The skating trip for 2A, 5A and 5B has been rescheduled yet again! The skating rink was short handed with staff and could not accomodate our students today. The new date will be on Monday, 2/14. Those students ONLY may dress casually on that day. Please follow the guidelines in the handbook.
Thursday, 2/17, is a LATE ARRIVAL day. If you would like a dress down pass for your child/ren for that day, BE SURE TO TURN IN YOUR BLUE REGISTRATION FORM BY TOMORROW, 2/11!
NO SCHOOL - 2/18 and 2/21!
Last day to order a yearbook is 2/23.
MENU CHANGE: Due to a freezer problem our lunch menu for Monday, February 14th has been changed to Tomato Soup and Grilled Cheese [from Tuesday, 2/1, which was a snow day]. Sorry for any inconvenience!
On behalf of the staff of St. Francis I would like to thank Beth Jeffries and Bernadette Bloom for organizing a beautiful luncheon for Catholic Schools Week. Thank you to all who sent in food items and helped to set up/clean up as well. And a big round of applause for those parents who gave their time to come in and supervise classes so that the staff could all have lunch together! We do appreciate your partnering with us that day!
A very big THANK YOU also goes to Chris and Tonia May for their gift of Dairy Queen ice cream for EVERY student and staff person last Friday! It was a wonderful treat for all! Thanks also to Garrett Pierce from the Lou & Gib Reese Ice Arena for organizing and providing buses for our skating days!
Our author visit with Elizabeth Ficocelli was AWESOME! Thanks to Mrs. Merry for organizing this event. Be sure to check out the story in yesterday's edition of the Newark Advocate. If you have a copy you can send in to school we would appreciate it for our scrapbook. You can visit Elizabeth's website to order or learn more about her books:
Correction: Fine Arts night is WEDNESDAY, 2/23!
The Mad Hatter Mother/Daughter Tea Party and Fashion Show is Saturday, March 5th at 1:00pm. Tickets are $12.50 each. Call Agnes Windholz with questions: 344-6106
CHRIS CAKES: Tuesday, March 8th, 4:30-7:30pm. Come celebrate Mardi Gras with us!