Latest Flocknotes

05 April 2011

Help us HOP into Spring with a new Box Tops/Campbells Label Contest. The contest starts Wednesday, April 6 and will end on Thursday, April 21. Send those labels in and help your child's class win a special treat! There will be a winner for K-1-2, 3-4-5 and 6-7-8. The grand prize winning class will receive a $25 gift card for the teacher to use for class room supplies. Get your friends, family and co-workers involved.

Today is the preliminary round for our 'Battle of the Books' team. After many months of reading and preparing, students will be traveling to Bishop Hartley High School in Columbus this afternoon to compete. Good luck to Rachel Bloom, Teresa Crum, Jordan Gilligan, Haylee King, Hannah Poly, and Chloe Zinsmeister!

Thursday will be our Kindergarten Screening Day! Also on Thursday, our 4th grade class will sponsor a bake sale to benefit the Humane Society. All items will be 25 cents!

Welcome to Wendy Cotterman, our new preschool aide. Wendy will be working with Mrs. Bloom to finish out this school year.

Congratulations to 5th grade teacher Ms. Julie Powless, now known as Mrs. Ron Strong!!!!