Latest Flocknotes

27 April 2013

April 28, 2013

Dear Families,

We have been presented with an opportunity to have a Singapore Math expert visit our school on May 9th. She comes highly recommended and would spend time during the day engaging our staff in professional development using our Math in Focus program. She would then be available to work with interested parents for about an hour in the evening. While this opportunity has some expense attached to it, we feel it is an excellent avenue for understanding this very different approach to learning Math.  

Before we confirm this event we would like to have an idea of how many parents would take advantage of this opportunity and attend an evening session. We will offer a choice of 1 volunteer hour or a casual day pass for your child(ren) to those parents who attend the May 9th session.

We would greatly appreciate it if you would please take a moment to answer a quick 3 question survey. A link to the survey was posted here on the Scoop this past Friday (if you are subscribed to the Scoop you would have received it in your email inbox).  We will need to make a decision by Monday, April 29th.

Thank you for your continued support!
Mrs. Walsh