Latest Flocknotes

28 January 2011

OOOPS!!! Corrected information for Mardi Gras planning meeting...

Are you in need of additional volunteer hours for the 2010-2011 school year? Do you like Pancakes that fly through the air and tables of sweets? Are you looking for a family friendly Mardi Gras Party on Fat Tuesday? We are in need of volunteers for the Parish wide Mardi Gras Festival to be held on Tuesday, March 8th. There will be a planning meeting on Thursday, February 3rd from 7:00 - 7:30 pm in the St. Francis de Sales room.

Many thanks to 7th grader Madison Weisand for the beautiful poster design for Mardi Gras!

On behalf of the students and staff of St. Francis I would like to thank the Alumni Association and the Women's Group of St. Francis for their generous monetary donations in December. We have been able to purchase new religious titles for our Library [books that we cannot order with state money], including a number of Accelerated Reader titles. Some of the books were used in our Advent Bag project and shared with our families to read before Christmas.

We sent home a copy of the Catholic Schools Week edition of the Catholic Times to each family. Be sure to read the article on page 2 that mentions our Advent Bag project! We will also be listed in the faith section of the Newark Advocate.

To clarify the 'dress code' for next week: Monday, students should be in uniform and they may 'accessorize' with green items [see the schedule for the approved list]. On the other days of Catholic Schools Week students may dress according to the theme for the day - jeans are allowed Tuesday through Friday. Students ARE expected to follow the guidelines for Casual Days listed in the handbook.

Progress reports [report cards] were sent home on Monday. Included in the envelopes for grades 3 - 8 were the Terra Nova standardized test reports. Please be sure to review and return the signed envelope to the classroom teacher by Feb. 2nd, the date of parent/teacher conferences. Teacher conference requests were mailed home. If you as a parent requested a conference please be sure to note the time on Feb. 2nd. Keep in mind that teachers are continually booked throughout the afternoon and evening and will stay with the scheduled times.

27 January 2011

Are you in need of additional volunteer hours for the 2010-2011 school year? Do you like Pancakes that fly through the air and tables of sweets? Are you looking for a family friendly Mardi Gras Party on Fat Tuesday? We are in need of volunteers for the Parish wide Mardi Gras Festival to be held on Tuesday, March 8th. There will be a planning meeting on Thursday, February 2nd from 7 – 7:30 pm in the St. Francis de Sales room.

Can’t make the meeting but you are still interested in volunteering? Simply email Doug and Amber McCracken at and one of us will contact you to see how you might like to be involved!

26 January 2011

Remember Mardi Gras & Chris Cakes? Save the date!!! Don’t miss out on this year’s fun!

Fat Tuesday Celebration Flyer

20 January 2011

Labels for Education

Our school will earn 100 bonus points if you go to and register! You will need your Kroger customer card to register, then every time you buy an eligible item at Kroger we will automatically be credited for your purchase.
NBC4 offers a FREE service to parents. If you go to their website - -you can sign up to receive a text on your mobile phone right when the school enters in the closing or early dismissal. It is a great feature for parents who are working in offices that do not have TV or radios on or do not have access to the web while on the job. It is also helpful to those who may be 'out and about' running errands!
At this point in time, 12:08pm, our county schools are closing early, except for Granville. Even though the Southwest Licking schools are closing early, the bus from that district is coming at the NORMAL TIME. Linda has been busy contacting parents of those students to find out if they are to ride the bus.


It is very unlikely that Newark City Schools will close early because of the delayed opening today. What we will do here is have everyone prepared for dismissal by 2:30 and follow our plan that we used last week. All pick up students will be in the gym and we will open the gates at 2:30 to let cars into the lot. Please follow the directions of the staff. If anything changes I will post it here as soon as we become aware of changes. Thank you for your cooperation!
Parish Festival Chair
We are looking for a volunteer/s to be involved with chairing the Parish Festival. This person will assist in organizing the parish festival for this year with the intent of leading the festival committee for the next two years. Interested parties should contact Derk Myers @ 403-4604 or Mike Windholtz @ 258.0643.

19 January 2011

The February Lunch Calendar is now available.
Elizabeth Ficocelli's books are on display in the school library. The order for her books will be placed on Thursday (January 20)afternoon to guarantee arrival prior to our author visit. We will place another order later, however, the books may not arrive in time to be autographed by the author.

Order Form

Book Flyer

18 January 2011

Welcome to two new families who have joined us in January. Christopher Rinderle is a fourth grade student, son of Christopher and Julie [Battat]Rinderle. We also welcome 3rd grader Alexandra [Alex] Powelson and her dad, Mark.

Just a reminder that progress reports will be distributed to students on Monday, January 24th, along with Terra Nova scores.

14 January 2011

Book orders for our visit by author Elizabeth Ficocelli,
on February 2, 2011 are due next Wednesday, January 19th.
Please make checks payable to St. Francis School.

Book Order Form

Book Flyer

13 January 2011

It's Parent-Teacher Conference time!

