Students may begin to wear summer uniform attire on Monday, May 2nd. Please be sure to follow the guidelines in the handbook. As a reminder, please also check the guidelines for hair [pg. 35-36].
IMPORTANT REMINDER: Please be sure your child’s cafeteria account is up to date! Students must have paid in advance or ‘on the day of’ lunch purchases in May. No lunches will be served to those whose account is in arrears. Students not having a lunch or available funds will need to call home so that a lunch can be provided. Also, students with outstanding fees of any kind will not receive their 4th quarter progress report. Thank you for helping us to balance our books before the school year ends!
No need to cook on Tuesday, May 3rd! Join our Teacher Association at Adornetto's! Your support will help us to upgrade our technology.
Wednesday, May 4th, is Fine Arts night. Come on over to 'The Works' for a FREE evening and enjoy the art work of our students in grades K - 2.
Interims will be sent home next Friday.
Please keep our 2nd graders in your prayers as they prepare to receive the Sacrament of the Eucharist for the first time on Saturday, May 7th at 11:00am.
Coming Soon! Usborne Book Fair! Lots of good books for summer reading... May 9-12 in our school library.