Protecting God's Children Session
Blessed Sacrament, 394 E. Main St. Newark, is hosting a Protecting God’s Children Seminar on Saturday, September 25th at 9am. This session will be held in the school cafeteria. In keeping with VIRTUS policy, no one will be admitted to this session after the first video has started. Go to to register for session. Please remember that in order to work with or volunteer around children of our Diocese, you must attend a session of Protecting God’s Children and have a background check on file with the School and/or Parish Office.
Candy Bar Money Reminder
REMINDER that all candy bar money is due Friday, September 10th. Checks are to be made payable to NCJHAA. There are still candy bars available to sell. If you can help, please send a note with your child to school. Thank you for all your help with this fundraiser.