Looking for things to keep your kids occupied this summer? Join us at Vacation Bible School! VBS is June 20-24 from 9 a.m. until 12:30 p.m. It is open to students entering kindergarten through entering grade 5 this fall. And -- if we get enough inquiries -- we will open it to children who are pre-school age (4/5 years) as well; please call Lori Mazzone at 345-9874 x 222 or email her at lmazzone@stfrancisparish.net if you have a pre-schooler you would like to enroll.
Camper fees are only $25 per student if you register by May 30 -- that's THIS Monday, so don't delay! After May 30, it's only $35. If an adult volunteers for the entire week, then your registration fees are waived -- and if you need volunteer hours for St. Francis School, then VBS counts toward that, too! How's that for a deal? Contact Lori if you would like to volunteer or for further details.
VBS Registration Form