Latest Flocknotes

24 May 2011

Hats off to Jill Merry! This Friday, May 27th, all students, teachers, staff, and volunteers are asked to wear a hat to school in honor of the many “hats” Mrs. Jill Merry has worn as a member of the St. Francis de Sales school and parish community. She is currently serving as the school’s librarian/technology coordinator. She is retiring at the end of the school year after 29 years of service.

She was hired in 1982 as the Kindergarten teacher. She went on in her career to set up the first all inclusive student computer lab. She was instrumental in coordinating Licking County’s first Interactive Video Distance Learning Lab. It remains an elaborate classroom setting today at St. Francis in which students and teachers continue to videoconference around the world. In the fall of 2005 and 2006, the Second graders connected with students in Hong Kong. It was for many children in Hong Kong their first experience seeing an American. She also became our school’s Art director and teacher. One memorable lesson involved the use of the Smart board in which students viewed various doors throughout the world. Each door symbolized a culture and period in time. The assignment: students were asked to create a door representing their faith through the use of a metal template in which a secondary rubbing could be transposed.

She also wore the hat of Home and School committee member as a parent in which she helped raise thousands of dollars for our school for nine consecutive years. She has been the President, Vice President, and Treasurer of the St. Francis de Sales Education Association and representative for Central Ohio Association of Catholic Educators for various terms throughout her employment. Her favorite book is ‘Christy’ by Catherine Marshall. Most inspirational quote, “Do not wish to be anything but what you are and try to be that perfectly.”

A sincere thank you to Mrs. Merry for the many wonderful “hats” you have worn here at St. Francis de Sales school for 29 years!!! You will be missed by everyone! Good luck trying on your many new hats!