Attention 3rd and 4th Grade Parents:
There was a misprint in the Newark Advocate this Sunday about our program. The correct times are: Thursday, March 17th at 1:30 and 7:00pm in the gym. (as stated on the school calendar). Students should plan to arrive at 6:45.
Also, I am still in need of many items from the wish list to help make our program a success. If you can help with these items, please send them in as soon as possible with your students. Thank You! -Mrs. Rodenberger
Wish List:
6 Black Head bands
Green Pipe Cleaners
Small Gardening Tools
A Large Rope
Decorative Potted Plants (artificial)
1 large white sheet
Large plastic bugs
Large plastic vegetables
1 Lawn Chair
Please be sure to put your name and class on anything you bring in and want returned to you.