Latest Flocknotes

18 December 2009

Did you know that our Strings students played at Indian Mound Mall last night? They filled up the Food Court and had a great time in the process. Good job students.

Cafeteria Ornament Contest Winners:
Parker Green - 2B
Lyndsey Szekely - K1
Katie Szekely - 1A
Gabby Thomas - 3A
Delaney Szekely - 3B
Jordyn Creely - 3B
All students won a free lunch. Great job!

Please remember that the school will be closed Dec. 21-Jan 1. We will have a regular school day on Jan. 4th. See you in 2010! Merry Christmas!

17 December 2009

Friday Helpers Needed! We have received a donation of bathroom partitions from State Farm. They need picked up on Friday, December 18th – Tomorrow at 1pm. We need at least 2 volunteers to help pick them up at State Farm and bring them back to St. Francis and unload them. We have a box truck, so we just need manpower!

We are still looking for 3 or 4 volunteers for bathroom demolition. This work has to happen Friday afternoon and Saturday morning. Both of these projects count towards your fund generating volunteer hours. Please call Christy at 345-9874 ext 224 if you can help with either of these two projects.

The Columbus Capitals Won the Three Rivers Cup Hockey Tournament in Pittsburgh, Pa over the Thanksgiving weekend. The team went 4 and 0 over the weekend defeating the Applewood Coyotes from Ontario Canada in the finals 8 to 0. Holt Schwarm had 4 assists and a goal during the tournament and his team is ranked in the top 200 in the United States for squirts hockey. Great job Holt!

15 December 2009

Good news!
This past weekend there was a wrestling tournament a Tri Valley High School for grades K-6. Four students from St. Francis attended the tournament and they did very well. Liam Kirkpatrick got 1st place and Riley Hempleman got 4th place. Great job boys!

We won another grant! The Energy Cooperative is giving St. Francis $5000.00 toward the replacement of our computers in the lab. We can now replace all of our lab computers!!! Thank you Energy Cooperative.

14 December 2009

Casual Day Friday for all students! Merry Christmas. :)

Need cost reducing/fundraising volunteer hours? We have 2 opportunities coming up!

Calling all hard working volunteers! We are looking for 4-5 volunteers for Friday afternoon and Saturday morning to help tear out the 2nd floor boy’s bathroom flooring and stalls. You must be willing and able to lift 35+ pounds.
Call Christy McNabb at 345-9874 ext 224 to sign up.

Calling all mothers, daughters, grandmothers and aunts! Looking for a fun way to fulfill your revenue producing volunteer hours?

The Mother Daughter Tea Committee is in need of models for the tea’s style show. This is a fun and easy way to fulfill some of your volunteer hours. The Tea is on Saturday, February 20th. If you are interested please contact Courtney Van Ostran, the 2010 Style Show Chair at or call her (740) 877-5872.

07 December 2009

There are 73 students in our Drama Club this year! We are very excited. The Kickoff party is Thursday, Dec. 10th at 7pm in the cafeteria.

We won a grant! We received a $9,000.00 grant from the Licking County Foundation to replace computers in our lab. Thank you Licking County!

We also received a check from GoodSearch for last year's searches online! Please check it out, if you don't already use it. It is a very easy way for us to make some money for the school. Thank you!

17 new families came to check us out on Prospective Parent Visit Day last week. It was quite a success!

04 December 2009

JH Wrestling Schedule

The cafeteria is hosting an ornament contest for grades K-2, 3-4, 5-6, and 7-8. You may submit religious, creative, and funny ornaments. One winner for each group will be chosen and the prize is 1 free lunch anytime in January. Parents may help their children create the ornaments. Ornaments are due to the office by December 15th.


The classroom that collects the most Box Tops/Campbell's Soup/Tyson Points will win a casual day for their homeroom! All labels/points must be turned in to your child's homeroom teacher by Monday, January 25th. The winning homeroom will be announced on Wednesday, January 27th. The casual day will be February 5th.

The labels/points collected have purchased many of the playground items that our children enjoy, such as footballs, basketballs, kickballs and frisbees.

So start collecting those Box Tops now!! Ask Grandparents, Aunts, Uncles, Neighbors and Friends to save them too! GOOD LUCK!

30 November 2009

The next Mother-Daughter Tea meeting is this Wednesday, Dec. 2 at 7pm. This event does count for fundraising hours!

See the response from one of our Senators to our plea for Catholic school funding here. Thank you for all of your help in signing those letters!

24 November 2009

Don't forget! Drama Club tryouts are Monday, November 30th at 3pm in Johnson Hall. We also had to move the Drama Club Kickoff to Thursday, Dec. 10th at 7pm in the Cafeteria. We will give out scripts, t-shirts, and roles at this meeting.

TRIP Newsletter

A note from the Bazaar Chairs, Mike & Joni O'Neill:The 2009 St. Francis de Sales Christmas Bazaar was a great success.

We would like to thank all those that contributed in any way to make it so successful. Without individuals like you, we would not have been able to go on.

There are countless hours in the soliciting for donations, the baking of the food, the set-up / tear down and pick-ups. What makes everything fall into place are the individuals that commit themselves to work this event every year.

I would like to thank Dr. Spain and Father Bob for their extra patience and understanding during this hectic time.

We need to give a special thanks the Szekely’s who resurrected the classroom art auction by taking on the Chair position and moving forward, working within the parameters allowed, and making it so successful.

We need to thank the Teachers for making concessions and being patient with all the extra paperwork being handed out and all the donations coming in.

Someone who I always forget but really plays a key part, and is always appreciated is Mrs. McDonald. She is our navigator for three months and she always makes sure everything gets to the correct location.

Last I would like to thank all who visited our Bazaar or made a donation. Again, without folks like you who care enough to be a participant in this event, we would not be so successful.

Thank you, Mike and Joni O'Neill

Please come to a benefit concert for the Ritchey family on Saturday, Dec. 5th at 7pm in the school gym. Mac Arnold will be performing "A Not So Silent Night" to help raise money for the family. Tickets are $5.00 or a donation.

19 November 2009

Still need fundraising hours? Work the Christmas Bazaar! See Mike or Joni O'Neill or just come out and volunteer! Please remember that if you have worked or are working on the 2009 Christmas Bazaar, Mike or Joni O'Neil must sign off on your volunteer tracking sheet for your hours to count. Thank you.

Reminder - tomorrow is a casual day for all students. If you purchased a Bazaar t-shirt, please wear it tomorrow and show your school spirit.

Honor Roll - 1st Quarter

Perfect Attendance - 1st Quarter

18 November 2009


Friday Parking! Parents, please do not park in front of the school or the parking lot across from the school for drop off, bazaar shopping or volunteering as those parking lots will need to be for a funeral. The rear parking lot will be open all day for your convenience. Thank you for your cooperation!


Preview some of the Christmas Bazaar Art Aution pieces here

16 November 2009


With Thanksgiving almost upon us, we wanted to take a moment to thank all of you for the donations we received last year for the Preschool classroom. Now that we are up and running, we are grateful and give thanks every time we reach into a cupboard for crayons, paint, paper and supplies. We realize these students have so many learning toys and books to help them get a start in school. This would not be possible without your generosity. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving! Jenny Noward

Drama Audition information is coming home today with all students who have signed up to participate. Auditions are Monday, November 30th at 3pm in Johnson Hall.

12 November 2009

As part of the Diocesan Safe Environment policies a Protecting God’s Children Session has been scheduled for Saturday, December 5th at 9:00am at St. Francis de Sales Church in Johnson Hall. Please go to to register for the PGC session. There will also be an opportunity to complete a fingerprinting/background check beginning at 12noon in the St. Francis Parish Office. The cost of this service is $37 for BCI, $40 for FBI and if both are required the cost is $70.00. Must have a valid state issued driver’s license or state ID. Please call Christy McNabb at 345-9874 ext 224 to rsvp for the fingerprinting session.

Box Tops Flier

Quinten Nelson finished 19th in the nation out of the top 38 drivers in the country in the final 2009 WKA SSC East/CRG Nationals Lowe's Motor Speedway in Charlotte, NC this weekend. He will now be heading to Daytona International Speedway in Daytona, Florida, the last weekend of December this year, for the first 2010 WKA Manufacturer’s Cup Series National race. Way to go Quinten!

10 November 2009

We will have a Spirit Store on Wednesday November 11 from 11:00 to 1:00 in the cafeteria.

