Latest Flocknotes

30 September 2010

The St. Francis de Sales students have raised $684.14 for the St. Vincent
de Paul Society
by wearing their favorite shoes to school last Friday. A
sincere thanks for raising money for people in need. Your generosity is
greatly appreciated and needed. May we continue to challenge ourselves as
a church and school community to serve the Lord. Special thanks to the second grade for their leadership role with this project!

Students MAY wear shorts on Friday, 10/1. NO SHORTS begins on Monday, 10/4.

Just a reminder that our alumni drive officially ends tomorrow with a drawing for one month of free tuition! If you have not had an opportunity to participate please be sure to send your donation to school on Friday in an envelope marked 'PTA Alumni Drive.'

We are still in need of donations for our Christmas bazaar. Our 'Baskets of Joy' are not yet filled. As always, we thank you for your generosity!

October is the month of the Rosary. Our students will be participating in this beautiful traditional prayer of the Church at different times throughout the month. If you would like to learn more about the rosary you can visit, or simply google the word 'rosary' for many other resources.

29 September 2010

Yesterday was the deadline to register 2nd grade children in our
sacrament preparation program in order to receive first reconciliation/first holy communion this school year.
If you intend for your child to participate in this program, you must
register him/her immediately.
Questions? Please call Lori Mazzone at 345-9874 x 222 or email her at

28 September 2010

27 September 2010

VOTING ENDS THIS THURSDAY! Refurbish the Oldest Austin Organ in Licking County, Ohio

Have you been voting for the Pepsi Refresh Project submitted by St. Francis de Sales? St. Francis de Sales has an opportunity to secure a $50,000.00 Grant from the Pepsi Corporation to help with the restoration of the beautiful pipe organ. The cost of refurbishing the pipe organ is estimated to be between $175,000.00-$200,000.00. With your help, we can secure the grant offered by Pepsi Corp. by voting daily using the methods outlined below. The first goal is to get into the Top 100 by the end of September. Once this goal is achieved, we will be rolled over into October where the voting will continue. You can also help by spreading the word to family, friends, neighbors, etc. 3 ways to vote (vote once daily using each method):

Go to

1) Vote with your Pepsi Refresh Account,

2) Vote with your Facebook Account (Click on “Login with Facebook” on the Pepsi Refresh Site),

3) Text* 102446 to Pepsi (73774) *Standard text rates apply.

Thank you for all of your support!

24 September 2010

Ned's Yo-Yo's can be ordered through Friday October 1st. See order form below:

The Ned Show Yo-Yo and accessories Order Form

23 September 2010


Giant Eagle has announced an all new Giant Eagle Apples for Students program for the 2010-2011 school year! This year they will be giving away $1MM in educational rewards to area schools. Let's make sure that we earn our share!

Beginning September 15, 2010 through March 14, 2011, supporters earn points for our school by registering their Giant Eagle Advantage Card and shopping at Giant Eagle and Get Go! We then purchase various educational equipment for the school using those points.


To register, please go to or call 1-800-474-4777. You will need your Giant Eagle Card and our school ID number, which is 4742.

To our current 54 supporters, we thank you and ask for your continued support by re-registering your card! Ask grandparents and aunts and uncles to register their cards as well! Its free and it can provide our school with new technology and equipment! How many supporters can we get? Please spread the word!

If you have any questions, please contact Christy Charvat at
Reminders for Friday, 9/24:
VIRTUES All School Liturgy - 9:00am
SHOES must be SAFE tomorrow - no flip-flops, no slippers, no slip-on shoes.

Normally the first day for 'NO SHORTS' is October 1st. Since Oct. 1st falls on a Friday this year, students MAY wear shorts that day. We will begin no shorts on Monday, Oct 4th.

Students were treated to the NED show today! NED means 'Never give up!' 'Encourage Others!' and 'Do your best!' Our presenter, Chad, talked to the students about becoming champions for Christ. Students have received information explaining how they may purchase a NED yoyo. THIS IS STRICTLY OPTIONAL.

PTA will be publishing a monthly newsletter to keep parents updated about events. Please look for the post right here on the Scoop!

22 September 2010

Urgent! We need volunteers to help fold inserts for the upcoming parish Generations Campaign on Thursday (all day) or Friday (morning). Stop by the parish office to help! No RSVP necessary, and no minimum or maximum time requirement needed. Even 15-20 minutes will help!

21 September 2010

St. Francis de Sales students are promoting the annual ST. VINCENT DE PAUL SOCIETY'S "Walk For the Poor" by wearing their favorite shoes to school this Friday, September 24th. The idea is to "walk in the shoes of the poor". Donations (loose change) will be collected in each homeroom in exchange for the students wearing a comfortable pair of shoes of choice.
For safety reasons, please no flip flops.

