and we can refrain from sending you the paper copy. If you or someone you know needs prayer for a specific reason please call Linda in the school office and we would be happy to add your request to the 'Prayer' section.

06 September 2011


Anyone with questions, ideas, or interest in being a part of and helping out with the 2011 St. Francis de Sales Annual Christmas Bazaar, please mark your calendar and plan on attending our 1st production meeting. The meeting will be on Tuesday September 20th at 6:30pm in the Cafeteria. All parents, grandparents, Teachers are encouraged to come and find out what the Christmas Bazaar is all about, share your ideas, brainstorm for new ones and volunteer to help.

We hope to see you then. Any questions please call Mike @ 345-5625 or e-mail Joni @
Congratulations to the Cross country team on a sixth (6) place
finish at the Newcomerstown Invitational. The meet had 35 middle schools
represented with 126 runners in the girls race and 127 in the boys race.
Our next meet is Wednesday at Fairfield Union with a race start time of

02 September 2011

Tuesday's menu has been CHANGED to hot dogs and french fries as the main course.

Thursday's menu has been CHANGED to cheeseburgers.
Revised Yard Sale Flyer (please disregard previous version)

01 September 2011

The Weekly Word 9-01-11

Parent information meeting for students in grade 5 who are interested in the Strings program, and for students in grades 6-8 who would be new to the Strings program this year - Tuesday, Sept. 6th, 6:00pm, Conference Room A.

31 August 2011

"Hello Pack 8! It's that time of year's off and running and Pack 8 kicks off another year. Our first planning meeting of the year will be Wednesday, 14 September at 7:00pm in Johnson Hall. All parents are welcome and encouraged to come. Our Kickoff Pack Meeting is Thursday, 15 September 6:30p to 8:00p in the Multi-purpose room. We're looking forward to another exciting year so come prepared to have some FUN!"

29 August 2011

Library Volunteer Information 2011-12
Alert Notification System

Ohio Alerts is a messaging alert system designed to notify alert subscribers via email and/or text message of time sensitive communications from our school.

Getting started using Ohio Alerts is very simple. The following information will step you thru the process to establish your alerts and provide tips for using the alert system.

Login to your web browser and enter the web address:

Users have the option of subscribing, unsubscribing, or checking their subscriptions. Select the link for the action you want to engage (i.e. subscribe to alerts, unsubscribe from alerts, check your current subscriptions, *Standard text message rates apply). Once you have selected the link “Subscribe to Alerts” you will be brought to screen shown.

The field “Your Name” is required and cannot be blank.

Expiration Date is an optional field. Subscriber Expiration Dates are checked and removed daily. If left blank, you will be subscribed to the alert system indefinitely or until you unsubscribe.

If “Text Message” alert method is chosen enter your phone number and select your phone provider (*Standard text message rates apply). If “Email” alert method is chosen the screen changes for the addition of email address. If your phone provider is not listed, please submit a message using the “Contact Us” link in the bottom right corner of the screen. Indicate the name of your phone provider and an Ohio Alerts representative will follow up with you.

Select the lists you want to subscribe to.

Security entry validation is required. Enter the characters shown to validate security.

Select COPPA compliance: Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act.

Select “Subscribe”. Users will receive a response by cell phone or at their email account.

The end user documentation can be viewed and downloaded at:
If you have any questions about these new services, please feel free to contact Dave Stenson at 345-4049 x 237 or at

Thank you.

19 August 2011

Attention Strings Families:
There will not be strings classes during the first three days of school.
Please have students check to make sure their instruments are in good
repair and locate all of their strings materials so they can be ready for
a successful start. More information will be sent home soon! Thank you,
Mrs. Rodenberger

OUR SPAGHETTI DINNER HAS BEEN POSTPONED! It will be rescheduled for a later date. More information to follow soon.

Remember to turn in your receipts at Indian Mound Mall. Our school can earn money for this! Earning for Learnng Program runs August 15 through Sept 25th.

Classroom presentations for grades 1-4 are at 12:00 and 12:15pm.
Presentation for grades 5-8 is at 12:30pm in Johnson Hall.
Remember to stop in the cafeteria, too. There will be volunteer sign-up forms for different activities and committees, information about out new lunch program, school supply kits that were ordered in May, and ICE CREAM!!!

Class lists are posted on the school website and on the front door of the school building.

18 August 2011

12 August 2011

The PTA is in need of food donations for the New Family dinner on Monday August 15th. If you are able to help please have your donation in the Lamy Center kitchen by 3:00 on Monday clearly marked "PTA". You may drop them off as you are shopping for new uniforms!!! Please contact Brooke at to sign up. The list items needed are:

-8 lbs ground hamburger (you may sign up for any amount-does not need to be all 8lbs!!)
-3 lbs shredded lettuce
-12 8oz packages of shredded cheese
-8 15 oz jars of salsa
-6 16 oz containers of sour cream
-2 large containers of powdered lemonade
-14 dozen cookies---any variety
-80 plastic cups
-80 paper plates
-80 plastic forks
-100 napkins

10 August 2011

Help St. Francis earn school supplies!

09 August 2011

IMPORTANT: It has come to our attention that J. C. Penney has posted our school shirt colors as white, yellow, and blue. THIS IS INCORRECT! We no longer use yellow shirts. Students in all grades may wear white or light blue.

Please remember the "Earning for Learning" program at Indian Mound Mall. When you turn in your receipts at the mall office our school gets credit! Last year we received a cash reward from the mall!

By now you should have received a letter detailing important information for the start of the new school year. If you did not receive the letter, please call the school office.

08 August 2011

St. Francis school uniform sale will be held on August 15th, from 12:00-6:00 p.m., in Johnson Hall. For additional information or questions, please call the School Office at 740-345-4049.

20 July 2011

Protecting God’s Children Session

St. Francis de Sales Church is hosting a Protecting God’s Children and Fingerprinting session on Sunday, August 7th in Johnson Hall of the Lamy Center. Fingerprinting will begin at 1:00pm. Fingerprinting costs are $37 for BCI (Ohio), $40 for FBI (National) or $70 for both. The Protecting God’s Children Session will begin promptly at 2:30pm. To register for Protecting God’s Children session, please go to With the new school year fast approaching, please remember that in order to work or volunteer with the children of our Diocese, you must be compliant with Diocesan Safe Environment policies.

22 June 2011

School Calendar 2011-12

First Holy Communion Pictures

First Holy Communion pictures have been received from the photographer. They are available for pick up in the Parish Office from Monday through Thursday from 8 a.m. until 4 p.m., and on Friday from 8 a.m. until noon. Someone is also generally available in the parish office after the masses from about 9 a.m. until noon on Sundays.

Please contact the photographer directly if there is a problem with your order.