What Kind of Parent Do You Want to Be? St. Francis de Sales Parish has begun a conversation on Mondays at 8:45 AM in Lamy St. Francis Room. They will meet for the next five Mondays (Nov. 16, 23, 30 Dec. 7, 14). There will be conversation, video, scripture, and reflection. This is directed to all parents. The video portion is available at However, that is not the whole story. You are welcome to come join us. Contact Theresa DeMers for more information: 345-9874 ext. 210 or

Have a question about volunteer hours? Please contact our Volunteer Hours Coordinator, Michelle Burd at: or 788-9503. We will be putting out an update on how many hours have been logged to date in the next week. We will also put out two more updates throughout the year. Please make sure you turn in your forms as you go, so we can have an up to date count for you. Thanks for your help!

07 November 2009

Just a reminder that Baskets of Joy for the Christmas Bazaar are still taking donations (and they could really use them too!) Please bring any items and/or monetary donations to the school office next week.

Hanna Wade is competing in the Nationals' Miss Pre-teen Columbus pageant this weekend in Columbus. She was selected out of approx 450 applicants by way of resume and interview. She already attended a training class and will compete Sunday at East high school at 4 pm. Good luck Hanna!

Donations for the Drive (which will get you Santa Bucks & a T-shirt for the Bazaar) are due Friday, November 14th, so we can get the shirts ordered. Thank you for your donations to PTA! They really help supplement the extras for our students and teachers.

03 November 2009

Congratulations to the Newark Catholic Youth 5th/6th grade Green Team! They won the Licking County Youth Football League Championship Sunday night with a 20 to 14 victory against Watkins Gold. This make three years in a row a NC youth football team has won the championship. Way to go boys!

02 November 2009

Remember that the Mother Daughter Tea Meeting is this Wednesday 11/4 at 7 pm. This does count toward your fundraising hours for volunteer!

Quinten Nelson will be racing this weekend in a very large National race at Lowes Motor Speedway in Charlotte, North Carolina. He will be racing against the top drivers in the country, as well as overseas. Please keep him in your prayers and give him lots of support when you see him. Good luck Quinten! We know you can do it!

The Newark Catholic Family is hosting a spaghetti dinner on November 6th, 4 pm. - 7 pm for Laura Ritchey, a theology teacher at Newark Catholic. Last April, Laura found out that her daughter, Natalie had an inoperable brain tumor that is malignant. Natalie has a two year old daughter, she has lost her job and benefits, and has diminished vision and balance because of the cancer. The cost of the dinner is your donation. Please put this on your calendar and come and eat dinner at NC to support a member of our Catholic family in need. Thank you.

30 October 2009

The Parish will be putting on a “Parent Training” class on November 9, 16, 23, 30 and December 7, 14. Please see Theresa Demers for more information.

Box tops for education is running a promotion where every person who signs up (you have to give them your e-mail address) earns 5 bonus box tops for the school they choose. The promo ends the end of November. Please check it out! Thank you.

28 October 2009

We won $2700.00 (2nd place) in the Earn to Learn contest at Indian Mound Mall! Thank you to everyone who helped make this possible. That money will be put in the PTA account for the "extras" for students and teachers. Great job!

Tomorrow (Thursday) is the last day for orders for the Jacket Sale. You may turn them into the office.

27 October 2009

Casual Day Friday, October 30th! Please see casual day policy in the student handbook for more information.

26 October 2009

We need your help! The first parent/teacher conference of the year is mandatory and we need you to schedule your conference as soon as possible. Mrs. McDonald will begin calling those families who do not schedule within the next few days to set up an appointment. If you need help with the Pickatime program, please call the school office at 345-4049 x 2. Thank you!

You still have some time left to give to the School Drive and qualify for the Christmas Bazaar promotion. Every dollar you donate goes back to the kids and teachers for the "extras" for our school!

Please join us for the first PTA meeting of the year, tomorrow, Tuesday, October 27th! We will have a social gathering from 5:30 p.m.-6:00 p.m., with the meeting following from 6:00 p.m.-7:00 p.m. We will be in Conference Room A in the Lamy Center. Please bring a light appetizer to share. We look forward to seeing you there!

