Latest Flocknotes

11 November 2010

On behalf of the teachers I would like to thank all the parents who provided the delicious dinners for us on November 4th and 10th. We truly appreciate the efforts of the PTA to provide for us. Special thanks to Beth Jeffries for coordinating the meals!

This morning during all school prayer we remembered our Veteran's and those currently serving in the armed forces. God bless you and your families for the sacrifices you make for our country!

The 'Lost and Found' Cart was available during the two nights of conferences, and was brought around to the classrooms today. If your child lost something and you did not get a chance to check the cart, please have him or her stop in the office. Next week any school items left on the cart will be sent over to the Bazaar for sale. Other items will be donated to charity.

The 1st and 2nd grade Christmas Program will take place on December 7th at 1:30 and 7pm in the gym. All 1st and 2nd grade parents should have received an information letter, T-shirt painting letter, and props wish list last week. All information is also posted on the music website: