Latest Flocknotes

14 August 2013


The Market Day sale for August 17 has been cancelled.

Our next sale day is September 21 and will be held in the cafeteria from 7 a.m. to 9 a.m..    

The September Market Day sale sheet will be sent home on August 29.

07 August 2013

The School Office will be closed from Thurs 8-8 through Tues 8-14 and reopen Wed 8-14.

06 August 2013


Starting this school year we will be transitioning away from the St. Francis Scoop to Flocknotes as a means of getting important information to our families. With the Scoop, information posted was timed to reach email accounts once a day. Flocknotes is sent out immediately when posted.

This will also replace OhioAlerts for messages regarding weather closings.


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01 August 2013

School Supply Lists 2013-14

This list is broken down by grade.

24 July 2013

August 2013 Calendar

22 July 2013

St. Francis de Sales School is looking for a cafeteria cook.

Qualifications include:
1. Skills corresponding to the requirements of the job.
2. Ability to establish peaceful/cooperative working relationships with school personnel.
3. Record of good health, reliability, and experience w/children.
Skills/requirements include but are not limited to:
1. Prepare food in manner to conserve food value, flavor and appearance.
2. Have sufficient quantity of food prepared for # of meals to be served.
3. Serve meal in an attractive manner and at correct temperature.
4. Work as a team member.

If you or someone you know is interested in applying for this position please send resume to St. Francis de Sales School
38 Granville Street
Newark, OH 43055
Att'n: Mrs. Mary Walsh

Interviews will be held during the first week of August. More information will be provided at that time.

'NEW! Income Based Scholarship for Kindergarten!'
Do you know someone with a kindergarten-aged child this fall?- pass this on! The state has made available scholarships to pay for Kindergarten to families who qualify based on income.
Family applications must be postmarked by July 31!
Application available at under "Ed Choice Scholarship Program"


Open to any incoming 6th, 7th, and 8th grade student.  Sit in the tank for 15 minutes. Student for whom the most tickets are sold during their 15 minutes of fame WINS!  Festival dates: August 2nd & 3rd.  Contact Molly Lally at 587-1788 ASAP to reserve your time slot!


St. Francis students Mackenzie and Daryl Howard and Grace Wright are performing in the Licking County Players’ production of Honk, Jr. this weekend: July 27th at 8pm and July 28th at 2pm. Come out for an afternoon or evening of fun entertainment! For more information go to or call 740-349-2287.
Reminder: Tuesday, August 6th:
         Used Uniform Sale from 9-11am in Conference Room A of the Lamy Center 
         New Uniform and Spirit Wear Sale from Noon-6pm in Johnson Hall (also in Lamy Center)
         New Family Orientation, 5:30pm in the Cafeteria

28 June 2013

Newark Catholics Cheer Mini Camp

14 June 2013

Weekly Word with attachments 06-13-13

Enclosed Today:
•Important Dates

07 June 2013

Weekly Word with attachments 06-06-13

Enclosed Today:
•Important Dates
•Electives Program

31 May 2013

Weekly Word 05-30-13

30 May 2013

Newark Catholics Cheer Mini Camp

23 May 2013

Weekly Word with attachments 05-23-13

Enclosed Today:
•Letter to families
•Strings Interest (online)
•Greenwave Volleyball

22 May 2013

School Supplies Orders for 2013-14

The deadline for paper orders is May 30th, not May 23rd as listed on the paper copies that were sent home on Monday (click here for the paper order form) Online orders should be submitted by June 1st. (

20 May 2013

Friday May 24, will be the last day that the cafeteria will be able to accept charges for lunches. A letter will be sent home on Thursday May 23rd to families that have outstanding charges on their accounts. These balances will need to be cleared before we can release report cards and records. This includes sending student records onto new schools for families that are relocating.

Thank you for your help in clearing our accounts.

17 May 2013

The date for the Confirmation Retreat scheduled for this coming November 2013 was INCORRECTLY communicated at the Confirmation Orientation Meeting this past Wednesday as taking place on Nov. 16th.

Please note that the CORRECT DATE FOR THE CONFIRMATION RETREAT IS NOVEMBER 23, 2013.  Please make the necessary change to the yellow Program Preparation Schedule sheet distributed at the meeting.  Sorry for the inconvenience!
Weekly Word with attachments 05-16-13

•Letter to families
•VBS info & registration
•‘Labels for Education’ Collection Sheet
•Gr 5-8 Strings Interest Form

16 May 2013

Tonight our award winning STRINGS ensemble will present a variety of selections in the school gym. Student ARTWORK will also be on display. Please join us at 7:00pm for an evening of ARTS and ENTERTAINMENT!
Gr. 5-8-Variety Show auditions for students who returned permission forms will be held during the school day on Friday, May 17th. Students will be given a time to meet w/Mrs. Walsh for about 10 minutes in the gym, library, or music room  (depending on their act). Performers should bring their costume (or a picture of it), lyrics to songs (whether they are singing or dancing to a song), and props they may need. Pianists will not need to bring a keyboard. Questions?


