A message from the Accounting Office:It has come to our attention that there was misinformation regarding the used uniform sale and volunteer hours. Some families were erroneously promised volunteer hours in exchange for their uniforms. The used uniform sale is provided solely as a service to our families and the school does not generate any revenue from this event. The school does keep any unclaimed uniform after the sale for the uniform closet for needy families.
In the future, the used uniform sales will only offer a cash back option for uniforms that are sold. Unsold uniforms that are not claimed at the close of the sale will become property of St. Francis de Sales school and will be donated to the used uniform closet for needy families. For this year, if a family was promised volunteer hours in exchange for their uniforms and that promise can be validated through the volunteer hour form documentation procedure, we will honor those hours as general volunteer hours.
If you have any questions regarding this decision, please contact the accounting office at 345-9874 x 235. Thank you.
Blessed Sacrament's Oktoberfest
7-8th Dress Up Day Clarification:
Students in the 7-8th grades may dress up on the day of their game. If the game falls on a weekend, they may dress up the day before.
Students who wish to dress up for athletic events must follow the policy on page 37 of the student handbook. Boys will be dressed up in shirts & ties and girls will be nicely "dressed up" to match the boys. This may include skirts and/or dress pants. We have had several instances this week of students dressing like this is another casual day. It is not a casual day. If students do not appropriately dress up, per the policy, we will discontinue the Athletic Dress Up day. Thank you.