22 October 2009

Please join us for the Scholastic Book Fair!
November 2-6, 8:15-3:15 with extended hours on Wednesday until 7:00 PM
Scholastic Book Fair

20 October 2009

19 October 2009

Parent-Teacher Conferences are November 4th & 12th - you may begin registering online today! As this is a mandatory conference for all parents, we can only accommodate scheduling for homeroom and specials teachers (Music, PE & Library). If you would like to meet with another teacher, please contact them directly and set up another date/time to meet. If you have any problems scheduling, please call the school office at: 345-4049 x 2.

School picture retakes will be Thursday, Nov. 5th at 8:45am. If you want to get retakes done, you must return the old pictures on the day of retakes.
We are excited to offer St Francis jackets and duffle
bags for sale!! These items will be by order only and
will only be offered for a short period of time!!
Money is due at time of order. Please make checks payable to:
St Francis PTA

Credit Cards accepted!! (all numbers will be destroyed after )
Should you have any questions regarding the sale,
please feel free to contact me!!
Brooke McKenna -

Last day for orders will be October 28, 2009
Estimated delivery date is November 17, 2009

Samples are in the spirit wear display case or you
may view them on the website!!
Please see order form here.

16 October 2009

Marriage Support & Enrichment Survey - please take this survey! We need your help.

Congratulations...Carrie Dietz - 3B for winning the Christmas Bazaar t-shirt contest! Thank you to everyone who participated. The drawings get better every year and the faculty & staff had a really hard time making the decision. Great job everyone.

Are you interested in having your daughter
Have Fun?
Try New Things?
Expand on her Catholic Values?
Gain New Experiences?
Build Relationships that will last a Lifetime?
If you answered yes to one or more of these questions please join us for an Informational, Organizational, & Let’s Get Started Meeting for Girl Scouts On Wednesday October 21 from 6:30 – 7:30 in the St. Francis Cafeteria.
Please bring your calendar, a pen, and any info you may need to fill out forms (such as Dr.’s Numbers, & contact information)
We still need a leader & co-leader for this troop. So I ask that you really reach down inside yourself, think, and pray about whether or not you are willing to take this role on. This will come with all the support you need and it’s a REALLY rewarding volunteer experience!!!! If you think you may be interested please give me a call or shoot me an e-mail, the sooner we get the ball rolling on the leader for this troop the better!!!
If you have any questions or are interested and can not make the meeting, please feel free to call me 323-5965 or e-mail me anytime.
I look forward to meeting all of you on Wednesday!!! Have a great week:)
Joni O’Neill
Service Unit Manager

Attention 1st Grade Daisy Parents and Interested Parents
We are going to have an organizational meeting on Wednesday October 21 from 7:30 to 8:30 in the St. Francis Cafeteria.
We really want to get the ball rolling on Daisies this year and really need your help.
Please come find out what you can do to help your daughter have the best Girl Scout Experience Possible and finish any outstanding paperwork!!
Bring your CALENDARS, a pen, and any information you may need to fill out forms (such as Dr.’s Numbers & Contact information)
We hope to see all of you there!!!!!
If you can not attend please contact Joni O’Neill at 323-5865 or anytime
Valerie Hans
Joni O’Neill

14 October 2009

The last and biggest Jr. High Football game of the year is this Saturday, October 17th at Licking Valley. The 7th grade game starts at 5:00pm and the 8th grade game is right after the 7th grade. Come out & support the team!

The Student Art Auction for the Christmas Bazaar is in need of supplies! Please check the list and see if you have any of the items needed. Thank you for your help.

13 October 2009

Have some school pictures to share? We would love to post them on our website and share them with the Generations newsletter and the Newark Advocate! Please send them to Dr. Spain at:

Some helpful links:
Flu Toolkit

Please read this "Action Alert" on Catholic School funding. All state budget cuts will impact St. Francis de Sales School!

12 October 2009

Update on H1N1/Seasonal Flu:
We have had many students out of school sick in the last few weeks, as have many local schools. Please remember that this is flu season and you should keep your child home from school if they are sick.

If your child has any of the following symptoms: high fever, cough, sore throat, muscle aches, and/or diarrhea, please consult your doctor. If your child has a medical condition (i.e. asthma, diabetes, etc.) or is under 5 years old, you should also consult your doctor. Please make sure your child is free of fever for at least 24 hours before sending them back to school.

