Latest Flocknotes

28 September 2009

In a few weeks the parish will begin our Generations Stewardship Campaign. One of the primary goals of the Generations process is to positively touch each and every member of our parish. To help us accomplish, we need volunteers on November 1, 2009 from 1pm to 6pm to help us by calling the homes of registered families within the St. Francis community who have not returned their pledge cards for Time, Talent and Treasure. Rest assured this is not intended to be a hard-sell phone call. Calls will be made from a local phone bank we have secured and training will be provided beforehand which includes a phone script to guide each caller through the phone call. Volunteer sign up sheets will be available at the table at the back of church this weekend or call the parish office at 345-9874 ext 200 to register. Please sign up today! Those of you who have already signed-up need not sign again. Volunteering for the campaign does count toward the revenue generating volunteer hours.
Thank you!

Pick Up Reminder: We have several Adorers who are trying to get into the small sacristy lot for their 3pm Adoration time, but no one is letting them through. If you see someone trying to access the sacristy parking lot, please let them pass. Thank you.