The Holiday BAZAAR is fast approaching! We are looking for all types of donations for the Chinese Raffle/Silent Auction. In the past, we have had several families donate wonderful things such as hand made items, sporting event tickets, electronics and spirit wear, etc. If you or someone you know is interested in making a donation, please contact Cathey Pangborn at 740-522-1331 or email her at Thank you in advance for your generous support.
The 'BASKETS of JOY' will be on display in the main hall of the school during parent conferences. Mrs. Walsh will be avaialable for a 'Meet the Principal' from 4:00-4:20, 5:00-5:20, 6:00-6:20, and 7:00-7:20, also in the main hallway. Each class will have its ART AUCTION project on display in the classroom.
THINK PINK DAY - Thursday, 11/4 - sponsored by the Student Council in an effort to raise awareness about breast cancer. Students may wear pink ACCESSORIES with their uniform: girls may wear a pink headband/bow, necklace, bracelet, earring or pin; boys may wear a pink necktie; and all students may wear pink socks or wristbands if they choose to participate. This IS NOT a casual day. Students should be in their regular school uniform!
There are quite a few items in our 'Lost & Found.' There will be a table in the main hallway during conferences. If your child has lost an item please check the table to see if it is there. Please be sure that ALL items have your child's name in them.
Parish Office volunteer needed in the afternoons to help with light filing and sorting. Hours needed are 1pm to 4pm Monday through Thursday. Yes, these hours will count towards your volunteer hours. Call Christy at 345-9874 ext 224 or email at