There is no reason to panic. If you are in doubt about your child's condition, you should see your doctor, as you normally would. We are using hand sanitizers and reminding students to cover their coughs at school. These are also things you can do at home.

Have further questions about H1N1 or the flu? Visit the CDC site at:

On a happier note, Quinten Nelson placed 1st in Yamaha Sportsman and 3rd in HPV Junior Sportsman in this weekend’s OVKA kart race season finale. This earned Quinten overall 2nd place and 5th place respectively for the season championship. Quinten next travels to Charlotte, North Carolina, at Lowes Motor Speedway, for the last World Karting Association National race of the year. Keep up the great work Quinten!
The spirit store will be opened the second Wednesday of every month during lunch periods beginning Wednesday October 14th. Check out the flier here.

Parents: Bob Moraine needs 6 parent volunteers to chaperone the Confirmation Retreat on Nov. 22 at Sts. Peter & Paul, 9:00am - 6:30pm. These hours will be counted toward your 25 "General Service Hours". Contact Bob to sign up: or 345.9874 x 214 office/614-961-9720 cell Thanks!

07 October 2009

Flu Shots Available:

Autumn Health Care has graciously stepped in to help the Parish get their Flu Shots. They will be here on Oct. 18th from 9:00 – 2:00 in the Dominican Library. The flu shots will cost $10.00. Please call Diane at the Parish office to preregister for the flu shot 345-9874, ext. 200.

05 October 2009

Reminder: No School on Thursday, Oct. 8th & Friday, Oct. 9th - Teacher In-service Days

Christmas Bazaar Flier In an effort to encourage further donations for the Drive, as we have not yet reached our goal, we are running a second promotion. If you gave to the drive before Oct. 1st, you were entered into the raffle. If you wish to participate in this 2nd promotion, you can either donate to the Drive again or purchase a Bazaar t-shirt separately. Thank you for your support to the Drive.

02 October 2009

SFDSS Drive "Early Bird" Raffle Winners:
Lianna Capretta - Spirit Wear
Pat Barber - Spirit Wear
Ann Langenbrunner - Snack Bar Coupon
Kathy Erhard - Snack Bar Coupon
Christy Annarino - Free Lunch for a Year
Columbus Crew Tickets for 4 - Lilly Roche
The Works Family Membership - Emily Matuska
Skip a Tuition Payment - Kim Martin
Athletic Association Family Pass - Brian Brown

Congratulations to all of our winners! THANK YOU to all of you who donated to the School Drive! We are still taking donations throughout the rest of the year and we really appreciate your help buying the "extras" for our students and teachers!

FYI: The next Mother-Daughter Tea meeting is Wednesday 10/7 at 7pm. These hours do count toward fundraising hours. Hope to see you there!

This Sunday the Parish Flu informational clinic has been cancelled because Interim Health Care has experienced a flu vaccine shortage. Interim will not be holding the flu clinic next week due to this shortage. Sorry for any inconvenience.

01 October 2009

Bazaar T-Shirt Contest

VISIT and register to win General Mills Box Tops for Education for our school. GRAND PRIZE: 500,000 BOX TOPS - That’s $50,000 for St. Francis! 2-1st PRIZES: 250,000 BOX TOPS - Enter daily between now and Oct. 31for a chance to win and keep those Box Tops coming in to school...THANKS!

30 September 2009

Have you turned in your Drive donation yet? Last day to be eligible for the raffle is tomorrow (Oct 1st)! Thank you in advance for your support!

We are in desperate need of Friday morning volunteers for our TRIP program. We need at least one more volunteer for the 2nd, 4th, and 5th Fridays. The hours are 7:15 AM until 9 AM.

Please consider volunteering as we can not open TRIP without another person on these Fridays. Please remember the TRIP program is solely dependant on volunteers. Without volunteers the program does not happen. These hours count as general hours.