Thank you,
Lori Mazzone

21 June 2011

School Supply Lists 2011-12

1st Grade
2nd Grade
3rd Grade
4th Grade
5th Grade
Junior High 6th-8th Grade

These lists are available on our website as well.
Attention upcoming 5th and 6th grade girls! There will be a cheerleading camp at St. Francis School June 27th-June 30th from 6 to 7 PM in the gymnasium. The cost for the camp is $25.00. If you have any questions please feel free to contact Cindy Myers at 740-323-2765.

20 June 2011

One of our first grade students has been missing a pair of prescription eyeglasses since the last day of school. There is always the chance that they were placed in the wrong backpack and we are hoping that they will turn up. If you or your child has come across them, please call the school or drop them off to the school or parish office. Thank you for your help!
I've started cleaning closets and tagging items for our FAMILY YARD SALE - have you? Don't forget to get your seller number soon! Instructions attached!!

13 June 2011

The Newark Catholic Jr High Cheerleaders are having several fundraisers this summer to help off set their costs.

-July 5 at Pizza Cottage Newark ONLY! Take a copy of the attached flyer to Pizza Cottage between 4 and 9pm and they will donate 15 % of sales towards the program.
Pizza Cottage Flyer

-Car Wash on July 9 @ Family Video from 10am to 2pm.

-The Grill July 10 from 2 to 4pm. The girls will be selling tickets for $10 for pizza/wings/soft drinks. The Grill keeps $4 and the cheerleaders keep $6 of every ticket sold.

Thanks in advance for your support of the Cheerleaders!
Junior High 7th and 8th graders for the 2011-2012 is as follows:

Boys June 15 at 5:30-8:00

Girls June 20 5:30-8:00

Make-up date and time for both: June 21 5:30-8:00

1865 Tamarack Rd Newark, Ohio

Physical forms are available for print on OHSAA website.

08 June 2011

St. Francis de Sales Jr. High Summer Reading

Reading Form

Reading List

07 June 2011

Jr High Cheer leading Meeting:

St. Francis de Sales Cafeteria 7:30 June 7

We will be discussing cheer camp, practice schedules and trying on uniforms.

Any questions please feel free to contact me @ (740) 334-2710

Heather Sherburn

06 June 2011

Due to requests, we are making available 10 camper slots to Vacation Bible School for pre-schoolers age 4. If your child was born between 10-1-06 and 9-30-07, then he/she is eligible to participate in VBS as a regular camper this year! Sessions run June 20-24 from 9 a.m. until 12:30 p.m. Registration forms are available at the back of the church or on the church website. If interested, don't delay! Slots will be awarded on a on a first-come, first-serve basis until filled or until June 13, whichever comes first. Registration is $35 per child. For further information, contact Lori Mazzone at 345-9874 x 222.

01 June 2011

7th GRADE PARENTS: Please be reminded that Confirmation registration forms are due to Bob Moraine in the parish office today, Wednesday, June 1st.
7th GRADE PARENTS: Please be reminded that Confirmation registration forms are due to Bob Moraine in the parish office Wednesday, June 1st.

31 May 2011

Still need helpers Wednesday and Thursday! Earn volunteer hours!!!

When: Wednesday, June 1st
Arrive around 8:45am on Wednesday morning

Where: Please come to the Parish Office located in the Lamy Center. The children will have all school Mass at 9am, so this will be a great hour of time we can utilize to get furniture moved.

What: If you have work gloves and/or a furniture dolly, please bring them

How: We will be working in teams to move classrooms from old location to their new location – Please be sure to sign the volunteer hours sheet!

When: Thursday, June 2nd
Arrive around 9:00am on Wednesday morning

Where: Please come to the Parish Office located in the Lamy Center.

What: If you have work gloves and/or a furniture dolly, please bring them

How: We will be working in teams to move classrooms from old location to their new location – Please be sure to sign the volunteer hours sheet!
School is almost out for the summer. What are you going to do to keep your kids busy? Why not join us at Vacation Bible School! VBS is June 20-24 from 9 a.m. until 12:30 p.m. It is open to students entering kindergarten through entering grade 5 this fall. And -- if we get enough inquiries -- we will open it to children who are pre-school age (4/5 years) as well; please call Lori Mazzone at 345-9874 x 222 or email her at if you have a pre-schooler you would like to enroll.

Camper fees are only $35 per student (that's about $2 per hour - what a deal for childcare!). And it can get even better: if an adult volunteers for the entire week, then your registration fees are waived -- and if you need volunteer hours for St. Francis School, then VBS counts toward that, too! Contact Lori for further details.

But don't delay! Camper registration closes June 13!

VBS Registration Form

27 May 2011

Looking for things to keep your kids occupied this summer? Join us at Vacation Bible School! VBS is June 20-24 from 9 a.m. until 12:30 p.m. It is open to students entering kindergarten through entering grade 5 this fall. And -- if we get enough inquiries -- we will open it to children who are pre-school age (4/5 years) as well; please call Lori Mazzone at 345-9874 x 222 or email her at if you have a pre-schooler you would like to enroll.

Camper fees are only $25 per student if you register by May 30 -- that's THIS Monday, so don't delay! After May 30, it's only $35. If an adult volunteers for the entire week, then your registration fees are waived -- and if you need volunteer hours for St. Francis School, then VBS counts toward that, too! How's that for a deal? Contact Lori if you would like to volunteer or for further details.

VBS Registration Form

26 May 2011

Message from the bookkeeping office:

Just a reminder – tuition contracts and/or payment in full for the 2011-2012 school year are due by tomorrow, May 27th. The school can not place your child onto the rosters for the next school year until this form or payment has been remitted.

Tuesday, May 31st is FIELD DAY. If you are available to help out with games please call the school office and leave a message for Ms. Cannon.

On Tuesday we will also host our VARIETY SHOW at 1:15 pm. Families are welcomed to join us in the gym for some great entertainment!

Wednesday, June 1st is our LAST DAY of school. We will celebrate an all school Liturgy at 9:00am, Kindergarten Program at 11:00am, and 8th grade graduation at 7:00pm. DISMISSAL WILL BE AT 1:15PM THAT DAY! THERE WILL BE NO AFTERNOON BUS SERVICE. ALL STUDENTS WILL NEED TO BE PICKED UP AT 1:15PM.

IMPORTANT REMINDER: Tuesday and Wednesday students will need to BRING LUNCH FROM HOME. The cafeteria will be closing after Friday's lunch.

25 May 2011

Calling all School Parents, Grandparents, Friends…EVERYONE!

Did you know that the months of June, July and August are when all the cleaning, repairs, painting and projects happen in the school? To make all this happen we need volunteers! Want to get one (1) volunteer hour for 5 minutes of time? Just keep reading, fill out the form and turn it in to the school or parish office by June 1st.

This summer is no different than others; we have an overload of projects - here are just a few:

• Clean up rubber mulch from parking lot
• Painting of classrooms
• Painting of school hallways
• Moving furniture (so floors can be stripped and waxed)

If you think you have any availability at all this summer to help with these and other projects, please list your information below. Email alerts will be sent out and phone calls will be made as projects are scheduled. The moving of furniture will happen daily throughout the summer, if you have an hour to spare in the mornings, please indicate that as well! If you need more space for additional family members or friends, just use a blank sheet of paper. Any hours worked volunteering for summer projects count towards the school volunteer requirement.

**SPECIAL HELP NEEDED ON JUNE 1st and 2nd! A few classrooms are moving around for next year. We need help moving boxes and a few pieces of furniture. If you can help either or both of these days – during the school day – please indicate this on the form.

Summer Volunteer Form

24 May 2011

Hats off to Jill Merry! This Friday, May 27th, all students, teachers, staff, and volunteers are asked to wear a hat to school in honor of the many “hats” Mrs. Jill Merry has worn as a member of the St. Francis de Sales school and parish community. She is currently serving as the school’s librarian/technology coordinator. She is retiring at the end of the school year after 29 years of service.

She was hired in 1982 as the Kindergarten teacher. She went on in her career to set up the first all inclusive student computer lab. She was instrumental in coordinating Licking County’s first Interactive Video Distance Learning Lab. It remains an elaborate classroom setting today at St. Francis in which students and teachers continue to videoconference around the world. In the fall of 2005 and 2006, the Second graders connected with students in Hong Kong. It was for many children in Hong Kong their first experience seeing an American. She also became our school’s Art director and teacher. One memorable lesson involved the use of the Smart board in which students viewed various doors throughout the world. Each door symbolized a culture and period in time. The assignment: students were asked to create a door representing their faith through the use of a metal template in which a secondary rubbing could be transposed.

She also wore the hat of Home and School committee member as a parent in which she helped raise thousands of dollars for our school for nine consecutive years. She has been the President, Vice President, and Treasurer of the St. Francis de Sales Education Association and representative for Central Ohio Association of Catholic Educators for various terms throughout her employment. Her favorite book is ‘Christy’ by Catherine Marshall. Most inspirational quote, “Do not wish to be anything but what you are and try to be that perfectly.”

A sincere thank you to Mrs. Merry for the many wonderful “hats” you have worn here at St. Francis de Sales school for 29 years!!! You will be missed by everyone! Good luck trying on your many new hats!
Thank you students, parents and parish family! The Usborne Summer Reading Book Fair was a wonderful success. Many thanks to all of our parent volunteers for their help. It was greatly appreciated. The library and classrooms will receive approximately $2,500 in new books for everyone to enjoy. Happy Reading!
Looking for things to keep your kids occupied this summer? Join us at Vacation Bible School! VBS is June 20-24 from 9 a.m. until 12:30 p.m. It is open to students entering kindergarten through entering grade 5 this fall. And -- if we get enough inquiries -- we will open it to children who are pre-school age (4/5 years) as well; please call Lori Mazzone at 345-9874 x 222 or email her at if you have a pre-schooler you would like to enroll.

Camper fees are only $25 per student if you register by May 30 (that's less than a $1.50 per hour - cheap childcare!). After May 30, it's only $35. If an adult volunteers for the entire week, then your registration fees are waived -- and if you need volunteer hours for St. Francis School, then VBS counts toward that, too! How's that for a deal? Contact Lori if you would like to volunteer.

Camper registration closes June 13, so register today!

VBS Registration Form

20 May 2011

Updated May Lunch Menu

05-20-11 ~ PTA News Update

4-H Camp Paws, Claws, Feathers & Friends
is designed for youth who love animals and want to learn more about their pets and companion animals. The camp is designed for youthentering grades 6, 7 and 8 and will take place from June 27-July 1. Campers will visit the OSU College of Veterinary Medicine and learn about the dog blood donor bank. We'll visit an aviary and humane society and complete a service project. Campers will see demonstrations and learn about pets with jobs and jobs with pets from trainers, groomers and K-9 officers. Camp size is limited to 24 participants. The fee for the week is $175 and includes all supplies, transportation, daily snack, lunch on Friday (participants bring a sack lunch Monday-Thursday) and insurance. Information and registration can be found at:
Register by May 31, 2011

4-H Camp Tech
GEAR-Tech 21 is a program from the University of Nebraska that combines LEGO NXT robotics, GPS skills and GIS mapping. The Ohio 4-H Center will host 4-H Camp Tech from July 28-30. This is an overnight camp open to youth entering grades 6, 7 and 8 this fall. Campers will build robots, go on a GPS treasure hunt, learn digital mapping and demonstrate their skills at 4-H STEM day at the Ohio State Fair. The $175fee includes overnight accommodations in an OSU dorm, all supplies, meals, insurance
and admission to the Ohio State Fair. For an information flyer, registration and permission forms see:

19 May 2011

As a reminder, the Student Directory Information Forms for 2011-2012 are due ths Friday.

18 May 2011

The St Francis Art Club will be showcasing a year's worth of creative energy at this year's Spring Festival. Everyone is encouraged to walk through the kindergarten hallway to view these masterpieces!

There are still 79 slots open for volunteers for the Spring Festival, which is just a few days away! It was SO EASY to sign up online, that I even signed my husband up! Just go to and choose where and when you would like to help out. Get a jump on your volunteer hours for next school year! Hope to see you there - it's a guaranteed "good time was had by all!"
Again this year the PTA has partnered with Staples SchoolKidz to provide discounted school supplies for next year for your convenience. School supplies will be labeled for your child and available for pickup at the school Open House. A short walk to your child’s classroom and you are done! Just imagine not having to fight the back to school rush come August! Order forms and payment are due this Friday May 20. Please contact Laura Reed, with any questions or if you need additional order forms. Order forms are also available in the school office.

17 May 2011

St. Francis de Sales VBS 2011

VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL June 20 – 24, 2011
“Upon This Rock I Will Build My Church”

WHO: Anyone entering Kindergarten – Grade 5 in 2011-12

WHAT: Vacation Bible School offers children the opportunity to meet with friends in a Christian environment and explore their Catholic faith. Days will include games, crafts, bible lessons, music, and snacks, all around this year’s theme of “Upon This Rock I Will Build My Church.” Using the tools of our faith, we will learn how to be “fishers of men” like our first fisherman, St. Peter, and build the church as the bride and body of Christ.

WHEN: 9 a.m. until 12:30 p.m. on June 20 – 24, 2011

WHERE: St. Francis de Sales Church, 66 Granville Street, Newark

HOW: Complete a registration form and return it to the Religious Education Office, 66 Granville Street, Newark, Ohio 43055.

COST: Early Bird Registration by May 30 = $25 per child
After May 30 until June 13 = $35 per child

For safety reasons, all children must be pre-registered; therefore, registrations will not be accepted after June 13, 2011 and walk-ins during our session cannot be accommodated. Thank you for your understanding. For additional information, contact Religious Education Coordinator Lori Mazzone at 345-9874, ext. 222.

