Latest Flocknotes

03 February 2011


The initial planning meeting for the Parish Wide Mardi Gras Party will be tonight at 7:00 p.m. In the St Francis Room in Johnson Hall. If you can not attend but would still like to be involved, please email Doug and Amber McCracken at and the meeting minutes as well as a list of opportunities available will be sent out to all interested parties!

Please be on the look out for a letter with an update of volunteer hours recorded for individual families as well as the enrollment agreement for the 2011-2012 school year. Tuition rates will not be set until later this spring but the enrollment agreements help us to budget accurately and in turn establish tuition rates.

An account balance letter for the school cafeteria will be sent home in the next week. A detail of the charges will accompany this letter to help clarify what we have on file for your child.

Amber McCracken
St. Francis de Sales Parish/School