To volunteer, please contact Pam Kelley at or 740-345-9874 X204

28 September 2009

In a few weeks the parish will begin our Generations Stewardship Campaign. One of the primary goals of the Generations process is to positively touch each and every member of our parish. To help us accomplish, we need volunteers on November 1, 2009 from 1pm to 6pm to help us by calling the homes of registered families within the St. Francis community who have not returned their pledge cards for Time, Talent and Treasure. Rest assured this is not intended to be a hard-sell phone call. Calls will be made from a local phone bank we have secured and training will be provided beforehand which includes a phone script to guide each caller through the phone call. Volunteer sign up sheets will be available at the table at the back of church this weekend or call the parish office at 345-9874 ext 200 to register. Please sign up today! Those of you who have already signed-up need not sign again. Volunteering for the campaign does count toward the revenue generating volunteer hours.
Thank you!

Pick Up Reminder: We have several Adorers who are trying to get into the small sacristy lot for their 3pm Adoration time, but no one is letting them through. If you see someone trying to access the sacristy parking lot, please let them pass. Thank you.

25 September 2009

Hi there!
There still seems to be some confusion over what “counts” for volunteer hours and what doesn’t. Think of it this way:

If you:
• Donate money or an item
• Work a table/booth/etc.
• Solicit corporate donations
• Create something (i.e. cookies, quilts, etc.)

for the Bazaar, Festival, or Mother-Daughter Tea – all hours will count toward cost reducing/revenue generating hours. Have the chair of the event sign off on your volunteer hours sheet.

If you spend any hours working or attending meetings for any of the following:
• Market Day
• Parish Maintenance Projects
• Parish Maintenance Committee
• Box Tops/Soup Label Counters
• Spirit Wear
• Classroom volunteering
• Generations Campaign
• Book Fair
• Parish Finance Council
• Cafeteria

All of the above hours will count toward cost reducing/revenue generating hours. Have the chair of the event sign off on your volunteer hours sheet.

If it is not an event listed above, it will only count for general volunteer hours.

I hope this helps to make things more clear. Thank you for all you do for St. Francis and please know that we cannot do this without you! You help to make our school great!

Have a nice weekend.
Dr. Spain

24 September 2009

23 September 2009

Marriage Encounter Flier

Don't forget that the last day to Earn to Learn at Indian Mound Mall is September 28th. We're very close to winning a prize, so please turn in your receipts!

21 September 2009

Don't forget!
If you make a donation to the Drive by October 1st, you will automatically be entered into a drawing for the following prizes:

• 1 year Athletic Association Family Pass
• 1 year Family membership to The Works
• Snack Bar Coupon Pack ($20.00)
• Spirit Wear coupon
• Skip a Tuition Payment (First Child Only)
• Free lunch for a year (1 Child Only)

Please watch your mail for our drive letter and pledge card and/or make your donation online.

Thank you for your support!

18 September 2009

Grade 2’s having a Bake Sale!

When: Thursday, September 24th

Where: School Cafeteria

Why: To help benefit St. Vincent de Paul’s “Friends of the Poor” Walk.

***The St. Vincent DePaul Society is our service project for this year.

15 September 2009

St. Francis de Sales School will be on a late arrival schedule on Thursday, September 17th. Buses will run 2 hours late. School will start at 10:15am and will release at the normal school time. EDP will be available from 7-10am that morning. The cost is $10.00 per child and you must call Little Einstein to register. Little Einstein's phone number is: 366-0788. Thank you.

Mrs. Scullion's African Dance Video

11 September 2009

A message from the Accounting Office:It has come to our attention that there was misinformation regarding the used uniform sale and volunteer hours. Some families were erroneously promised volunteer hours in exchange for their uniforms. The used uniform sale is provided solely as a service to our families and the school does not generate any revenue from this event. The school does keep any unclaimed uniform after the sale for the uniform closet for needy families.

In the future, the used uniform sales will only offer a cash back option for uniforms that are sold. Unsold uniforms that are not claimed at the close of the sale will become property of St. Francis de Sales school and will be donated to the used uniform closet for needy families. For this year, if a family was promised volunteer hours in exchange for their uniforms and that promise can be validated through the volunteer hour form documentation procedure, we will honor those hours as general volunteer hours.

If you have any questions regarding this decision, please contact the accounting office at 345-9874 x 235. Thank you.

Blessed Sacrament's Oktoberfest

7-8th Dress Up Day Clarification:
Students in the 7-8th grades may dress up on the day of their game. If the game falls on a weekend, they may dress up the day before.