*Due to the need for advance planning & purchase of supplies, we cannot offer refunds to those who register for the program and then decide not to attend the week of VBS.

VBS Camper Registration Form

VBS Teen Volunteer Application Form

11 May 2011

Children's Author/Illustrator To Visit Newark Library

Children's author Cathryn Falwell will present "Story Time Around the Pond" at the Newark Library on May 17, 2011 at 6:30 p.m. The hour long presentation will conclude with a book sale and signing of Cathryn's books. Some of her books include "Scoot," "Mystery Vine," and "Turtle Splash." All of these books were created from her studio and tree house beside Frog Song Pond in Maine. The program is best for children ages 3 to 8 years of age. Families are welcome.

Cathryn's visit is a collaborative project with the Dawes Arboretum and StoryTrail. Please call the Children's Department at 349.5550 for more information. This program is open to the public and free of charge.

Click here for the flyer.
Tuition Invoices will be mailed out no later than Friday, May 13th. The signed payment authorization form or payment in full will be due by Friday, May 27th.

Any family with outstanding fees [tuition, cafeteria, volunteer hours, library...] will receive their invoice once the fees have been paid.

Reminder again regarding cafeteria: Students MAY NOT charge lunches in May. We must have our books balanced or we jeopardize our federal lunch program. Please take a moment to check your child's account and bring it up to date. We still have a number of students coming to school with no money and/or no lunch! Thank you for your attention to this important matter!!

09 May 2011

Catholic Family Night with the Clippers on May 18 at 6:35pm
On behalf of all of the St. Francis staff, we would like to thank Beth Jeffries and her Teacher/Staff Appreciation committee for a truly wonderful week! You all worked so hard to make not just our teachers, but the entire staff feel loved and appreciated! Thank you to those who donated food and/or time to make last week a huge success!

Remember our Usborne Book Fair this week, hosted by parent Kristen Stare [a member of the Usborne staff!] and Mrs. Merry. The book fair is a great time to stock up for summer reading. Next week the librarian from our local public library will be visitng each class to talk about the library summer reading program. Any student who participates in the program will be recognized at our opening liturgy in August. A letter will be sent home on Thursday detailing the program.

Our Strings Ensemble will be presenting a Spring Program on Thursday, May 12th at 1:30 and 7:00pm in the gym. Hope to see you there!

Congratulations to our 2nd grade students who received First Holy Communion on Saturday. The rain held off and it was a beautiful Eucharistic celebration!

05 May 2011


As stated on the May menu and posted last week: Students can NO LONGER charge a lunch. Parents are responsible for checking their child's account to see if they owe any money for lunches. Letters will be sent home tomorrow with those students whose account is in arrears as of 5/5.

The cafeteria staff will follow these guidelines:
-The computer will no longer allow charges.
-If a student tries to purchase lunch and their account is blocked, they will be given either a hot dog or PBJ, a milk, and a fruit - NOTHING ELSE. Those names will be sent to the office and their parents will receive a phone call.
- Please understand that if a child has a negative balance, even if they bring money for lunch tomorrow, the computer will put that money towards what they already owe. They will NOT be allowed to purchase the full school lunch.

We are not trying to embarrass anyone but we HAVE to have our books in order. If our cafeteria books do not balance we put our participation in the Federal School Lunch Program in jeopardy! Thank you for your cooperation in keeping our program running smoothly.
Usborne Book Fair
May 9th - 12th
8:15-3:15 daily with extended hours on Thursday until 6:30 P.M.

Useborne Book Fair Flyer

Useborne Book Fair Wish List
St. Francis de Sales Variety Show
Auditions open to: All students in grades 5 through 8

Important dates: Thursday, May 12th – Permission forms returned.
Thursday, May 19th – Auditions* - 3:00-5:30pm - Gym
Thursday, May 26th – Dress Rehearsal, 3:00-5:30pm - Gym Tuesday, May 31st – Performance, 1:00pm – Gym

See flyer for more details.

04 May 2011

Volunteer registration for the 7th Annual St. Francis Parish Festival is now available at We will need over 200 volunteers to make this event a success. In addition this will also be the first opportunity to earn volunteer hours for the 2011/12 school year.

We appreciate your continued support.
Thank you,
Derk Myers
Mike Windholtz

This week is National Teacher Appreciation Week. Please consider having your child write a note of thanks to his/her teacher! Many thanks to Beth Jeffries and all our families who donated items for the continental breakfast on Monday. Today will be lunch appetizers - yum! Thank you, Beth, for coordinating this week for our great staff!

And thank you to those who supported the Teacher Assoiciation fundraiser at Adornetto's last night. It was great to see so many families enjoying a delicious dinner!!

Hope to see you all tonight at The Works for a display of art by our youngest Picassos! Stop in between 5:30 and 7pm to view the K-2 student art work, and enjoy a FREE evening of fun at The Works!

Tomorrow is the observance of the National Day of Prayer, instituted in 1952. Depending on the weather, we will have a small contingent of students walk over to City Hall for community prayer at 12:40pm. If you would like to join the group, please call Linda in the main office and let her know [345-4049].

02 May 2011

FREE Early Childhood Screening
For Licking County Children
Ages Birth through 4 Years
E. S. Weiant Center
116 N. 22nd Street Newark, Ohio
FRIDAY, MAY 13,2011
9:00 am -4:00 pm

Click here for flyer

29 April 2011

Students may begin to wear summer uniform attire on Monday, May 2nd. Please be sure to follow the guidelines in the handbook. As a reminder, please also check the guidelines for hair [pg. 35-36].

IMPORTANT REMINDER: Please be sure your child’s cafeteria account is up to date! Students must have paid in advance or ‘on the day of’ lunch purchases in May. No lunches will be served to those whose account is in arrears. Students not having a lunch or available funds will need to call home so that a lunch can be provided. Also, students with outstanding fees of any kind will not receive their 4th quarter progress report. Thank you for helping us to balance our books before the school year ends!

No need to cook on Tuesday, May 3rd! Join our Teacher Association at Adornetto's! Your support will help us to upgrade our technology.

Wednesday, May 4th, is Fine Arts night. Come on over to 'The Works' for a FREE evening and enjoy the art work of our students in grades K - 2.

Interims will be sent home next Friday.

Please keep our 2nd graders in your prayers as they prepare to receive the Sacrament of the Eucharist for the first time on Saturday, May 7th at 11:00am.

Coming Soon! Usborne Book Fair! Lots of good books for summer reading... May 9-12 in our school library.

28 April 2011

Letter from Newark City Schools Special Education Department
St. Francis de Sales will be starting at our normal time this morning (no delay). Thanks.

