Latest Flocknotes

20 May 2011

Updated May Lunch Menu

05-20-11 ~ PTA News Update

4-H Camp Paws, Claws, Feathers & Friends
is designed for youth who love animals and want to learn more about their pets and companion animals. The camp is designed for youthentering grades 6, 7 and 8 and will take place from June 27-July 1. Campers will visit the OSU College of Veterinary Medicine and learn about the dog blood donor bank. We'll visit an aviary and humane society and complete a service project. Campers will see demonstrations and learn about pets with jobs and jobs with pets from trainers, groomers and K-9 officers. Camp size is limited to 24 participants. The fee for the week is $175 and includes all supplies, transportation, daily snack, lunch on Friday (participants bring a sack lunch Monday-Thursday) and insurance. Information and registration can be found at:
Register by May 31, 2011

4-H Camp Tech
GEAR-Tech 21 is a program from the University of Nebraska that combines LEGO NXT robotics, GPS skills and GIS mapping. The Ohio 4-H Center will host 4-H Camp Tech from July 28-30. This is an overnight camp open to youth entering grades 6, 7 and 8 this fall. Campers will build robots, go on a GPS treasure hunt, learn digital mapping and demonstrate their skills at 4-H STEM day at the Ohio State Fair. The $175fee includes overnight accommodations in an OSU dorm, all supplies, meals, insurance
and admission to the Ohio State Fair. For an information flyer, registration and permission forms see: