Latest Flocknotes

03 May 2010

Days of Creation Reminder - Friday, May 7, 2010

* Brown Bag Lunches!

* Casual Day

* Please feel free to send in an old shirt to protect your child's

* Second grade - students may bring in a denim item if they wish to
do acrylic painting on denim. Otherwise, a 12 x 12 square will be

* Seventh grade - students need to bring in an item they wish to

* Sixth-Eighth Grade - students taking movie making should bring in around 25 pictures on a jump drive.

WE ARE IN NEED OF VOLUNTEERS TO ASSIST WITH DAYS OF CREATION THIS FRIDAY, MAY 7TH. We need your help to make this a fun-filled day for our students! If you can join us, please contact Konnie Nelson at or 740-403-0750.