27 April 2011

St. Francis de Sales Education Association Scholarship

SFDSEA Scholarship Letter
Scholarship Application 2011
2011 Association Scholarship Student Check List
The St. Francis Drama Club is presenting "Snew White" and "The Frog
Prince" Thursday, April 27 at 7:00pm in the Gym. Tickets are available at the door. Please join us in a fun-filled evening.

Thank you to all families who have registered their Giant Eagle card for our school. We accumulated over 600 points and we were able to get FREE items for our school - art paper, modeling clay, playground equipment... More information will be posted soon on how to register your card if you have not done so yet, and how to sign up for Coke Rewards as well. Both programs are EASY ways to help our school! The more free items we can order, the more we save on purchasing!

Friday, April 29th, is an All School Liturgy at 9:00am.

19 April 2011

Thank you to all who supported the Teacher Association fundraisers: Goumas candy and City Barbecue. The response was wonderful. As a way of saying thanks ALL STUDENTS AND STAFF MAY HAVE A CASUAL DAY ON THURSDAY, APRIL 21! Please remember that this is a LATE START day as well.

The Parish Seder Meal will be held on Wednesday, 4/20 at 6:30pm. Our second grade class has done a super job preparing for our school wide 'Seder Prayer Service' on Thursday. Please keep them in your prayers as they prepare to receive the Sacrament of Holy Eucharist!

All of our students will be receiving a tree sapling on Wednesday to plant at home. These are courtesy of the Licking County Soil and Conservation Center.

15 April 2011

4/15/11 ~ Parent Letter from Mrs. Walsh

2011-2012 Tuition Letter from Fr. Bob

2011-2012 Tuition Rates

Mandatory Confirmation registration and information meeting for all current 7th grade students and parents Wedneday, May 4th, 7:00-8:30 pm in Johnson Hall

Attention all boys Kindergarten – 1st Grade and Parents! Come Join the Fun and Excitement of Cub Scouting in Pack 8!

Registration Monday, April 18th @ 7:00pm-8:00pm At St. Francis de Sales Lamy Center - Johnson Hall

Cub Scout Flyer

13 April 2011

Don't forget there is just 1 week left in our HOP IN TO SPRING Box Tops and Campbell's Label contest. Keep those box tops and labels coming in. Remember St. Francis receives $.10 for every Box Top we redeem. This year we have raised almost $1500 for our school. Campbell's Labels are redeemed for classroom supplies. The Kindergarten classes are getting new listening centers for the students to use.
URGENT!!! The Parish Office is in need of volunteers to assist in a Bishop’s Annual Appeal mailing. If you can assist Wednesday afternoon (after 1pm) or Thursday morning (anytime after 8am), just show up or call Christy at ext 224. Many hands are needed and YES this counts towards your volunteer hours!

12 April 2011

Planning is under way for this summer’s Vacation Bible School program. Our first meeting is April 26 at 7 p.m. in the staff lounge. Please consider joining us; it takes about 75 volunteers to staff a successful VBS program.

Many activities need to be done before the actual week of VBS, and many can be done from the comfort of your home. We’ll be discussing ways to bring this summer’s theme (“Upon This Rock I Will Build My Church”) to life, as well as filling the many volunteer positions; station leaders and assistants are needed in games, crafts, snack, and bible lessons (AS ALWAYS, OUR BIGGEST NEED IS BIBLE LESSON LEADERS; EVERYTHING IS PLANNED FOR YOU - YOU JUST FOLLOW THE LESSON); group leaders are also needed to guide children from station to station.

During the actual week of VBS, volunteers can assist all week, or a few days. Any adult or student at least 7th grade or older may volunteer. This activity does count for hours for those who need them per the St. Francis School volunteer hours policy. Contact Lori Mazzone at 345-9874 x 222 for further information.

This year’s VBS runs June 20-24 from 9 a.m. until 12:30 p.m.

07 April 2011

Click here for the revised Holy Week schedule.
IMPORTANT REMINDER - If your child has any outstanding charges for tuition, cafeteria or library fees, their progress report will NOT be released tomorrow. Please be sure to check you child's online cafeteria account on a regular basis in order to keep costs current. Your child may have a letter today regarding outstanding fees.

In the future, if a student has accrued more than $25.00 in cafeteria fees and no arrangements have been made with the bookkeeper, the student will be served a peanut butter and jelly sandwich in place of the main entree for that day, along with a fruit or vegetable and a drink.

Please be sure to check you child's backpack on Thursdays. Important papers are usually sent home on Thursdays.

CONGRATULATIONS TO OUR 'BATTLE OF THE BOOKS' TEAM FOR CAPTURING FIRST PLACE IN THE PRELIMINARY ROUND COMPETITION ON TUESDAY! Rachel Bloom, Teresa Crum, Jordan Gilligan, Haylee King, Hannah Poly, and Chloe Zinsmeister, under the direction of Mrs. Merry, will again travel to Bishop Hartley High School next Tuesday for the final round. We wish them the best of luck!!!

05 April 2011

The St. Francis Drama Club will be presenting "Snew White" and "The Frog Prince" on Thursday, April 28 in the St. Francis Gym at 7:00pm. To order tickets click on the order form, fill out and send to the school office. Checks may be made payable to St. Francis School.

Ticket Order Form (link updated)
Help us HOP into Spring with a new Box Tops/Campbells Label Contest. The contest starts Wednesday, April 6 and will end on Thursday, April 21. Send those labels in and help your child's class win a special treat! There will be a winner for K-1-2, 3-4-5 and 6-7-8. The grand prize winning class will receive a $25 gift card for the teacher to use for class room supplies. Get your friends, family and co-workers involved.

Today is the preliminary round for our 'Battle of the Books' team. After many months of reading and preparing, students will be traveling to Bishop Hartley High School in Columbus this afternoon to compete. Good luck to Rachel Bloom, Teresa Crum, Jordan Gilligan, Haylee King, Hannah Poly, and Chloe Zinsmeister!

Thursday will be our Kindergarten Screening Day! Also on Thursday, our 4th grade class will sponsor a bake sale to benefit the Humane Society. All items will be 25 cents!

Welcome to Wendy Cotterman, our new preschool aide. Wendy will be working with Mrs. Bloom to finish out this school year.

Congratulations to 5th grade teacher Ms. Julie Powless, now known as Mrs. Ron Strong!!!!

04 April 2011

As a reminder, this is an excerpt from the letter that was posted prior to Spring Break:

"We have been asked to participate in a fund raising effort along with Blessed Sacrament School for Jazmyn Adkins in memory of Kayla Layton. Students who choose to purchase a $15.00 purple hair extension from Bellezza Salon may wear it during the break and on MONDAY, APRIL 4th ONLY. That day will be a casual day for all, with purple being the suggested color to wear. Students may choose to send in a donation for that casual day, and we will be sure that all money collected will be sent to Jazmyn’s cause."