Our 2nd round conferences are not mandatory, but if you would like to see a teacher, you may begin scheduling now. Conferences are February 2nd from 3:30pm-7:30pm

Online Scheduling and Instructions

Permission forms for ice skating were sent home today to grades 2 -7. Please sign BOTH SIDES and return the form by Friday, January 21st.

Full Catholic Schools Week Schedule

Early Dismissal Procedure

12 January 2011

Elizabeth Ficocelli is a best-selling, award-winning author of twelve books for adults and young people. Elizabeth will visit our school on February 2, 2011. Please see the attached flyers to pre-order her books, she will autograph them the day of her visit.

Please return the order forms with payment by January 19, 2011. The orders must be placed with the publishers on January 20 in order to receive them in time for Elizabeth's visit.

Book Flyer

Book Order Form

11 January 2011



06 January 2011

Corrected dates for national CATHOLIC SCHOOLS WEEK: January 31 - February 5, 2011. The National Catholic Education Association sets the last Sunday in January every year as the beginning of this week to celebrate our Catholic Schools across the country. A list of events will be sent home next week.

We will still host our OPEN HOUSE on Sunday, January 23rd to celebrate the feast of St. Francis de Sales.

A message from our school nurse, Mrs. Spangler: I have been seeing students that are presenting with complaints of stomach ache, headache and general malaise. I find the common denominator is that many of these children have not had breakfast.
Why Eat Breakfast?
A Harvard University/Massachusetts General Hospital study of children in Philadelphia and Baltimore schools discovered that students who usually ate breakfast had improved math grades, reduced hyperactivity, decreased absence and tardy rates, and improved psycho-social behaviors compared with children who rarely ate breakfast.

Please be sure your child has enough time in the morning to eat something before coming to school!

Attention Middle School BOYS and parents!

Registration is open for Boys Discover...Engineering!
COSI's premier science career exploration program for middle-school boys (grades 6-8) is Saturday, February 12, 2011 from 9:00 am to 3:15 pm at COSI in Columbus. The cost for this exciting day-long STEM program is $40 per student and includes workshops, lunch, and admission to COSI’s exhibitions after the program. Scholarship funding is available to cover all but $5 of the cost.

Middle-school boys will meet engineers and will participate in hands-on activities and workshops led by engineers and engineering students. Advance registration is required. Go to to learn more and print out the application and financial aid forms.

COSI's Girls Discover...Engineering program will return in the fall of 2011.

05 January 2011

Happy New Year to all of our families!

Many thanks to those who have participated in the Box Tops for Education program. Just by collecting those box tops, our school received a check for $503.50! And thank you to Mrs. Beth Pintz for coordinating this program, as well as to the volunteers who cut and count. Please continue to send in your box tops/labels. It does pay off!!

Our next Prospective Parents Day will be held on Friday, January 14th from 9am - 2pm. If you know of a family who may be considering our school, please invite them to stop in that day. Registration packets will be available for Kindergarten children. Remember: any current family who brings a new family into our school will receive 35 FREE volunteer hours after the second quarter of the new family's attendance at St. Francis.

Mark your calendar for our annual OPEN HOUSE - Sunday, January 23rd - 11:30am - 1:30pm. Registration packets for Preschool and Kindergarten students and for new families will be available at the open house. We will also be celebrating the national CATHOLIC SCHOOLS WEEK from Sunday, January 30th through Friday, February 4th. A list of events for the week will be sent home shortly.

Friday, January 14th marks the end of the second quarter.

Blessed Sacrament is hosting a Protecting God’s Children Seminar on Saturday, January 29th at 9am. This session will be held in the school cafeteria. In keeping with VIRTUS policy, no one will be admitted to this session after the first video has started. Go to to register for the session. Please remember that in order to work with or volunteer around children of our Diocese, you must attend a session of Protecting God’s Children and have a background check on file with the School and/or Parish Office.

04 January 2011

PROSPECTIVE PARENT VISIT DAY January 14 ~ 9:00am-2:00pm

St. Francis de Sales is now registering new students for the 2011-2012 school year.
We will be hosting an:
Open House January 23rd 11:30 am-1:30 pm

03 January 2011

Please note: the volunteer hours for the Christmas Bazaar were not submitted for recording as of the date of the most recent letter. Another update will be sent out during Catholic Schools week in January.

Thank you, Amber McCracken
Youth Ministry Events

Jr. High KICK-OFF!
Dodgeball and Pizza
All 7th & 8th Graders Welcome!

• Wed. Jan. 5th (and every Wednesday!)
• 6:00-7:30 pm
• Pizza & Salad Dinner!
• St. Francis Johnson Hall
• Friends welcome!
• $3 at the door
• QUESTIONS??? Bob Moraine

Dodgeball Flier

28th Annual March for Life!

St. Francis Youth Ministry together with St. Catharine Columbus is sponsoring a multi-generational Pilgrimage to Washington, DC to participate in the 28th Annual March for Life! January 23rd – 24th Please join us as we put our faith into action in support of the sanctity of human life.

March for Life Flier