Students who wish to dress up for athletic events must follow the policy on page 37 of the student handbook. Boys will be dressed up in shirts & ties and girls will be nicely "dressed up" to match the boys. This may include skirts and/or dress pants. We have had several instances this week of students dressing like this is another casual day. It is not a casual day. If students do not appropriately dress up, per the policy, we will discontinue the Athletic Dress Up day. Thank you.

10 September 2009

St. Francis de Sales Parish will host a flu shot vaccinations clinic! (This is not for the swine flu/H1N1 virus - just Influenza A & B.) Sign ups will be Sunday, October 4th. The Flu Shot Clinic will be in the Dominican Library on Sunday, October 11th. Questions? Call Dy in the Parish Office 345-9874 x200.

A note from the NCJHAA: All candy bar money is due Friday, September 11th. Thank you for your help with this fundraiser.

09 September 2009

Please come to the planning meetings for the St. Francis de Sales 2009 Christmas Bazaar and Craft Show! (It counts toward your cost
reducing/fundraising volunteer hours!)

Meeting Dates:
September 15, 2009 Tuesday 6:30p-8:00p in the St. Francis de Sales school Cafeteria.

October 7, 2009 Wednesday 6:30p-8:30p in the St. Francis de Sales school Cafeteria.

We are seeking volunteers for positions, ideas, and planning for the 2009 Christmas Bazaar and Craft Show.

Please join us for these meetings and take the opportunity to meet your fellow Parishioners, hear about the 2009 Christmas Bazaar and Craft Show, and determine where we would like to go from here.

If you have any questions, please contact the Bazaar Chairs: Joni O'Neill 740-928-7296 or 740-323-5865 & Mike O'Neill - 345-5625

Thank you!

08 September 2009

Please fill out this survey to help us gauge interest in the student art auction at the Christmas Bazaar: Student Art Auction Survey

04 September 2009

02 September 2009

Got Volunteer Hours? We do! Want to help your Parish and School? We need you!

There are many upcoming volunteer opportunities:

Saturday, September 12th 8am to 1pm – Fall Work Day! Assist our Maintenance Committee in fence and roof repairs and miscellaneous small projects. Many hands make light work, so join us!

Sunday, October 18th and Sunday, October 25th 9am to 1pm – Parish Office Help! We need 2 extra volunteers for the office to help during the Generations Campaign to match labels with pledge cards and entering information into database. Call Dy in the Parish Office to sign up.

Sunday, November 1st 2pm to 6pm – Generations Campaign Phone Bank! Call fellow parishioners with exciting news about our annual Generations Campaign. Training and script provided with flexible hours and fun environment. Call Dy in the Parish Office to sign up.

Various dates: work in the school cafeteria! We need volunteers to help: wash dishes, clean tables, and serve food. See Barb Calvert in the cafeteria to sign up.

All of these opportunities count towards the school volunteer hours requirement for 25 hours of funds generating and/or money saving.

Thank you, in advance, for your help.

31 August 2009

The first Mother Daughter Tea planning meeting is Wednesday, September 2nd at 7pm in the St. Francis room. If you have any interest in helping with the event, please come! All are welcome. (These hours will count toward cost reducing/fundraising volunteer hours!)

The school cafeteria is now hiring a dishwasher part-time, Monday-Friday. Please call Barb Calvert at 345-9182, if you are interested or have any questions. Thank you.

28 August 2009

Library Volunteers - Please complete and return the Volunteer form if you are interested in helping in the library this school year.
Mrs. Merry

27 August 2009

Jr. High Athletes (7-8th) will be allowed to "dress up" on the day prior to their game. Please see the handbook for the Athletic Dress Up Day policy.
AR Lists are available on the website on the Resources page.

Welcome new St. Francis students & families! (We have 50 new students!)