Many thanks to those who sent in donations. Over $600.00 has been collected so far! PLEASE REMEMBER that purple hair extensions MUST BE REMOVED prior to coming to school tomorrow. Please call Lisa Wells at 334-3686 if you need instructions in removing the hair extension.
Living Water presents: "The Way of the Cross"
Wednesday, April 6, 7-8 PM
St. Francis de Sales Church
38 Granville St, Newark, OH (740) 345-9874
A powerful Lenten presentation for all ages.
(Love Offering Accepted)

"The Way of the Cross" Flyer

01 April 2011

Save the date! An Usborne Book Fair is coming to St. Francis May 9-May 12. Sales will generate FREE BOOKS for our library. Shop online early

Book Fair Flyer

25 March 2011

Goumas Easter Candy Sale

The St. Francis Teacher's Association Fundraiser

All funds raised will benefit St. Francis School, we hope to purchase five additional computers for our computer lab, suppport our wonderful music program with new sheet music and offer two $250.00 scholarships to 8th grade students to attend Newark Catholic.

Orders are due Tuesday, April 5th.

Goumas Order Form
Spring Festival 2011 - 5k Road Race Registration Form

24 March 2011

TRIP is closed March 26 - April 3 for Spring Break. The next date to order is April 8

April-May Calendar

3/24/11 ~ Parent Letter from Mrs. Walsh
7th & 8th Grade LIVING STATIONS OF THE CROSS To be presented in St. Francis Church Wed. April 13th 7:00 p.m. for the Parish Community, Holy Thursday April 21st 10:15 a.m. for all St. Francis School Children & Staff

All St. Francis 7th and 8th Grade Students (School and LOOP) are invited to participate in a “Living Stations of the Cross” drama to be presented to the parish community on April 13th and again for St. Francis School on April 21st

Interested students must make a commitment to attend
ALL of the following rehearsals and dramas:
Thurs., Apr. 7 4:00-6:00 p.m.
Sat., Apr. 9 11:30-1:30 p.m.
Mon., Apr. 11, 4:00-6:00 p.m.
Wed., Apr. 13, 5:00 prep for 7:00 drama
*Thurs., Apr. 21, 8:30 a.m. prep for 10:15 drama
*NOTE: This is a late arrival day for the school. Students involved in the stations will need to have their own transportation to school for the 8:30 a.m. prep.

Please complete the form below and return to Bob Moraine at St. Francis Church BY MONDAY, APRIL 4TH. QUESTIONS???

Signup Form

18 March 2011

Yearbook is in desperate need of any candids from St. Francis sponsored sporting events.

Please email Gretchen Bjornson at by Saturday, March 19 at the latest, if you have any images to share.

17 March 2011

Students who came to the Mardi Gras Pancake supper have a free casual day tomorrow. Students who could not make it that night but wish to participate may dress down for a dollar. Proceeds will go towards refurbishing the organ.


Our BLOOD DRIVE now has a waiting list! The bus lot will be open for parking from 8:30am until 2:00pm. Prior to that time please park in the street. The bus lot must be empty of cars by 2:20 for bus access. Registration for the blood drive will be in the multi-purpose room in the basement of the Lamy Center. You may enter through the gray doors at the back of the center.

3/17/11 ~ Parent Letter from Mrs. Walsh

16 March 2011

Tomorrow we will celebrate the Feast of St. Patrick! Students may wear green accessories according to the same guidelines as during Catholic Schools Week. NO GREEN HAIR, wigs or hairpieces are allowed. Students who choose to wear hats and/or jewelry may be asked to remove them if they are in any way distracting. PLEASE DO NOT feel that you must go out and buy something new. Not all students choose to participate in these events.

Our Student Council will be hosting a BAKE SALE tomorrow during the lunch periods. Everything will be twenty-five cents. Thank you for your support of their efforts!

14 March 2011

09 March 2011

Just a reminder that Late Arrival is tomorrow Thursday, March 10th. School will start at 10:15 AM.

08 March 2011

Blessed Sacrament, 394 East Main St., Newark, is hosting a Protecting God's Children Seminar on Saturday, March 26th at 9am in the school cafeteria. In keeping with VIRTUS policy, no one will be admitted to this session after the first video has started. Go to to register for session. Please remember that in order to work with or volunteer around children of our parish, school and Diocese, you must attend a session of Protecting God's Children and have a background check on file with the School and/or Parish Office.
For more information contact the parish office at 345-4290.
There will be NO JUNIOR HIGH YOUTH GROUP this Wednesday as it is Ash Wednesday!

What an IMPRESSIVE event the Mother-Daughter Tea was on Saturday!!! Many thanks to Agnes Windholtz, Cindy Myers and their committee for a beautiful afternoon.

I am SO LOOKING FORWARD to meeting CHRIS CAKES tonight and catching my first pancake!!! I've heard so much about the fun involved and I even wore my purple and green, the traditional colors of Mardi Gras! Keep in mind that all students attending will receive a free casual day for Friday, March 18th! Don't cook tonight - come on out and enjoy the celebration, complete with entertainment! All proceeds will help to refurbish the church organ.

07 March 2011

St. Francis de Sales will be having a Parish-wide Mardi Gras Festival on Tuesday, March 8th, from 4:30-7:30 p.m. The cost of this event is $6.00 per person or $20.00 for a family of 4 or more.

The event will feature all-you-can-catch pancakes, served by Chris Cakes, as well as a Cookie Bake-Off and a Silent Cake Auction. A game room for the children will be set up and there will be a parade of Mardi Gras masks and entertainment from our Advanced Strings program, Children and Adult Choirs.

All proceeds from this event will go toward our organ refurbishment fund. Everyone invited!

04 March 2011

IMPORTANT REMINDER! The deadline for the FACTS tuition aid application is March 15th. As in the past if you are planning to apply for parish assistance, you MUST FIRST apply through FACTS.

The web address for the FACTS application is:
If you need assistance with the application, please contact Amber in the parish office.

02 March 2011

Attention 3rd and 4th Grade Parents:
There was a misprint in the Newark Advocate this Sunday about our program. The correct times are: Thursday, March 17th at 1:30 and 7:00pm in the gym. (as stated on the school calendar). Students should plan to arrive at 6:45.

Also, I am still in need of many items from the wish list to help make our program a success. If you can help with these items, please send them in as soon as possible with your students. Thank You! -Mrs. Rodenberger

Wish List:

6 Black Head bands
Green Pipe Cleaners
Small Gardening Tools
A Large Rope
Decorative Potted Plants (artificial)
1 large white sheet
Large plastic bugs
Large plastic vegetables
1 Lawn Chair

Please be sure to put your name and class on anything you bring in and want returned to you.

01 March 2011

NEWS FROM TRIP!!! 'Tuition Reduction Incentive Program'


* $25 gift certificates with a 19.75 % total contribution.

