Latest Flocknotes

05 January 2011

Happy New Year to all of our families!

Many thanks to those who have participated in the Box Tops for Education program. Just by collecting those box tops, our school received a check for $503.50! And thank you to Mrs. Beth Pintz for coordinating this program, as well as to the volunteers who cut and count. Please continue to send in your box tops/labels. It does pay off!!

Our next Prospective Parents Day will be held on Friday, January 14th from 9am - 2pm. If you know of a family who may be considering our school, please invite them to stop in that day. Registration packets will be available for Kindergarten children. Remember: any current family who brings a new family into our school will receive 35 FREE volunteer hours after the second quarter of the new family's attendance at St. Francis.

Mark your calendar for our annual OPEN HOUSE - Sunday, January 23rd - 11:30am - 1:30pm. Registration packets for Preschool and Kindergarten students and for new families will be available at the open house. We will also be celebrating the national CATHOLIC SCHOOLS WEEK from Sunday, January 30th through Friday, February 4th. A list of events for the week will be sent home shortly.

Friday, January 14th marks the end of the second quarter.

Blessed Sacrament is hosting a Protecting God’s Children Seminar on Saturday, January 29th at 9am. This session will be held in the school cafeteria. In keeping with VIRTUS policy, no one will be admitted to this session after the first video has started. Go to to register for the session. Please remember that in order to work with or volunteer around children of our Diocese, you must attend a session of Protecting God’s Children and have a background check on file with the School and/or Parish Office.