Latest Flocknotes

25 September 2009

Hi there!
There still seems to be some confusion over what “counts” for volunteer hours and what doesn’t. Think of it this way:

If you:
• Donate money or an item
• Work a table/booth/etc.
• Solicit corporate donations
• Create something (i.e. cookies, quilts, etc.)

for the Bazaar, Festival, or Mother-Daughter Tea – all hours will count toward cost reducing/revenue generating hours. Have the chair of the event sign off on your volunteer hours sheet.

If you spend any hours working or attending meetings for any of the following:
• Market Day
• Parish Maintenance Projects
• Parish Maintenance Committee
• Box Tops/Soup Label Counters
• Spirit Wear
• Classroom volunteering
• Generations Campaign
• Book Fair
• Parish Finance Council
• Cafeteria

All of the above hours will count toward cost reducing/revenue generating hours. Have the chair of the event sign off on your volunteer hours sheet.

If it is not an event listed above, it will only count for general volunteer hours.

I hope this helps to make things more clear. Thank you for all you do for St. Francis and please know that we cannot do this without you! You help to make our school great!

Have a nice weekend.
Dr. Spain