09 May 2013

03 May 2013

St. Francis de Sales Parish Festival

As preparations come together for the 9th Annual St. Francis de Sales Parish Festival on May 18, we are ready to add the most important element of the day: VOLUNTEERS! (Without full support from them, the day just isn't the same.) This year, we are again offering a very convenient online system for choosing times and activities that best fit your interests (but on a first-come, first-serve basis).

Each tab includes contact information for the respective committee chairs, but all general questions can be sent to And remember, service at this year's festival applies toward next year's volunteer hours.  Take a few minutes now and visit :

2013 Festival Flyer

02 May 2013

Weekly Word with attachments 05-02-13

Enclosed Today:
•Survey Summary
•Variety Show info-Gr. 5-8
•Catholic Family Night w/Clippers
•NC Junior Golf (6th/7th)
•Mom Prom/Mother’s Day prayers
•Directory Form

30 April 2013

Thank you to those families who responded to the 3 question survey regarding a ‘Singapore Math’ evening event. We have determined that it would be best to host this event in the fall. We are working on getting a date during Catholic Schools Week at the end of September. We will keep you posted as more information becomes available. Be sure to look for a 'Save the Date' announcement in the coming weeks!

Crowning of Our Lady

Please join us as we honor Mary, Our Mother Sunday, May 5th at the conclusion of the 10 a.m. Mass. We will honor our mother Mary during our annual parish Crowning of Our Lady.

Students and Catechists from from the Loop and from St. Francis School will join us for this Mass. Our First Holy Communion students and their families are encouraged to attend this Mass; children are invited to wear their first communion clothing. Knights of Columbus with honor guard regalia are also invited to participate.

Questions? Contact Lori Mazzone at 345-9874, ext. 222.

27 April 2013

April 28, 2013

Dear Families,

We have been presented with an opportunity to have a Singapore Math expert visit our school on May 9th. She comes highly recommended and would spend time during the day engaging our staff in professional development using our Math in Focus program. She would then be available to work with interested parents for about an hour in the evening. While this opportunity has some expense attached to it, we feel it is an excellent avenue for understanding this very different approach to learning Math.  

Before we confirm this event we would like to have an idea of how many parents would take advantage of this opportunity and attend an evening session. We will offer a choice of 1 volunteer hour or a casual day pass for your child(ren) to those parents who attend the May 9th session.

We would greatly appreciate it if you would please take a moment to answer a quick 3 question survey. A link to the survey was posted here on the Scoop this past Friday (if you are subscribed to the Scoop you would have received it in your email inbox).  We will need to make a decision by Monday, April 29th.

Thank you for your continued support!
Mrs. Walsh

26 April 2013

Math in Focus Workshop Survey

Please take a couple of minutes to fill out this three question survey:

We appreciate your participation.

25 April 2013

Weekly Word with attachments 04-25-13

Enclosed Today:
•Volunteer Hours Letter
•Letter from Mrs. Walsh w/Terra Nova report
•Spring ‘Labels for Education’ Collection Sheet
•May menu
•5K Registration

18 April 2013

Weekly Word with attachments 04-18-13

Enclosed Today:
•Thank you note from the Lang family
•Usbourne Books Book Fair flyer

16 April 2013

We're in the Lead!
We already won $100, help us win $100 more! St. Francis is in the lead for highest student attendance at the Heisey Wind Ensemble Concert Series by just a few students. If we can hold our lead, we will win an additional $100 for school music classes and strings! Help out by attending the concert this Saturday at 7:30 at the Reese Center at OSU Newark. The concert will feature sounds of New York City including several Broadway favorites and guest vocalists singing hits from Les Miserable. Contact Mrs. Rodenberger for FREE student passes, adult tickets are available at the door for $15.

Below is the revised financial outline which will replace the one mailed home. The incorrect file was read in the print process and the data was not accurate.  I apologize for the error and the confusion. Please let me know if you have any questions.
Take care and God Bless.
Revised Financial Outline
Amber McCracken
St. Francis de Sales Parish/School

11 April 2013

Weekly Word with attachments 04-11-13

Enclosed Today:
•Info regarding volunteer hours

St. Francis de Sales Parish Festival

As preparations come together for the 9th Annual St. Francis de Sales Parish Festival on May 18, we are ready to add the most important element of the day: VOLUNTEERS! (Without full support from them, the day just isn't the same.) This year, we are again offering a very convenient online system for choosing times and activities that best fit your interests (but on a first-come, first-serve basis).