Kindergarten: Sean Auer; Angelo Barcelona; Mary Capretta; Abigail Caskey; Dominic Claeys; Mandie Farabee; Joshua Guy; Andrew Heinsman; Austin Hendrickson; Warren Knowlton; Margaret Matuska; Kyle Meddles; Noah Musgrave; Ty Pangborn; Amber Pierce; Sky Powell; Brooklyn Smith; Halen Swickard; Lauren Tucker; Bryant Turner; James Warner; & Gabrielle Wolfe

1st Grade: Ryan Auer; Madelynne Brothers; Braden Brown; Emma Franks; Jackson Wollenburg; Caleb Havens; Sahara Powell; & William Watson

2nd Grade: Griffin Helms; Esperancza McAnally; & Storm Powell

3rd Grade: Alexis Brothers; Jazmin Harkin; Bella Mejias; & Stephen Pierce

4th Grade: Caleb Bemiller; Brendan Johnson; & Matthew Schreiber

6th Grade: Skylar Evec; Jordan Hammond; Starr Piotrowski; & Andrew Hammond

7th Grade: Caitlin Andrews; Garrett Bemiller; Reilly Kuskowski; & Dashon Shackleford

8th Grade: Jacob Capretta & Erik Lensink

We are happy to have you with us! Please welcome these new students and families when you see them. :)

A note from our Volunteer Coordinator:
My name is Michelle Burd. I will be doing all volunteer tracking for this school year. My contact information is as follows if you would have any questions regarding volunteer hours. E-mail: or my home number is 740-788-9503.

Any records sheets you have tracked volunteer time on should be turned in at the school office. I would also suggest turning any record sheets you may have on a monthly basis if that applies. Please do not wait until the end of the school year to hand them in as I am updating frequently to keep all families abreast on accurate hours accrued.

Thank you in advance for making this an easy transition to keeping the St. Francis tradition great!

Blessings, Michelle Burd

26 August 2009

Just a few reminders about pick up & drop off:

* Please do not drop your child off or pick up on Granville Street. Please use Pearl Street for both. It is safer for the children.

* Please pull all the way up on Pearl Street to drop off and/or pick up. Don't stop at the gate because it backs traffic up too far onto Granville.

* Please do not drive around other cars letting children out. This is very dangerous.

* We know you want to help your child out of the car, but please do so quickly and efficiently, so you do not hold up traffic behind you.

* Please also remember there is a posted "No Left Turn" sign from Pearl St. onto Granville St. Police have been known to ticket...

If you have any questions, please call the office. We're here to help! :)

25 August 2009

Thank you to everyone who came to the Spaghetti Dinner last Saturday! We had about 200 people come and enjoy a welcome back meal after Mass. A special thank you to everyone who volunteered and donated food. We couldn't have done it without you and it was a great event to "kick off" school this year.

Volunteer tracking sheets are here! Please note that all volunteer hours must now be "signed off" by the event or committee chair. All hours earned from March-August of 2009 can be used toward this year's count.

19 August 2009

Do we have your email address? Please make sure that you let the office know (or email Dr. Spain at:, if you did not receive a "Test" email from Dr. Spain today.
Thank you.

Coaches Meeting Info The meeting date has been changed to Sept. 16th at the same time and location.

18 August 2009

Opening Sign Off Packets

St. Francis received some more grants!
We received a grant from the Catholic Foundation to re-do the floor in one of our boy's bathrooms. It is our hope to re-do the bathrooms that most need it in the main and Slattery buildings (as money permits).

We also received a grant from State Farm to help off-set costs for math instructional materials in grades K-8. Thanks State Farm!

Don't forget: We are having a FREE "Welcome Back" Spaghetti Dinner after the 5:30pm Mass on Saturday, August 22nd in Johnson Hall. Hope to see you there!

16 August 2009

8th Grade Spanish will begin on Thursday, August 20th at 7:30am. Sorry for any confusion.

12 August 2009

Class lists are here!

Kindergarten, 1st Grade, 2nd Grade, 3rd Grade, 4th Grade, 5th Grade, 6th Grade, 7th Grade, 8th Grade

See you Sunday at the Open House!

Reminder that class presentations (grades K-5) are at 12:15pm and 12:30pm. The 6th, 7th, 8th grade Open House is at 12:30pm in Johnson Hall.

06 August 2009

Earn to Learn Flier

Apples for Students Flier

We had about 200 people come to last night's New Parent Orientation! It was a great turnout and I think everyone had a good time. Thank you Ambassador families for coming and making our new families feel welcome. Thank you also to everyone who brought food and helped to set up & tear down. :)

04 August 2009

Just a reminder that we are having a Welcome Back Spaghetti Dinner on Saturday, August 22nd at 6:30pm. Come to Johnson Hall after Mass and enjoy a FREE meal for the entire family!

Hope to see you there.