Latest Flocknotes

03 February 2012

IMPORTANT: There WILL be school on February 8th. This day was originally planned as a professional development day for teachers in Columbus. However, the workshop we would have attended was not scheduled this year so staff and students WILL BE IN SCHOOL that day.

Mrs. Litts and I would like to extend a heartfelt thank you to all of our artists, parent volunteers, teachers and staff for a wonderful Days of Creation! Without everyone’s involvement, this event would not be possible. A special thank you to MRS. HEFFLEY for a fabulous lunch, to MRS. RUSS for coordinating the volunteers, to MRS. McKENNA and MRS. MUSGRAVE for helping with set-up and clean-up and to MR. MATHEWS for making all of the wire sculptures. We would also like to acknowledge MR. JASON HUFFMAN, our custodian, MRS. McDONALD and MRS. WALSH.

Thank you to everyone for celebrating the arts with us!

Mrs. Charvat

Many thanks to ALL who sent in cookies for our 'Cookies for Courage' project, and to those parents who helped to deliver the packages.

Continuing events for Michael's Playground:

Ace Carpet Care Inc. is running a special for the month of February. 10% of all carpet cleaning or gift card purchases in the month of February will go to the playground fund. This does not include gift card purchases thru TRIP or commercial businesses. Just mention the playground fund when scheduling an appointment. Ace Carpet Care 740-366-2117

Look for order forms for Texas Roadhouse gift cards coming home next week! The cards can be used at ANY time and make a GREAT gift for birthdays, anniversaries, Easter baskets, or your favorite Valentine! Also, cards purchased now can be used on 2/27 at the special fundraising event to benefit the playground fund at Texas Roadhouse.

Help us keep the momentum going! We are one third of the way to GOAL!!