Latest Flocknotes

04 March 2013


We received the following from Darrell Bragg, President of the St. Vincent de Paul Center :

The SVdP Thrift Store is in dire need of donations; winter clothing, household items, furniture, toys, etc. We are near an all-time low in donation items to put on the floor and our sales figures are proving that. Our sales have dropped to near record lows as the concern grows. Since this winter has gone on longer than previous ones, our winter sale for clothing has continued. The fact is though we just don't have much to sell. We are extremely low on everything. We have quite a few clients still coming in, but are hearing comments that we don't have much. To offset lower sales we are finding it necessary to cut hours to employees.

Knowing that the store funds primarily support the Haven, I'm hoping that you can look through your houses and ask neighbors and family to do a house check for store items, especially winter clothing, house hold items, furniture, toys, etc. This is a normal time of the year when donations are slow, but this year seems worse than most. Anything you can do to pass on the word that the Thrift Store has an urgent need would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance for your help and support!