27 September 2012
The rain today did not dampen the spirits of our students, staff and guests as we watched orange balloons fly off into the distance! Our celebration of Michael's life and joy was truly wonderful. There are not enough ways to say 'thank you' to ALL the people involved in getting 'Michael's Playground' completed, whether it be by contributing their time, their talent, or their treasure! An especially big THANK YOU to Maura Urban and her committee! God certainly did rain down His blessings on us today!!
And to close out Catholic Schools Week, we look forward to our Walk for Education tomorrow. Students who earned a T-shirt received them today. We will be double checking our records tonight. If you believe that your child should have received a T-shirt but did not, please send a note to the office in the morning. We did order some extras to be safe.
Due to the generosity of some anonymous donors, EVERY child will receive a WE water bottle! We have also received a few extra prizes, so the names of students who did get at least one pledge will go into a drawing for those. Students can still bring pledges in tomorrow. We also have lots of door prizes!
If you need a copy of your child's pledge sheet please let us now. We will determine our top fundraising winners after all the pledges and donations have been received. Also, those students who earned a free casual day pass will receive that next week.
And to close out Catholic Schools Week, we look forward to our Walk for Education tomorrow. Students who earned a T-shirt received them today. We will be double checking our records tonight. If you believe that your child should have received a T-shirt but did not, please send a note to the office in the morning. We did order some extras to be safe.
Due to the generosity of some anonymous donors, EVERY child will receive a WE water bottle! We have also received a few extra prizes, so the names of students who did get at least one pledge will go into a drawing for those. Students can still bring pledges in tomorrow. We also have lots of door prizes!
If you need a copy of your child's pledge sheet please let us now. We will determine our top fundraising winners after all the pledges and donations have been received. Also, those students who earned a free casual day pass will receive that next week.
26 September 2012
REMINDER: Tomorrow is an All School Liturgy at 9:00am, followed by the blessing and dedication of Michael's Playground.
Students may dress casually. Each student should bring a beach towel to sit on outside. Weather permitting, we will have a picnic lunch from 10:45 - 11:45am.
Continuing our celebration of Catholic Schools Week, we will have our Walk for Education on Friday. Volunteers should check in at the table near the gym on Friday morning. A letter was sent home yesterday to those who volunteered (ask your child!). It was also posted on the Scoop today. Please remember that the Diocese of Columbus requires all volunteers to attend a Protecting God's Children workshop and to have a background check (BCI) done. We must have a copy of both forms on file in the school office along with a volunteer information form. Please call Linda in the main office if you have further questions.
Students may dress casually. Each student should bring a beach towel to sit on outside. Weather permitting, we will have a picnic lunch from 10:45 - 11:45am.
Continuing our celebration of Catholic Schools Week, we will have our Walk for Education on Friday. Volunteers should check in at the table near the gym on Friday morning. A letter was sent home yesterday to those who volunteered (ask your child!). It was also posted on the Scoop today. Please remember that the Diocese of Columbus requires all volunteers to attend a Protecting God's Children workshop and to have a background check (BCI) done. We must have a copy of both forms on file in the school office along with a volunteer information form. Please call Linda in the main office if you have further questions.
25 September 2012
20 September 2012
Weekly Word with attachments 09-20-12
Attachments Included:
•Michael’s Playground Blessing/Dedication Information
As mentioned in study hall today, Apple iOS6 is now available. All of the apps that we have been using are compatible with the new release (may require app updates). I noticed that the updates took quite some time to complete, so if you decide to update (not required), I would wait until the weekend to run them. If you have any questions or concerns, let me know.
Dave Stenson
Attachments Included:
•Michael’s Playground Blessing/Dedication Information
As mentioned in study hall today, Apple iOS6 is now available. All of the apps that we have been using are compatible with the new release (may require app updates). I noticed that the updates took quite some time to complete, so if you decide to update (not required), I would wait until the weekend to run them. If you have any questions or concerns, let me know.
Dave Stenson
18 September 2012
WE update:
Thank you to ALL of our sponsors and donors for the Walk for Education!!! Our families are doing a terrific job!!!!
A few important reminders:
We would like for all of our students to earn a St. Francis water bottle. All it takes is ONE pledge or donation. No amount is too small!!
Any class that has 100% participation from the students will earn a 'Balloon Bash' in the playground in October!!
LAST CALL for T-shirts before the walk! Students can continue to work towards earning prizes right up to the day of the walk (9/28). However, if you want to receive your T-shirt to wear that day, we must have your pledges/donations by tomorrow (Wednesday). While students can earn a T-shirt after tomorrow, we can't guarantee delivery before 9/28.
Thank you to ALL of our sponsors and donors for the Walk for Education!!! Our families are doing a terrific job!!!!
A few important reminders:
We would like for all of our students to earn a St. Francis water bottle. All it takes is ONE pledge or donation. No amount is too small!!
Any class that has 100% participation from the students will earn a 'Balloon Bash' in the playground in October!!
LAST CALL for T-shirts before the walk! Students can continue to work towards earning prizes right up to the day of the walk (9/28). However, if you want to receive your T-shirt to wear that day, we must have your pledges/donations by tomorrow (Wednesday). While students can earn a T-shirt after tomorrow, we can't guarantee delivery before 9/28.
14 September 2012
THERE'S STILL TIME to earn your 'WE' T-shirt! Some of our families forgot to send in their forms today so we will accept T-shirt orders for the Walk for Education on Monday, 9/17.
