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19 April 2010

POP TABS: Brownie Troop 663 is saving pop tabs for the Ronald McDonald house. Please save your pop tabs and bring them into your classroom between now and May 21. The classroom with the most poptabs will win Brownies from the brownies during the last week of school.

Thank you for your support!!!!! Brownie Troop 663 (3rd grade)

The Capable Parents Program of Pathways of Central Ohio will offer a three session parent workshop entitled " Active Parent Now in Three ! " from 10 AM to 12 P.M. on April 21, April 28, and May 5. The curriculum is geared to children from 5 to 12 years of age. Anyone interested is welcome to attend. The classes are free of charge and are held at Pathways of Central Ohio, 1627 Bryn Mawr Drive, Newark. To register or for more information call The Capable Parents Program at 345-6166 Ext. 230 or e-mail jgaudio@ The class is funded through grants received from the Ohio Department of Alcohol and Drug Addiction Services

The Capable Parents Program of Pathways of Licking County will offer a three session parenting class entitled "1,2,3,4 Parents!" from 10 AM to 12 PM on Wednesdays May 12, 19, and 26. The curriculum is written by national parenting experts who understand your parenting problems and will offer helpful solutions. The curriculum is geared to children from birth to age five but anyone interested is welcome to attend. The classes are held at Pathways,1627 Bryn Mawr Drive, Newark. To register or for more information please call The Capable Parents Program at 345-6166 Ext. 205 or e-mail

Attention Students:

Do you need service hours? Are you looking for a fun way to spend some time this summer?

Teen helpers are needed for Vacation Bible School at St. Francis de Sales from 9 a.m. until 12:30 p.m. on June 21 through 25. You can be a group leader and take children from station to station. You can be an assistant at either the craft, snacks, music, or games stations. You can babysit a small group of toddlers to five-year olds.

If you want to help, we’ll find a place for you!

You must be at least 7th grade or older, able to attend a training session, and be present at the majority of days of the actual session.

Contact Lori Mazzone for further information at 345-9874 extension 222.

DEADLINE TO VOLUNTEER IS JUNE 7! A mandatory meeting for all volunteers will be held June 15 at 7 p.m. in the St. Francis School Cafeteria