Coming Soon:
Usborne Books Summer Reading Book Fair
St. Francis de Sales School will be hosting an Usborne Books book fair April 22 – April 26. This year’s proceeds will go toward helping Abigail Lang and her family, while also earning free books for the St. Francis library. Abigail is the granddaughter of Ann Lang, who works at St. Francis. She is a year old and has spent most of her life in Nationwide Children’s Hospital after being born with a hypoplastic heart.
The Book Fair will be open Monday – Thursday 8:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.; and Friday 8:00 – 11:00 a.m., with special evening hours on Wednesday until 7:30 p.m.
Place orders online @ Questions? Need volunteer hours? Contact Kristen Stare, 740.344.6550 or
Please help support this very special need with exciting new books for summer vacation!
Vacation Bible School
Just when everyone's lives seem to be really picking up speed as far as extracurricular activities. . .here comes another question per your time: "Do you have an interest in helping with Vacation Bible School this June?" VBS is June 17-21 from 9 a.m. until 12:30 p.m. Our theme is " Parables, People and Places ." The following leadership positions must be filled by May 6 in order to proceed with VBS (we need at minimum the following, all adults): five bible lesson leaders ; one music leader; two games station co- leaders ; two crafts station co- leaders ; two snack stations co-leaders. The outline /lesson plan of what is needed to lead each of these areas is already in place; we simply need bodies to carry out the plan!
Remember, VBS still counts for volunteer hours for those who need them for St. Francis School - you can get all of your hours finished for next year before school even starts!
Group leaders and additional helpers for VBS will be recruited once our leadership positions are filled.
Questions? Contact Lori Mazzone at 345-9874 x 222.