Indian Mound Mall ALL NEW Earning For Learning Program
We are very proud to once again put on our Earning for Learning program! We have made some changes to the 2010 Earning for Learning program and now more schools have the opportunity to win and so can the friends and family of your students!!
We're now giving away money EVERY WEEK! So, you no longer have to earn points over a LONG 6-8 week time period! Points are now totaled one week at a time. $1 spent = 1 point. Then we divide the # of points by your school enrollment, so despite the size of the school all schools are equal.
The top 3 schools EVERY WEEK win money! $500 to 1st, $250 to 2nd and $100 to 3rd! There's no limit on how may weeks your school can win. Maybe you can work with your parents and pick a particular week to focus on winning? WIN 1ST PLACE ALL 6 WEEKS & WIN $3,000!
PLUS - To get the friends and family of your students more involved, they can win now too! They'll receive one entry form for every receipt they turn in. Then after EVERY WEEK we will randomly choose one entry form and that customer will win a $50 Indian Mound Mall gift card! So the more weeks they shop, the more chances they have to win and the more points for your school! Again, there's no limit on how many times they can win. Win all 6 weeks & win $300 in Indian Mound Mall gift cards!
Dustin Christensen
General Manager
Indian Mound Mall
Earning for Learning Flyer