St. Francis de Sales students are promoting the annual ST. VINCENT DE PAUL SOCIETY'S "Walk For the Poor" by wearing their favorite shoes to school this Friday, September 24th. The idea is to "walk in the shoes of the poor". Donations (loose change) will be collected in each homeroom in exchange for the students wearing a comfortable pair of shoes of choice.
For safety reasons, please no flip flops.
A BIG THANK YOU goes out to Julie Elwell for accepting the Volunteer Coordinator position and Brian Bemiller for diving into the role of Cookie Decorating Chair!!!!
We are still on the search for someone to help Lynette Waggle with the ART AUCTION. She has tons of FANTASTIC ideas but really needs help making them happen in the classrooms. If you would like to volunteer to help the children with a project in the classroom, (the ideas, supplies, and a sample will be there, we just need adult hands) please call or e-mail Joni O’Neill 928-7296. The Art Auction typically brings in quite a bit of money to help fund some of the fun things we do during the school year, such as author visits, Days of Creation, Chris Cakes, etc…. Please consider giving some time to help!!!!
SAVE YOUR BUBBLE WRAP for Secret Santa. In past years kids have purchased breakable items and they have not made it home, please save your bubble wrap so that we can use it to wrap those items!!! We will have a box outside the office for bubble wrap donations!!!!
Just a reminder that items for ‘BASKETS OF JOY’ are being accepted and need to be turned in before October 22, 2010.
Kindergarten—Family Fun
1st & 2nd Grade- Art Basket
3rd & 4th Grade—Movie Night
5th & 6th Grade—NC & St. Francis Spirit Wear Basket
7th & 8th Grade—Gift Card Basket
A USED UNIFORM booth will be part of this year's Christmas Bazaar. Donated, gently used uniforms will be available for purchase at very reasonable prices. Anyone having St.Francis uniforms they would be willing to donate to this booth, please send them in to the school in a bag marked "USED UNIFORM BOOTH... CHRISTMAS BAZAAR". Remember, all sales from the Bazaar will benefit our School and our students. Please contact chairperson Katrina Newman at 740-404-7690 or email her at if there are any questions.
THANK YOU for all your help!!!! We can’t wait to see you at the Bazaar!