Latest Flocknotes

31 August 2009

The first Mother Daughter Tea planning meeting is Wednesday, September 2nd at 7pm in the St. Francis room. If you have any interest in helping with the event, please come! All are welcome. (These hours will count toward cost reducing/fundraising volunteer hours!)

The school cafeteria is now hiring a dishwasher part-time, Monday-Friday. Please call Barb Calvert at 345-9182, if you are interested or have any questions. Thank you.

28 August 2009

Library Volunteers - Please complete and return the Volunteer form if you are interested in helping in the library this school year.
Mrs. Merry

27 August 2009

Jr. High Athletes (7-8th) will be allowed to "dress up" on the day prior to their game. Please see the handbook for the Athletic Dress Up Day policy.
AR Lists are available on the website on the Resources page.

Welcome new St. Francis students & families! (We have 50 new students!)

Kindergarten: Sean Auer; Angelo Barcelona; Mary Capretta; Abigail Caskey; Dominic Claeys; Mandie Farabee; Joshua Guy; Andrew Heinsman; Austin Hendrickson; Warren Knowlton; Margaret Matuska; Kyle Meddles; Noah Musgrave; Ty Pangborn; Amber Pierce; Sky Powell; Brooklyn Smith; Halen Swickard; Lauren Tucker; Bryant Turner; James Warner; & Gabrielle Wolfe

1st Grade: Ryan Auer; Madelynne Brothers; Braden Brown; Emma Franks; Jackson Wollenburg; Caleb Havens; Sahara Powell; & William Watson

2nd Grade: Griffin Helms; Esperancza McAnally; & Storm Powell

3rd Grade: Alexis Brothers; Jazmin Harkin; Bella Mejias; & Stephen Pierce

4th Grade: Caleb Bemiller; Brendan Johnson; & Matthew Schreiber

6th Grade: Skylar Evec; Jordan Hammond; Starr Piotrowski; & Andrew Hammond

7th Grade: Caitlin Andrews; Garrett Bemiller; Reilly Kuskowski; & Dashon Shackleford

8th Grade: Jacob Capretta & Erik Lensink

We are happy to have you with us! Please welcome these new students and families when you see them. :)

A note from our Volunteer Coordinator:
My name is Michelle Burd. I will be doing all volunteer tracking for this school year. My contact information is as follows if you would have any questions regarding volunteer hours. E-mail: or my home number is 740-788-9503.

Any records sheets you have tracked volunteer time on should be turned in at the school office. I would also suggest turning any record sheets you may have on a monthly basis if that applies. Please do not wait until the end of the school year to hand them in as I am updating frequently to keep all families abreast on accurate hours accrued.

Thank you in advance for making this an easy transition to keeping the St. Francis tradition great!

Blessings, Michelle Burd

26 August 2009

Just a few reminders about pick up & drop off:

* Please do not drop your child off or pick up on Granville Street. Please use Pearl Street for both. It is safer for the children.

* Please pull all the way up on Pearl Street to drop off and/or pick up. Don't stop at the gate because it backs traffic up too far onto Granville.

* Please do not drive around other cars letting children out. This is very dangerous.

* We know you want to help your child out of the car, but please do so quickly and efficiently, so you do not hold up traffic behind you.

* Please also remember there is a posted "No Left Turn" sign from Pearl St. onto Granville St. Police have been known to ticket...

If you have any questions, please call the office. We're here to help! :)

25 August 2009

Thank you to everyone who came to the Spaghetti Dinner last Saturday! We had about 200 people come and enjoy a welcome back meal after Mass. A special thank you to everyone who volunteered and donated food. We couldn't have done it without you and it was a great event to "kick off" school this year.

Volunteer tracking sheets are here! Please note that all volunteer hours must now be "signed off" by the event or committee chair. All hours earned from March-August of 2009 can be used toward this year's count.

19 August 2009

Do we have your email address? Please make sure that you let the office know (or email Dr. Spain at:, if you did not receive a "Test" email from Dr. Spain today.
Thank you.

Coaches Meeting Info The meeting date has been changed to Sept. 16th at the same time and location.

18 August 2009

Opening Sign Off Packets

St. Francis received some more grants!
We received a grant from the Catholic Foundation to re-do the floor in one of our boy's bathrooms. It is our hope to re-do the bathrooms that most need it in the main and Slattery buildings (as money permits).

We also received a grant from State Farm to help off-set costs for math instructional materials in grades K-8. Thanks State Farm!

Don't forget: We are having a FREE "Welcome Back" Spaghetti Dinner after the 5:30pm Mass on Saturday, August 22nd in Johnson Hall. Hope to see you there!

16 August 2009

8th Grade Spanish will begin on Thursday, August 20th at 7:30am. Sorry for any confusion.

12 August 2009

Class lists are here!

Kindergarten, 1st Grade, 2nd Grade, 3rd Grade, 4th Grade, 5th Grade, 6th Grade, 7th Grade, 8th Grade

See you Sunday at the Open House!

Reminder that class presentations (grades K-5) are at 12:15pm and 12:30pm. The 6th, 7th, 8th grade Open House is at 12:30pm in Johnson Hall.

06 August 2009

Earn to Learn Flier

Apples for Students Flier

We had about 200 people come to last night's New Parent Orientation! It was a great turnout and I think everyone had a good time. Thank you Ambassador families for coming and making our new families feel welcome. Thank you also to everyone who brought food and helped to set up & tear down. :)

04 August 2009

Just a reminder that we are having a Welcome Back Spaghetti Dinner on Saturday, August 22nd at 6:30pm. Come to Johnson Hall after Mass and enjoy a FREE meal for the entire family!

Hope to see you there.