* Order dates are March 3/4, 10/11, and 17/18 ONLY

* Pick up date for all three order dates - March 24/25 only

* A separate check is needed at the time of the order made out to St. Francis de Sales TRIP

* A special order form will be at the pick up table on those order dates.

* Wilson Garden Center will not be on our regular order form.

28 February 2011

2-28-11 St. Francis is on a two-hour delay, no Newark City transportation today. We are open today.

Due to an unexpected change to our phone notification service , we were unable to send out calls this morning, and we appologize for that.

25 February 2011

IMPORTANT NOTE REGARDING CAFETERIA: Students who would like to purchase items from the snack bar should be carrying their own money to the cafeteria, as the snack bar is 'cash only.' PLEASE DO NOT INCLUDE SNACK MONEY WITH LUNCH MONEY. The lunch money is counted in the office in the morning and there is not enough time to make change for students who would also like to use the snack bar. Also, any lunch money sent in will be credited to a student's account. We cannot send change back to classrooms. We apologize for any inconvenince and appreciate your cooperation as we work to keep the office running smoothly in the morning!

We had a wonderful showing at The Works on Wednesday evening. Families who attended were treated to free admission to all of the fun activities, refreshments, and a glass blowing demonstration. Our Kindergarten through second grade students will begin art classes on Monday, March 7th. Their 'Fine Arts Night at The Works' will be held on May 4th. If you missed this last one, save the date and be sure to join us for a fun and educational evening - AT NO COST TO YOU!!

The Mother-Daughter Tea is Sold Out, but we still need some help! The committee is still in need of several food donations:
15 loaves of soft white bread
60 small boxes of Animal Crackers
4 large packages of Lemonade (pink or regular)
Please contact Vicki Pressey - - if you can provide any of the items.

Many thanks to all those who took time out of their busy schedules to judge our Junior High Science and History projects today!

Learn From the Master Gardeners at Saints Peter and Paul Retreat & Conference Center! March 6 at 2pm, Straw Bale Gardening; March 13 at 2pm, Getting Your Garden Ready; March 27th at 2pm, Getting the garden ready for planting, emphasizing soil testing and prep, also extending the season w/cold frames.
Hors D'oeuvres, Tea and Coffee, $10 Donation
Sts. Peter and Paul Retreat Center
2734 Seminary Rd. Newark, Ohio 43056
(740) 928-4246

24 February 2011

WHO: Girls in grades 6-8.
WHAT: COSI's Girls Discover Archeology, a day long STEM career exploration experience.
WHEN: Saturday, April 9th at COSI.

23 February 2011

TONIGHT!!!! Fine Arts night at The Works! Come see our student art work on display. Stop in anytime between 5:30 -7:00pm.

Friday, February 25th, is SCIENCE/HISTORY DAY! Junior High projects will be judged in the morning and on display for viewing from 12:00 - 2:00pm.

CHRIS CAKES is coming to St. Francis! Join us for a Parish Mardi Gras Celebration on March 8th from 4:30-7:30pm.

IMPORTANT REMINDER! - March 15th is the deadline for applications for diocesan tuition assistance. If you need help with the form please contact Amber in the parish office.

COMING SOON! - Join St. Francis students in a community service project called 'Pint Size Heroes.' Students are encouraged to invite family members and friends to donate blood on March 18th. Look for information to come home on March 3rd.

22 February 2011

St. Francis Press Release
Feb. 22, 2011

-Don’t miss our Fine Arts show at The Works on Feb. 23rd.

-The students in 7th and 8th grade will present their projects at our annual Science/History Fair on Friday, Feb. 25th.

-We are currently accepting students in preschool thru grade 8. Check out our website or contact the school office at 740-345-4049.

21 February 2011

The article that was just recently published in the Newark Advocate was not correct. The correct information will be released soon.

16 February 2011

WOW! The Tea is officially SOLD OUT!!! The members of the Tea committee would like to thank all of you for supporting the Tea! Didn't get a ticket? You can still shop the Wonderland Market – vendors include:
Critter Cuts, Etc.; Zig & Me; Mattingly Foods; HL Art Jewelers; Dinner on the Go; Millenium Styles; Scentsy Designs; Arbonne; Girls Glitter and Grace; Gourmet Candy by Karen; Jewel Kade Charms & Chains; Premier Designs Jewelry; Silpada; Thirty-One; Usborne Books & More; Lia Sophia; Precious Handbags; Aimee’s Blue Ribbon Spices; Chloe's Closet; Pampered Chef; Memory Petals; Stella & Dot.

15 February 2011

Calling all Ladies! The Mad Hatter Mother Daughter Tea and Fashion Show is almost SOLD OUT! Less than 65 tickets remain! Don’t be late to get your tickets, they will be gone! Call Agnes at 344-6106 or stop by Johnson Hall on Sunday after all Masses.

Thursday - Late Arrival - 10:15am
NO SCHOOL - Friday, 2/18 and Monday, 2/21!

Wednesday, 2/23 - FINE ARTS NIGHT at The Works, featuring the art work of our 3rd through 8th graders - 5:30-7:00pm.

10 February 2011

The skating trip for 2A, 5A and 5B has been rescheduled yet again! The skating rink was short handed with staff and could not accomodate our students today. The new date will be on Monday, 2/14. Those students ONLY may dress casually on that day. Please follow the guidelines in the handbook.

Thursday, 2/17, is a LATE ARRIVAL day. If you would like a dress down pass for your child/ren for that day, BE SURE TO TURN IN YOUR BLUE REGISTRATION FORM BY TOMORROW, 2/11!

NO SCHOOL - 2/18 and 2/21

Last day to order a yearbook is 2/23.

MENU CHANGE: Due to a freezer problem our lunch menu for Monday, February 14th has been changed to Tomato Soup and Grilled Cheese [from Tuesday, 2/1, which was a snow day]. Sorry for any inconvenience!

On behalf of the staff of St. Francis I would like to thank Beth Jeffries and Bernadette Bloom for organizing a beautiful luncheon for Catholic Schools Week. Thank you to all who sent in food items and helped to set up/clean up as well. And a big round of applause for those parents who gave their time to come in and supervise classes so that the staff could all have lunch together! We do appreciate your partnering with us that day!

A very big THANK YOU also goes to Chris and Tonia May for their gift of Dairy Queen ice cream for EVERY student and staff person last Friday! It was a wonderful treat for all! Thanks also to Garrett Pierce from the Lou & Gib Reese Ice Arena for organizing and providing buses for our skating days!

Our author visit with Elizabeth Ficocelli was AWESOME! Thanks to Mrs. Merry for organizing this event. Be sure to check out the story in yesterday's edition of the Newark Advocate. If you have a copy you can send in to school we would appreciate it for our scrapbook. You can visit Elizabeth's website to order or learn more about her books:

Correction: Fine Arts night is WEDNESDAY, 2/23!