 A BIG THANK YOU goes out to Julie Elwell for accepting the Volunteer Coordinator position and Brian Bemiller for diving into the role of Cookie Decorating Chair!!!!

 We are still on the search for someone to help Lynette Waggle with the ART AUCTION. She has tons of FANTASTIC ideas but really needs help making them happen in the classrooms. If you would like to volunteer to help the children with a project in the classroom, (the ideas, supplies, and a sample will be there, we just need adult hands) please call or e-mail Joni O’Neill 928-7296. The Art Auction typically brings in quite a bit of money to help fund some of the fun things we do during the school year, such as author visits, Days of Creation, Chris Cakes, etc…. Please consider giving some time to help!!!!

 SAVE YOUR BUBBLE WRAP for Secret Santa. In past years kids have purchased breakable items and they have not made it home, please save your bubble wrap so that we can use it to wrap those items!!! We will have a box outside the office for bubble wrap donations!!!!

 Just a reminder that items for ‘BASKETS OF JOY’ are being accepted and need to be turned in before October 22, 2010.
Kindergarten—Family Fun
1st & 2nd Grade- Art Basket
3rd & 4th Grade—Movie Night
5th & 6th Grade—NC & St. Francis Spirit Wear Basket
7th & 8th Grade—Gift Card Basket

 A USED UNIFORM booth will be part of this year's Christmas Bazaar. Donated, gently used uniforms will be available for purchase at very reasonable prices. Anyone having St.Francis uniforms they would be willing to donate to this booth, please send them in to the school in a bag marked "USED UNIFORM BOOTH... CHRISTMAS BAZAAR". Remember, all sales from the Bazaar will benefit our School and our students. Please contact chairperson Katrina Newman at 740-404-7690 or email her at if there are any questions.

THANK YOU for all your help!!!! We can’t wait to see you at the Bazaar!

20 September 2010

The Ned Show Yo-Yo and accessories Order Form

Early orders will be filled Friday, September 24th.

17 September 2010

Then Newark Catholic Junior High Athletic Association would like to remind students again that candy bar money is now due! Please send your check to school payable to NCJHAA as soon as possible. Also, there are still candy bars available to sell. If you are able to help sell more, please send a note with your child to school. Thank you for all of your help with this fundraiser.
We have been asked to remind parents that Pearl St. morning drop off is a continuous line. Parents are asked not to park in the turn-around as this makes it difficult for those who are dropping off to get around the street and out again.

PRESCHOOL parents are asked NOT to drop off children prior to 8:15am. By that time, most of the cars are gone and parking for a few minutes should not be a problem.

Parent surveys have been mailed to each family. This is an important part of our accreditation process. There is a letter of explanation included with your survey, along with an addressed return envelope. We thank you in advance for returning the surveys to school by Oct. 1st.

Next Friday, 9/24, is our all school liturgy at 9:00am. We will be recognizing those students chosen for the virtue of the month - RESPECT. Invitation letters were sent to those families in the hopes that they will be able to join us that morning.

Just a reminder that, as outlined in the school handbook, socks should be white, black or navy, and should cover the ankle. 'No show' socks are not an acceptable option. Shoes should be all white or all black tennis shoes and "any logos cannot be larger than the size of a postage stamp." Thank you for adhering to the dress code.

16 September 2010

Lables for Education is now partnering with Bic pens/pencils as well as Pop Secret, V-8, Pepperidge Farm, Prego and of course Campbell's. Please see the attached list for more details!

Labels for Education
The BAZAAR needs your help!!!! We are looking for a few chairpersons for this year’s Christmas Bazaar. Chairs Needed are:

Volunteer Coordinator—in charge of tracking volunteer hours during the Bazaar

Co-Chair for Art Auction—work with other chair to decide on art projects for each grade level, solicit donations for projects, gather materials needed for projects, coordinate times with teachers and classroom volunteers to work on projects, display projects & help with auction during Christmas Bazaar.

Chair for Cookie Decorating Booth—solicit for donations of cookies, icing, & toppings,& schedule volunteers for the Day of the Bazaar

SAVE YOUR BUBBLE WRAP for Secret Santa. In past year’s kids have purchased breakable items and they have not made it home. Please save your bubble wrap, packing peanuts, tissue, and small gift boxes so that we can use them to wrap those items!!! We will have a box outside the office for appropriate wrapping donations. Thank you!!!!

15 September 2010

Governor Strickland has declared this week Arts in Education Week. His proclamation reads in part "Arts education can enable students to develop critical thinking and problem solving skills that will give them the kind of creative and competitive edge they need to succeed in today's economy. Study of the arts can provide students with the communication skills, knowledge, determination and cross cultural understanding necessary for success in the global information age." We are fortunate here at St. Francis to have the opportunity for our students to participate in the visual and performing arts through art classes, music and strings, and drama club. We salute all those staff members involved in the education of our children!!

