Latest Flocknotes

30 September 2009

Have you turned in your Drive donation yet? Last day to be eligible for the raffle is tomorrow (Oct 1st)! Thank you in advance for your support!

We are in desperate need of Friday morning volunteers for our TRIP program. We need at least one more volunteer for the 2nd, 4th, and 5th Fridays. The hours are 7:15 AM until 9 AM.

Please consider volunteering as we can not open TRIP without another person on these Fridays. Please remember the TRIP program is solely dependant on volunteers. Without volunteers the program does not happen. These hours count as general hours.

To volunteer, please contact Pam Kelley at or 740-345-9874 X204

28 September 2009

In a few weeks the parish will begin our Generations Stewardship Campaign. One of the primary goals of the Generations process is to positively touch each and every member of our parish. To help us accomplish, we need volunteers on November 1, 2009 from 1pm to 6pm to help us by calling the homes of registered families within the St. Francis community who have not returned their pledge cards for Time, Talent and Treasure. Rest assured this is not intended to be a hard-sell phone call. Calls will be made from a local phone bank we have secured and training will be provided beforehand which includes a phone script to guide each caller through the phone call. Volunteer sign up sheets will be available at the table at the back of church this weekend or call the parish office at 345-9874 ext 200 to register. Please sign up today! Those of you who have already signed-up need not sign again. Volunteering for the campaign does count toward the revenue generating volunteer hours.
Thank you!

Pick Up Reminder: We have several Adorers who are trying to get into the small sacristy lot for their 3pm Adoration time, but no one is letting them through. If you see someone trying to access the sacristy parking lot, please let them pass. Thank you.

25 September 2009

Hi there!
There still seems to be some confusion over what “counts” for volunteer hours and what doesn’t. Think of it this way:

If you:
• Donate money or an item
• Work a table/booth/etc.
• Solicit corporate donations
• Create something (i.e. cookies, quilts, etc.)

for the Bazaar, Festival, or Mother-Daughter Tea – all hours will count toward cost reducing/revenue generating hours. Have the chair of the event sign off on your volunteer hours sheet.

If you spend any hours working or attending meetings for any of the following:
• Market Day
• Parish Maintenance Projects
• Parish Maintenance Committee
• Box Tops/Soup Label Counters
• Spirit Wear
• Classroom volunteering
• Generations Campaign
• Book Fair
• Parish Finance Council
• Cafeteria

All of the above hours will count toward cost reducing/revenue generating hours. Have the chair of the event sign off on your volunteer hours sheet.

If it is not an event listed above, it will only count for general volunteer hours.

I hope this helps to make things more clear. Thank you for all you do for St. Francis and please know that we cannot do this without you! You help to make our school great!

Have a nice weekend.
Dr. Spain

24 September 2009

23 September 2009

Marriage Encounter Flier

Don't forget that the last day to Earn to Learn at Indian Mound Mall is September 28th. We're very close to winning a prize, so please turn in your receipts!

21 September 2009

Don't forget!
If you make a donation to the Drive by October 1st, you will automatically be entered into a drawing for the following prizes:

• 1 year Athletic Association Family Pass
• 1 year Family membership to The Works
• Snack Bar Coupon Pack ($20.00)
• Spirit Wear coupon
• Skip a Tuition Payment (First Child Only)
• Free lunch for a year (1 Child Only)

Please watch your mail for our drive letter and pledge card and/or make your donation online.

Thank you for your support!

18 September 2009

Grade 2’s having a Bake Sale!

When: Thursday, September 24th

Where: School Cafeteria

Why: To help benefit St. Vincent de Paul’s “Friends of the Poor” Walk.

***The St. Vincent DePaul Society is our service project for this year.

15 September 2009

St. Francis de Sales School will be on a late arrival schedule on Thursday, September 17th. Buses will run 2 hours late. School will start at 10:15am and will release at the normal school time. EDP will be available from 7-10am that morning. The cost is $10.00 per child and you must call Little Einstein to register. Little Einstein's phone number is: 366-0788. Thank you.

