Bazaar Information Update
BAZAAR BOOSTER Meeting — Wed. Oct. 13 6:30 – 7:30 in Cafeteria. Come get updated on what we have planned, also come with questions and ideas.
HELP NEEDED!!!! We will be working on Art Auction Projects next Monday October 18 from 12:45-2:45. If you have some free time, PLEASE consider helping!!!! Please contact Joni O’Neill 928-7296 or 323-5865 or e-mail
ITEMS ARE STILL NEEDED FOR BASKETS OF JOY!!!! Please consider donating to this part of the bazaar. We don’t have many items or much cash for any of the baskets!!!
Kindergarten—Family Fun
1st & 2nd Grade- Art Basket
3rd & 4th Grade—Movie Night
5th & 6th Grade—NC & St. Francis Spirit Wear Basket
7th & 8th Grade—Gift Card Basket
Donations are DUE October 22. Remember for every $10 in cash or gift cards you donate you get 1 Volunteer hour!!!!
Watch for Christmas Bazaar T-Shirt order forms in a book bag near you!!!
Items needed for the White Elephant Sale, please let your family and friends know. We will pick up!!! Just call Joni 323-5965 or 928-7296 or Mike 345-5625 to arrange a time.