Each tab includes contact information for the respective committee chairs, but all general questions can be sent to And remember, service at this year's festival applies toward next year's volunteer hours. We are giving school families a first chance to sign up before we invite parish members and high school students, so take a few minutes now and visit
Drama Club Romeo & Winifred Ticket Order Form

09 April 2013

Bishop Frederick Campbell will confer the Sacrament of Confirmation on all in-coming 8th Grade Students (current 7th Graders) on Sunday, December 8, 2013, 4:00 pm at St. Francis Church.  All current 7th Grade Students and Parents are invited to attend this important information meeting on May 15th to register for the program, to obtain the class schedule, and to learn about service project and the patron saint projects and other details.  Classes will be held on Wednesday evenings, 7:00-8:30 pm, beginning August 28th, for all 8th Grade Students (’13-’14 school year) including St. Francis School, PSR, and home schoolers.  Questions???  Contact Bob Moraine:  740-349-9829 x214

As a reminder: the school and parish offices do not have up-to-date records of volunteer hours fulfilled. If you have questions regarding your hours, please email and your assigned representative will contact you.  Thank you.

05 April 2013

Drama Club is looiking for the following items:

- White Lab Coat
- Policeman's Gloves
- White jacket or blazer (can be ladies or small men's)

These items would be returned if labeled with lender's  name.

Also looking for:

- "Bling" items/fashion accessories (feather boas, large jewlery, dress gloves etc.).

We would like to keep these if possible.

Contact Susan Martine (740-975-0820) if you can help.  Thanks.

04 April 2013

Weekly Word with attachments 04-04-13

Enclosed Today:
- Box Tops/Labels competition
- Registration for the Festival 5K Run
- Summer Solutions order form

03 April 2013

Coming Soon:
Usborne Books Summer Reading Book Fair

St. Francis de Sales School will be hosting an Usborne Books book fair April 22 – April 26. This year’s proceeds will go toward helping Abigail Lang and her family, while also earning free books for the St. Francis library. Abigail is the granddaughter of Ann Lang, who works at St. Francis. She is a year old and has spent most of her life in Nationwide Children’s Hospital after being born with a hypoplastic heart.

The Book Fair will be open Monday – Thursday 8:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.; and Friday 8:00 – 11:00 a.m., with special evening hours on Wednesday until 7:30 p.m.
Place orders online @ Questions? Need volunteer hours? Contact Kristen Stare, 740.344.6550 or
Please help support this very special need with exciting new books for summer vacation!

Vacation Bible School

Just when everyone's lives seem to be really picking up speed as far as extracurricular activities. . .here  comes another question per your time:  "Do you have an interest  in helping with Vacation Bible School this June?"   VBS is June  17-21  from 9 a.m. until 12:30 p.m. Our theme is " Parables, People and Places ."   The following  leadership positions must be filled by May 6  in order to proceed with VBS (we need at minimum the following, all adults):   five bible lesson leaders ;  one music leader;  two games station co- leaders ;  two  crafts station co- leaders ; two snack stations co-leaders.  The outline /lesson plan  of what is needed to lead each of these areas is already in place; we simply need bodies to carry out the plan! 

Remember, VBS still counts for volunteer hours for those who need them for St. Francis School - you can get all of your hours  finished for next year before school even starts!

Group leaders and additional helpers for VBS will be recruited once our leadership positions are filled.

Questions?  Contact Lori Mazzone at 345-9874 x 222.

21 March 2013

Weekly Word 03-21-13

20 March 2013

18 March 2013

Due to Spring Break next week, our PTA meeting will be tomorrow, March 19 at 6:30PM in the old Art Room.

Hope to see you there!

Laura Reed
March Mathness Problems 03-18-13

15 March 2013

We have some more IXL MATH STARS!!!!

First, we have a correction to what was listed last week. The minutes listed for 5A were actually the minutes for 5A and 5B combined, so.....

our WEEK 1 WINNERS ARE ACTUALLY 2A with 926 minutes!!!!

AND for WEEK 2 - 5A DID WIN with 918 minutes!!!!

AND 2B was SO CLOSE with 903 minutes, we are going to award them as well!!!!

SOOOOO.... Congratulations to 2A, 5A, and 2B - all winners of a free casual day which the teachers will choose. Keep up the good work!