Mrs. Scullion's African Dance Video

11 September 2009

A message from the Accounting Office:It has come to our attention that there was misinformation regarding the used uniform sale and volunteer hours. Some families were erroneously promised volunteer hours in exchange for their uniforms. The used uniform sale is provided solely as a service to our families and the school does not generate any revenue from this event. The school does keep any unclaimed uniform after the sale for the uniform closet for needy families.

In the future, the used uniform sales will only offer a cash back option for uniforms that are sold. Unsold uniforms that are not claimed at the close of the sale will become property of St. Francis de Sales school and will be donated to the used uniform closet for needy families. For this year, if a family was promised volunteer hours in exchange for their uniforms and that promise can be validated through the volunteer hour form documentation procedure, we will honor those hours as general volunteer hours.

If you have any questions regarding this decision, please contact the accounting office at 345-9874 x 235. Thank you.

Blessed Sacrament's Oktoberfest

7-8th Dress Up Day Clarification:
Students in the 7-8th grades may dress up on the day of their game. If the game falls on a weekend, they may dress up the day before.

Students who wish to dress up for athletic events must follow the policy on page 37 of the student handbook. Boys will be dressed up in shirts & ties and girls will be nicely "dressed up" to match the boys. This may include skirts and/or dress pants. We have had several instances this week of students dressing like this is another casual day. It is not a casual day. If students do not appropriately dress up, per the policy, we will discontinue the Athletic Dress Up day. Thank you.

10 September 2009

St. Francis de Sales Parish will host a flu shot vaccinations clinic! (This is not for the swine flu/H1N1 virus - just Influenza A & B.) Sign ups will be Sunday, October 4th. The Flu Shot Clinic will be in the Dominican Library on Sunday, October 11th. Questions? Call Dy in the Parish Office 345-9874 x200.

A note from the NCJHAA: All candy bar money is due Friday, September 11th. Thank you for your help with this fundraiser.

09 September 2009

Please come to the planning meetings for the St. Francis de Sales 2009 Christmas Bazaar and Craft Show! (It counts toward your cost
reducing/fundraising volunteer hours!)

Meeting Dates:
September 15, 2009 Tuesday 6:30p-8:00p in the St. Francis de Sales school Cafeteria.

October 7, 2009 Wednesday 6:30p-8:30p in the St. Francis de Sales school Cafeteria.

We are seeking volunteers for positions, ideas, and planning for the 2009 Christmas Bazaar and Craft Show.

Please join us for these meetings and take the opportunity to meet your fellow Parishioners, hear about the 2009 Christmas Bazaar and Craft Show, and determine where we would like to go from here.

If you have any questions, please contact the Bazaar Chairs: Joni O'Neill 740-928-7296 or 740-323-5865 & Mike O'Neill - 345-5625

Thank you!

08 September 2009

Please fill out this survey to help us gauge interest in the student art auction at the Christmas Bazaar: Student Art Auction Survey

04 September 2009

02 September 2009

Got Volunteer Hours? We do! Want to help your Parish and School? We need you!

There are many upcoming volunteer opportunities:

Saturday, September 12th 8am to 1pm – Fall Work Day! Assist our Maintenance Committee in fence and roof repairs and miscellaneous small projects. Many hands make light work, so join us!

Sunday, October 18th and Sunday, October 25th 9am to 1pm – Parish Office Help! We need 2 extra volunteers for the office to help during the Generations Campaign to match labels with pledge cards and entering information into database. Call Dy in the Parish Office to sign up.

Sunday, November 1st 2pm to 6pm – Generations Campaign Phone Bank! Call fellow parishioners with exciting news about our annual Generations Campaign. Training and script provided with flexible hours and fun environment. Call Dy in the Parish Office to sign up.

Various dates: work in the school cafeteria! We need volunteers to help: wash dishes, clean tables, and serve food. See Barb Calvert in the cafeteria to sign up.

All of these opportunities count towards the school volunteer hours requirement for 25 hours of funds generating and/or money saving.

Thank you, in advance, for your help.