The Mad Hatter Mother/Daughter Tea Party and Fashion Show is Saturday, March 5th at 1:00pm. Tickets are $12.50 each. Call Agnes Windholz with questions: 344-6106

CHRIS CAKES: Tuesday, March 8th, 4:30-7:30pm. Come celebrate Mardi Gras with us!

09 February 2011

Sts Peter & Paul Presents Mother Daughter Retreat

$60.00 per Single Room
$80.00 per Double room
Just There for the Day $30.00
May 14th&15th – 9am Registration
Retreat Leader - Elizabeth Ficocelli

Overnight Retreat Includes:

-The Age of Mary Presentation - 10am-11am

-Lunch will be Served at 12pm

-The Gift of Reconciliation Presentation - 1pm-2pm

-Fr. Stephen Fitzhenry will be there to hear Confessions 3pm

-Afternoon Mass at 5pm

-Then Dinner at 6pm

-Private Rooms for Overnight Stay

-Breakfast will be Served at 8am

For Reservations Please call Pam or Cathy 740-928-4246

Click here to see the flyer
Junior High Spring Club Softball

Newark Catholic Community Club Softball

07 February 2011

The Mad Hatter Mother ~ Daughter Tea Party & Fashion Show
Saturday, March 5, 2011, at 1:00 p.m., Tickets – $12.50 each.
Tickets on sale Sundays after all Masses in Johnson Hall or by calling Agnes at 344-6106. Don’t miss this VERY important date! Find us on Facebook for all the curious details!
THIS WEDNESDAY, 2/9/11, DURING ALL LUNCH PERIODS in the multi-purpose room:

1. There will be a Bake Sale sponsored by 6th grade. Proceeds to
benefit the JA Biz Town Field trip. JA Worldwide is the world’s largest organization dedicated to educating students about workforce readiness, entrepreneurship and financial literacy through experiential, hands-on programs. This is a wonderful experience for our 6th grade students!

2. Also, there will be a spirit wear sale. Order forms are available on the website, and checks can be made payable to St Francis PTA.

All families who return their registration forms by this FRIDAY, 2/11, will receive a dress down pass for all children in the family. This includes 8th grade students who have returned their green form to Newark Catholic.

TOMORROW, 2/8, is our AUTHOR VISIT and VIRTUES LUNCH! PARENT/TEACHER CONFERENCES have also been rescheduled from last Wednesday to tomorrow evening. If you have not done so already, please be sure to confirm your conference time with Linda or your child's classroom teacher.

SAVE THE DATE! Our school will be featured at a FINE ARTS NIGHT at The WORKS on Tuesday, 2/23, from 5:30-7:00pm. Artwork created by students in grades 3 through 8 will be on display.

04 February 2011


There are TWO important letters coming home today with the youngest child: one is a registration form for next year and one is a record of volunteer hours. The registration form is so important for us in helping to determine enrollment for next year. This will help us to determine the number of staff needed and then set the tuition rates. Families who return the form by next Friday will receive a dress down pass for each child in the family to be used on February 17th.

We have rescheduled our Catholic Schools Week activities for next week.
On Tuesday, Feb 8th, we will celebrate:
OUR FACULTY AND STAFF – Multiples Day! – Students may dress like twins, triplets… OR students may wear their favorite team shirt, either professional or local. We will have our Catholic Author visit with Elizabeth Ficocelli; Luncheon for January Virtues students with the author; Luncheon for Teachers; and Holiday Auction Winner HUNTER ANTRITT will be “Principal for a Day.” On Tuesday evening we will also have our Parent/Teacher Conferences at the same times as previously scheduled. Please call the office to confirm this new date by Monday - you can leave a message on the machine for Linda if needed!

On Thursday, Feb 10th, we will host "Hats Off to OUR PARENTS" - Fashion Disaster/Crazy Hair Day! Classes 2A, 5A and 5B will be going skating!

Yesterday each family received a gift from the PTA. The 'Note to School' Pad is an easy way to communicate with your child's teacher or the main office. Many thanks for your support of St. Francis and Catholic education!!!

03 February 2011


The initial planning meeting for the Parish Wide Mardi Gras Party will be tonight at 7:00 p.m. In the St Francis Room in Johnson Hall. If you can not attend but would still like to be involved, please email Doug and Amber McCracken at and the meeting minutes as well as a list of opportunities available will be sent out to all interested parties!

Please be on the look out for a letter with an update of volunteer hours recorded for individual families as well as the enrollment agreement for the 2011-2012 school year. Tuition rates will not be set until later this spring but the enrollment agreements help us to budget accurately and in turn establish tuition rates.

An account balance letter for the school cafeteria will be sent home in the next week. A detail of the charges will accompany this letter to help clarify what we have on file for your child.

Amber McCracken
St. Francis de Sales Parish/School

02 February 2011

The Parent-Teacher Conferences that were scheduled for today have been cancelled. They will be re-scheduled.

All activities at St Francis – both school related and parish related - are CANCELLED today Wednesday February 2nd 2011 due to the current dangerous weather and driving conditions. - Fr Bob

28 January 2011

OOOPS!!! Corrected information for Mardi Gras planning meeting...

Are you in need of additional volunteer hours for the 2010-2011 school year? Do you like Pancakes that fly through the air and tables of sweets? Are you looking for a family friendly Mardi Gras Party on Fat Tuesday? We are in need of volunteers for the Parish wide Mardi Gras Festival to be held on Tuesday, March 8th. There will be a planning meeting on Thursday, February 3rd from 7:00 - 7:30 pm in the St. Francis de Sales room.

Many thanks to 7th grader Madison Weisand for the beautiful poster design for Mardi Gras!

On behalf of the students and staff of St. Francis I would like to thank the Alumni Association and the Women's Group of St. Francis for their generous monetary donations in December. We have been able to purchase new religious titles for our Library [books that we cannot order with state money], including a number of Accelerated Reader titles. Some of the books were used in our Advent Bag project and shared with our families to read before Christmas.

We sent home a copy of the Catholic Schools Week edition of the Catholic Times to each family. Be sure to read the article on page 2 that mentions our Advent Bag project! We will also be listed in the faith section of the Newark Advocate.

To clarify the 'dress code' for next week: Monday, students should be in uniform and they may 'accessorize' with green items [see the schedule for the approved list]. On the other days of Catholic Schools Week students may dress according to the theme for the day - jeans are allowed Tuesday through Friday. Students ARE expected to follow the guidelines for Casual Days listed in the handbook.

Progress reports [report cards] were sent home on Monday. Included in the envelopes for grades 3 - 8 were the Terra Nova standardized test reports. Please be sure to review and return the signed envelope to the classroom teacher by Feb. 2nd, the date of parent/teacher conferences. Teacher conference requests were mailed home. If you as a parent requested a conference please be sure to note the time on Feb. 2nd. Keep in mind that teachers are continually booked throughout the afternoon and evening and will stay with the scheduled times.