Please remember that pledges/donations should total $55.00 for the first T-shirt ordered, $35.00 for the second, $25.00 for the 3rd, and $15.00 for any additional shirts needed. This includes shirts for adult volunteers as well. For example, if you have one child who has earned a T-shirt with $55.00 in sponsorship, a parent can 'earn' a T-shirt for $35.00. If you have 2 children who have earned a shirt, a parent can get one for $25.00. If you have 3 children who have earned a shirt, a parent can get one for $15.00.
It is our goal to have EVERY child receive a water bottle and be entered into a prize drawing, so if you have not participated yet, please remember 'ALL IT TAKES IS ONE PLEDGE.'
We will continue to accept pledges right up until the Walk on 9/28, and donations any time! Thank you so much to those who have already supported this new and exciting event! There is still time to volunteer as well. Just send your slip into the office next week!
The deadline for 3rd - 5th grade students to sign up for Book Club has been extended to next Friday, Sept. 21st. For more information see the flyer posted with last week's Weekly Word. Those interested can email Bernadette Bloom at cbloom@ee.net or Becky Howard at bbkmd@windstream.net
Please remember that pledges/donations should total $55.00 for the first T-shirt ordered, $35.00 for the second, $25.00 for the 3rd, and $15.00 for any additional shirts needed. This includes shirts for adult volunteers as well. For example, if you have one child who has earned a T-shirt with $55.00 in sponsorship, a parent can 'earn' a T-shirt for $35.00. If you have 2 children who have earned a shirt, a parent can get one for $25.00. If you have 3 children who have earned a shirt, a parent can get one for $15.00.
It is our goal to have EVERY child receive a water bottle and be entered into a prize drawing, so if you have not participated yet, please remember 'ALL IT TAKES IS ONE PLEDGE.'
We will continue to accept pledges right up until the Walk on 9/28, and donations any time! Thank you so much to those who have already supported this new and exciting event! There is still time to volunteer as well. Just send your slip into the office next week!
The deadline for 3rd - 5th grade students to sign up for Book Club has been extended to next Friday, Sept. 21st. For more information see the flyer posted with last week's Weekly Word. Those interested can email Bernadette Bloom at cbloom@ee.net or Becky Howard at bbkmd@windstream.net
13 September 2012
Weekly Word with attachments 09-13-12
Attachments Included:
•Revised Walk for Education Prize Flyer
•Shoe Policy
•Dedication of ‘Michael’s Playground’ Response Form
Attachments Included:
•Revised Walk for Education Prize Flyer
•Shoe Policy
•Dedication of ‘Michael’s Playground’ Response Form
10 September 2012
*aka - Walk for Education
In order to accomodate our families with more than one student, the committee has decided to revise the dollar amounts for earning a T-shirt:
$55.00 in pledges/donations for the 1st child to earn a T-shirt
$35.00 in pledges/donations for the 2nd child to earn a T-shirt
$25.00 in pledges/donations for the 3rd child to earn a T-shirt
$15.00 in pledges/donations for any others after that to earn a T-shirt
Please remember that if you want to ensure a T-shirt prior to the walk, those pledges/donations need to be received in the office by this Friday.
Remember - for EACH child:
Just 1 pledge/donation earns a prize - a St. Francis water bottle!
5 pledges/donations earns a free casual day pass!
The class with the highest percentage of participation earns a 'Balloon Bash!'
See the prize flyer sent home and posted last week for other prizes.
Help us promote physical fitness while raising funds for our school. Together WE can!!
*aka - Walk for Education
In order to accomodate our families with more than one student, the committee has decided to revise the dollar amounts for earning a T-shirt:
$55.00 in pledges/donations for the 1st child to earn a T-shirt
$35.00 in pledges/donations for the 2nd child to earn a T-shirt
$25.00 in pledges/donations for the 3rd child to earn a T-shirt
$15.00 in pledges/donations for any others after that to earn a T-shirt
Please remember that if you want to ensure a T-shirt prior to the walk, those pledges/donations need to be received in the office by this Friday.
Remember - for EACH child:
Just 1 pledge/donation earns a prize - a St. Francis water bottle!
5 pledges/donations earns a free casual day pass!
The class with the highest percentage of participation earns a 'Balloon Bash!'
See the prize flyer sent home and posted last week for other prizes.
Help us promote physical fitness while raising funds for our school. Together WE can!!
07 September 2012
Hope to see our families at the noon Mass on Sunday. Bishop Campbell will be joining us to celebrate the 125th anniversary of our parish!
The full September Lunch menu can be found here.
It's not too late! Still interested in strings, but missed the meeting? Contact Mrs. Rodenberger at krodenbe@cdeducation.org for an information packet. Beginning classes start next Monday the 10th. Thanks!
The full September Lunch menu can be found here.
It's not too late! Still interested in strings, but missed the meeting? Contact Mrs. Rodenberger at krodenbe@cdeducation.org for an information packet. Beginning classes start next Monday the 10th. Thanks!
06 September 2012
Weekly Word with attachments 09-06-12
Attachments Included:
•TRIP Information
•Student Insurance Flyer
•PGC Curriculum Pamphlet
•September Lunch Menu
•SFDS Walk for Education Flyer
•SFDS Walk for Education Corp Sponsors Flyer
•Art Club Flyer
•Book Club Flyer
Attachments Included:
•TRIP Information
•Student Insurance Flyer
•PGC Curriculum Pamphlet
•September Lunch Menu
•SFDS Walk for Education Flyer
•SFDS Walk for Education Corp Sponsors Flyer
•Art Club Flyer
•Book Club Flyer
05 September 2012
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