14 March 2013

Weekly Word with attachments 03-14-13

Enclosed Today:
•St. Leonard’s Auction flyer
•April Lunch Menu

13 March 2013

Pies and Prayers for Abilgail!

Pies will be sold in Johnson Hall (Lamy Center) on Thursday, March 14th ~ PI Day,  from 1:00 ~ 7:00pm during the Red Cross Blood Drive.

Check out the flyer for more information~!
March Mathness Rebus Puzzles 03-13-13

12 March 2013

March Mathness Problems 03-11-13

I apologize for not posting this yesterday. Congratulations to our winners from last week! Their names are posted on the bulletin board outside of my office. The class with the most IXL minutes ~ 25 hours and 29 minutes ~ was 5A!

Have fun with March Mathness! Mrs. Walsh

07 March 2013

Weekly Word with attachments 03-07-13

Enclosed Today:
•Pi Day

06 March 2013

March Mathness Rebus Puzzles

04 March 2013


We received the following from Darrell Bragg, President of the St. Vincent de Paul Center :

The SVdP Thrift Store is in dire need of donations; winter clothing, household items, furniture, toys, etc. We are near an all-time low in donation items to put on the floor and our sales figures are proving that. Our sales have dropped to near record lows as the concern grows. Since this winter has gone on longer than previous ones, our winter sale for clothing has continued. The fact is though we just don't have much to sell. We are extremely low on everything. We have quite a few clients still coming in, but are hearing comments that we don't have much. To offset lower sales we are finding it necessary to cut hours to employees.

Knowing that the store funds primarily support the Haven, I'm hoping that you can look through your houses and ask neighbors and family to do a house check for store items, especially winter clothing, house hold items, furniture, toys, etc. This is a normal time of the year when donations are slow, but this year seems worse than most. Anything you can do to pass on the word that the Thrift Store has an urgent need would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance for your help and support!

01 March 2013

Pies and Prayers for Abilgail!

28 February 2013

Weekly Word with attachments 02-28-13

Enclosed Today:
•March Mathness Challenge
•Goumas candy sale reminder
•St. Leonard Auction

25 February 2013

PTA Meeting Tuesday night at 6:15 PM in the old Art Room. If you are a 2nd Grade parent; come to the meeting and then just walk upstairs for the 1st Eucharist meeting at 7:00!
We will be discussing ideas for a spring fundraiser and many other ideas that were brought up at last month's meeting for getting more families involved in PTA (family and/or parent skating, bowling, movie watching, dancing, and other social events).
Hope to see you there!
Laura Reed
Tuesday, 2/26/2013, 6:15 - 7pm - PTA meeting - please note time change. ALL ARE WELCOME! We meet in the Old Art Room in the basement of the Lamy Center (across from the elevator). Please join us as we plan for next year!!

Newark Advocate Date Error! The correct date for the 3rd and 4th grade Spring
program is Wednesday, MARCH 13TH, at 1:30 and 7pm. We hope to see you there!

21 February 2013

The items listed under enclosures today were sent home with the youngest child in each family, with the exception of the actual Weekly Word newsletter and the Prospective Parent Day flyer printed on the reverse. That sheet was sent home only to our 65 families who have requested paper copies. Please be sure to check your child's backpack/folder for the other items.

Thank you for staying informed by reading our communications!

Weekly Word with attachments 02-21-13

Enclosed Today:
•Prospective Parents Day
•Goumas Candy Sale

19 February 2013

Good Music - and a Chance at $100!
Come join the Heisey Wind Ensemble this Saturday 2/23 at 7:30 at the OSU Newark Reese Center for "Heart of a Child," a concert featuring works that highlight childhood.
Mrs. Rodenberger has unlimited FREE student tickets, as well as a few free adult tickets for any parent bringing a child (first come, first served). Regular Adult tickets are $15, seniors $10 at the door. All student tickets will be entered in a raffle to win $100 for our school music program. Contact Mrs. Rodenberger - for tickets and additional information.

14 February 2013

Weekly Word with attachments 02-14-13

•March menu
•Goumas candy sale
•B-WISER Science Camp-7th grade girls

Dear Families,

As a reminder, we are asking for your feedback regarding our school. We feel that this information is an invaluable tool to better understand where we are excelling and where we may need improvement.

If you could please take 15 minutes of your time and complete the survey, we would greatly appreciate it. The last page of the survey simply says “Thank You”. If you print off this page and write your family name at the top, we will give your family a casual day pass for participating. The responses are truly anonymous and are being tabulated by Dave Stenson and Amber McCracken.

