Great news coming your way…
The Teacher’s Association has organized the “Goumas Easter Candy Sale”! In the past, it was very successful and we hope it will be again. It’s a terrific way to get your yummy candy without standing in those long lines.
Here’s how it works:
-An order form will be sent home on Thursday, March 1st. (See attached)
-If you are interested in participating, please fill out the order form and return to your child’s teacher along with the money.
-Return the form and payment to your child’s teacher by Tuesday, March 20th.
-The candy will be delivered to the school on Monday, April 2nd.
The teachers will organize the orders, and they will be sent home with the children on Tuesday, April 3rd.
***The top five sellers will receive a chocolate bunny and a casual day! Any class that has over 50% participation can have a casual day. The teacher will have to coordinate it on a day when there is no Mass.
he Association is chartered with the state of Ohio as a non-profit corporation and is not covered by the separate charitable status of the school or parish as part of the Diocese of Columbus.
All proceeds from this sale will be used to benefit the school and other service projects:
* the purchase of additional computers
* scholarships for two graduating eighth graders
Click here for Goumas Candy Order Form