Latest Flocknotes

16 November 2010

Due to a calendar error, the Christmas Program time must be moved. The new time will be:
Tuesday, December 7th, at 1:30 and 6pm.
1st and 2nd graders should be in the gym at 5:45pm.
Strings should be ready to tune at 5:30pm.
I apologize for any inconvenience. Please contact me immediately if your child will be unable to participate due to this change.
All other information remains unchanged and available on the music website:
Thank You, Mrs. Rodenberger

Still looking for volunteer hours? The Parish Office is in need of helpers. Afternoons, from 1pm to 4pm, are the biggest need. If you are available to come in for even an hour or two, please call Christy in the Parish Office 345-9874 ext 224 or email at

Please remember that students should NOT be dropped off in the front of the building in the morning. Parents are asked to adhere to the drop off procedures and drive around to Pearl Street. Also, if your car is the first one in a group that is waved forward by the staff member on duty, please pull all the way to the end of Pearl Street, rather than stopping at the gate to the parking lot. In this way, more cars can be releasing children at the same time.