You will be directed to the survey by clicking on the link:

07 February 2013

Weekly Word with attachments 02-07-13

•Enriching Lent
•Tuition Assistance
•‘Hats for Histio’ flyer w/DOC Tuition Assistance on reverse

01 February 2013

Come one, come all for the pancake adventure of your life!   Breakfast, brunch or possibly your lunch will be available from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. Sunday, February 3rd  after all Masses.  Fun and laughter will be a part of your adventure!  Please see attached Pancake Flyer.

31 January 2013

Weekly Word with attachments 01-31-13

Attachments Included:
•Top 10 Reasons to Choose Catholic Schools
•Feb lunch menu
•Coke Rewards
•Bring Someone You Love to Lunch
Athletics Update!
7th and 8th grade boys play Thursday night against Heath in the Heath High School gym starting at 5:00pm.

7th grade girls play their first round playoff game against Bexley this Saturday at 12:00pm at St. Francis.

8th grade girls play their first round playoff game against Heath this Saturday at 11:20 at Lakewood Junior High.

MSL Junior High Wrestling tounament this Saturday morning at Newark Catholic High School.

Junior High night at the Newark Catholic boys home varsity game this Friday at 6:00pm!

25 January 2013

It's official!!!

Newark City Schools will be picking up our students 2 hours early.


Mr. Stenson will be sending out a message on our Ohio Alert system. If you have not signed up for this please see the Weekly Word for information on how to sign up. You can receive a text message or an email as soon as we have the information!
We have received word that the Northfork District will be here to pick up students at 1:00pm.

There are several other county schools that are closing early, but if we do not have students who ride those buses we will not be posting them.

Still NO WORD from Newark City Schools.

Some of the county schools have notified us that they are closing early and will pick up our students. Those districts are:
Southwest Licking (coming here at 1:00pm) 
Lakewood, (coming here at 12:30pm),
Johnstown/Northridge (coming here at 12:30pm - using one bus - #39 - for both groups of students)

We have NOT yet heard from Newark City Schools and since over 200 of our students use those buses, we will wait to hear from them regarding early closing.

7th/8th grade boys basketball has been cancelled.

There will be NO afternoon Preschool classes.

Please continue to check the Scoop rather than call the school.
Volunteer Hour Update

As mentioned in the Weekly Word, an email address has been established so that you can field questions regarding your volunteer hours.

This address is

An update of hours recorded to date will be sent home next Thursday and will include hours that have been submitted to the office as of 1/11/2013. Hours turned it after this date will be included on the final update report which will be sent home by the first of April.

As a reminder – you have until April 30th to fulfill your volunteer hour obligation. Invoices for unfulfilled hours will be generated in May with a due date of June 30th, 2013.

Amber McCracken
St. Francis de Sales Parish/School

24 January 2013

Weekly Word with attachments 01-24-13

Attachments Included:
•‘Food for thought’ Letter (on reverse)
•PickATime instructions for scheduling a conference
•Science Fair at The Works
•8th Grade History Day

17 January 2013

Weekly Word with attachments 01-17-13

Attachments Included:
• Tuition Assistance
• Grades 4-8 TeacherEase Letter
• Prospective Parents & Open House flyer
• Waves of Steel Biddy Wrestling fundraiser at Texas Roadhouse

11 January 2013

Questions regarding cafeteria balances:

Several families have inquired as to why they have received a letter indicating that they have a negative cafeteria balance.

Many families have called to state that they don’t use the Nutrikids service to apply money to the account; they send money in everyday. Nutrikids is the name of our Point of Sale (POS) system, so even though you do not use the online system to apply money to the account, your family still has a Nutrikids account on file. You have access to the transaction history via the Nutrikids website, so you can view when your child has purchased food at any time. If you need your log in information for Nutrikids, please contact Dave Stenson at

Before contacting the school, we encourage you to review your family account history on the Nutrikids website. If after you review this information and talk to your child about whether he/she has been 'charging,' you still have questions regarding the balance due, please email Amber McCracken at Please note: It can take up to 72 hours for a deposit/credit to apply to your child’s account.
Please keep in mind that each child is handed their cafeteria card in the lunch room and each child scans their own card when purchasing a lunch or a milk. Some days children come back for an extra milk or a second serving. These are charged accordingly.

Please keep in mind that we are all working to make this as effortless as possible. We appreciate your patience as we work through the transition period with new personnel. If you have specific questions regarding cafeteria charging policies and procedures or questions regarding second servings and extra milk purchases, please contact Mrs. Walsh.

10 January 2013

Weekly Word with attachments 01-10-13

Attachments Included:
• Tuition Assistance
• Prospective Parents & Open House flyer
• Winter Golf