Latest Flocknotes

28 April 2010

If you are unemployed or underemployed, and have missed the opening meetings of the St. Joseph Job's Support Ministry -- you've missed a lot! Representatives of the Chamber of Commerce, Licking County Jobs & Family Services, and C-TEC have shared their knowledge and resources. Stop by the table located outside the Religious Education Office (second floor of Lamy Center) for brochures, handouts, business cards, etc. Then plan to join us for our next meeting: every Monday, 9 a.m. to 11 a.m. in Johnson Hall. Bring a friend; all are welcome regardless of church affiliation.

Days of Creation is a casual day (this does not have anything to do with tuition agreements - that is a separate casual day - TBD).

Reminder: tuition agreements are due by this Friday, April 30th. All families who return their agreements will earn a casual day for their children. If you are electing to pay your balance in full, this is not due until Friday, May 14th. Thank you!

We need volunteers for the Parish Festival! Please contact Derk Myers if you can help!