OOOPS!!! Corrected information for Mardi Gras planning meeting...
Are you in need of additional volunteer hours for the 2010-2011 school year? Do you like Pancakes that fly through the air and tables of sweets? Are you looking for a family friendly Mardi Gras Party on Fat Tuesday? We are in need of volunteers for the Parish wide Mardi Gras Festival to be held on Tuesday, March 8th. There will be a planning meeting on Thursday, February 3rd from 7:00 - 7:30 pm in the St. Francis de Sales room.
Many thanks to 7th grader Madison Weisand for the beautiful poster design for Mardi Gras!
On behalf of the students and staff of St. Francis I would like to thank the Alumni Association and the Women's Group of St. Francis for their generous monetary donations in December. We have been able to purchase new religious titles for our Library [books that we cannot order with state money], including a number of Accelerated Reader titles. Some of the books were used in our Advent Bag project and shared with our families to read before Christmas.
We sent home a copy of the Catholic Schools Week edition of the Catholic Times to each family. Be sure to read the article on page 2 that mentions our Advent Bag project! We will also be listed in the faith section of the Newark Advocate.
To clarify the 'dress code' for next week: Monday, students should be in uniform and they may 'accessorize' with green items [see the schedule for the approved list]. On the other days of Catholic Schools Week students may dress according to the theme for the day - jeans are allowed Tuesday through Friday. Students ARE expected to follow the guidelines for Casual Days listed in the handbook.
Progress reports [report cards] were sent home on Monday. Included in the envelopes for grades 3 - 8 were the Terra Nova standardized test reports. Please be sure to review and return the signed envelope to the classroom teacher by Feb. 2nd, the date of parent/teacher conferences. Teacher conference requests were mailed home. If you as a parent requested a conference please be sure to note the time on Feb. 2nd. Keep in mind that teachers are continually booked throughout the afternoon and evening and will stay with the scheduled times.