Nutrikids Online News

If you have setup an account with our Cafeteria Point of Sale System, Nutrikids, you can view your child's transactions online (i.e. lunch/snack purchases). It is important for parents to be aware of your child's spending habits in the cafeteria. Please be sure your child knows whether he or she may purchase snacks. Also, please remember to label all envelopes sent to the school.

To view purchases for as many as the previous 30 days, login to and click the History link next to your student's name on the MyKids page.

Step-by-step instructions (with screenshots) to view transactions can also be found here:
Parents Reference Guide (page 18)

As a reminder, instructions for setting up an account can be found here:
St. Francis Cafeteria Webpage

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Dave Stenson at 345-4049 x 237 or at

Thank you.
St. Francis Pepsi Refresh Project

Please go to and register to vote then vote everyday in September. If we are in the Top 10 for the $50,000 category then we will get a grant from Pepsi to help refurbish the organ. Please do not let the beautiful voice of the pipe organ fall silent.

To text a vote, send a text to PEPSI (73774), and make your message 102446. VOTE VOTE VOTE.

Here are some materials that you can distribute to help get the word out:

Pepsi Refresh Organ Flyer

Pepsi Refresh Organ Voting Information Cards

Thank you for all of your support!

14 September 2010

Clarification on athletic dress up days: Student athletes who are part of the Newark Catholic Jr. High Athletic teams may dress up on the Monday of the week during which they have a game or match. Please check the parent/student handbook for guidelines on appropriate clothing.

13 September 2010

Late Arrival Day Thursday

Just a reminder that there is a late arrival day this Thursday, September 16th. School starts at 10:15AM.
Please remember to label all envelopes that come in to school with your child's name, class, amount of money, and what the money is for. We cannot give proper credit to families if we do not have that information. Thank you!

Marriage Encounter Flyer

10 September 2010

This year St. Francis will be collecting UPCs from SUNBEAM BREAD wrappers. The UPC will feature the words 'School Spirit.' Our school will receive $.05 for each UPC.

Remember St. Francis is collecting General Mills Box Tops for Education and Campbell's Soup UPCs. Each box top is worth $.10 for our school. They really do add up and we are able to get gym and playground equipment, technology programs, or a variety of other items for our school just by saving and sending them in. Get your family and friends involved and keep those box tops and UPCs coming!

Visit DAILY for a chance to win BOX TOPS FOR EDUCATION for St. Francis. Thousands of dollars worth of Box Tops are being given away between now and Oct. 31st. Top prize is 500,000 Box Tops [$50,000]!!

08 September 2010

The chairs for the 2010 St. Francis de Sales Christmas Bazaar set for November 19th are Michael and Joni O'Neill. Mike and Joni would like to thank everyone who has participated and volunteered in the past and welcome all new comers to one of the most treasured fund raisers in the history of St. Francis - over 35 years and still going strong!

Please join us at the first organizational meeting on Tuesday, Sept. 14 from 6:30~7:30pm in Conference Room A of Johnson Hall. We will review the bazaar committees and the details leading up to Nov. 19th. We are still in need of some committee chairs and we are very interested in hearing your ideas. Mrs. Walsh will be joining us and is looking forward to meeting new faces.

Thank you in advance for your participation!
Mike and Joni
Protecting God's Children Session

Blessed Sacrament, 394 E. Main St. Newark, is hosting a Protecting God’s Children Seminar on Saturday, September 25th at 9am. This session will be held in the school cafeteria. In keeping with VIRTUS policy, no one will be admitted to this session after the first video has started. Go to to register for session. Please remember that in order to work with or volunteer around children of our Diocese, you must attend a session of Protecting God’s Children and have a background check on file with the School and/or Parish Office.

Candy Bar Money Reminder

REMINDER that all candy bar money is due Friday, September 10th. Checks are to be made payable to NCJHAA. There are still candy bars available to sell. If you can help, please send a note with your child to school. Thank you for all your help with this fundraiser.

07 September 2010

Some of you may know that the pipe organ at St. Francis de Sales is in desperate need of repair. The organ was built in 1963 and has over 800 pipes. There are currently over 100 notes that do not work since the leather that helps keep the air going up through the pipes are ripped/torn/worn-out. The cost to refurbish the organ is very expensive.

This is where you come in, please vote once a day for one month (September). Please go to: and register to vote then vote everyday in September. If we are in the Top 10 for the $50,000 category then we will get a grant from Pepsi to help refurbish the organ. Please do not let the beautiful voice of the pipe organ fall silent.

To text a vote, send a text to PEPSI (73774), and make your message 102446. VOTE VOTE VOTE.

03 September 2010

Letter from Mrs. Walsh

02 September 2010

Friday September 3rd will be a casual day.