Latest Flocknotes

30 April 2010

Tuition agreements were due today! However, we will still take them Monday for a casual day TBD. Thanks.

29 April 2010

Just to clarify - The 2010 Festival will count towards THIS year's volunteer hours because the volunteer "year" ends May 31st 2010.

The 2011 Festival will count towards volunteer hours for the 2011-12 school year because the start and end date for the volunteer year will be moved back 1 month so that the "year" starts on May 1st. This will make the festival the first volunteer opportunity of the year rather than the last.

We are short 60 volunteers for the Festival at the moment. Please remember that we will be sending invoices for any families that have not completed their volunteer hours for this school year. The Festival is an excellent way to finish up these hours and help a worthy cause!

28 April 2010

If you are unemployed or underemployed, and have missed the opening meetings of the St. Joseph Job's Support Ministry -- you've missed a lot! Representatives of the Chamber of Commerce, Licking County Jobs & Family Services, and C-TEC have shared their knowledge and resources. Stop by the table located outside the Religious Education Office (second floor of Lamy Center) for brochures, handouts, business cards, etc. Then plan to join us for our next meeting: every Monday, 9 a.m. to 11 a.m. in Johnson Hall. Bring a friend; all are welcome regardless of church affiliation.

Days of Creation is a casual day (this does not have anything to do with tuition agreements - that is a separate casual day - TBD).

Reminder: tuition agreements are due by this Friday, April 30th. All families who return their agreements will earn a casual day for their children. If you are electing to pay your balance in full, this is not due until Friday, May 14th. Thank you!

We need volunteers for the Parish Festival! Please contact Derk Myers if you can help!

27 April 2010

Spring Festival 2010

Saturday May 15th (11am-11pm) is the St. Francis Spring Festival. Featuring food, a casino, games, prizes, live music, and a day full of fun with your family and friends! And it’s all for a great cause: our Parish and School community!

This year’s festival will also include the 1st Annual St. Francis de Sales Family Fun Walk & Road Race – a skip & scamper through the west side streets of Newark.

Check out for more details.
Reminder: tuition agreements are due by this Friday, April 30th. All families who return their agreements will earn a casual day for their children. If you are electing to pay your balance in full, this is not due until Friday, May 14th. Thank you!

26 April 2010

Please join us for the last PTA meeting of the 2009-2010 school year. We will be meeting tomorrow, Tuesday, April 27th at 6:00 p.m. in the Lamy Center. We will be discussing next year’s Christmas Bazaar, Spaghetti Dinner and St. Francis School Drive.

Days of Creation is right around the corner! We are still in need of volunteers to assist the day of the program! If you are able to participate, please contact Konnie Nelson at If you would like to donate art supplies, please contact Brooke McKenna – Please watch the blog for more details about the program next week!

Thank you to the Friends of Parochial Education for their generous donation of $5000.00 to St. Francis de Sales School. This money will be used for tuition assistance for the 2010-2011 school year.

23 April 2010

Casual Day Monday!

Volunteer registration for the festival is now available on-line at and we will also have sign up sheets at the masses starting this weekend.

First Communion is Saturday at 11am in the church.

Twinderella - next Thursday at 6:30pm - get your tickets now!

We are in need of 60 plastic laundry detergent containers for Days of Creation! If you are able, please send your empty, rinsed containers into school with your child no later than Wednesday, April 28th.

Vacation Bible School Information and Registration

21 April 2010

20 April 2010

Thank You!

Thanks for attending our Adornetto's fundraiser! We appreciate your support in our efforts to purchase updated computers for the faculty. If you could not attend but would like to make a donation to our "Technology for Teachers" campaign, please send your donation to the school office at your earliest convenience.

St. Francis de Sales Education Association

19 April 2010

POP TABS: Brownie Troop 663 is saving pop tabs for the Ronald McDonald house. Please save your pop tabs and bring them into your classroom between now and May 21. The classroom with the most poptabs will win Brownies from the brownies during the last week of school.

Thank you for your support!!!!! Brownie Troop 663 (3rd grade)

The Capable Parents Program of Pathways of Central Ohio will offer a three session parent workshop entitled " Active Parent Now in Three ! " from 10 AM to 12 P.M. on April 21, April 28, and May 5. The curriculum is geared to children from 5 to 12 years of age. Anyone interested is welcome to attend. The classes are free of charge and are held at Pathways of Central Ohio, 1627 Bryn Mawr Drive, Newark. To register or for more information call The Capable Parents Program at 345-6166 Ext. 230 or e-mail jgaudio@ The class is funded through grants received from the Ohio Department of Alcohol and Drug Addiction Services

The Capable Parents Program of Pathways of Licking County will offer a three session parenting class entitled "1,2,3,4 Parents!" from 10 AM to 12 PM on Wednesdays May 12, 19, and 26. The curriculum is written by national parenting experts who understand your parenting problems and will offer helpful solutions. The curriculum is geared to children from birth to age five but anyone interested is welcome to attend. The classes are held at Pathways,1627 Bryn Mawr Drive, Newark. To register or for more information please call The Capable Parents Program at 345-6166 Ext. 205 or e-mail

Attention Students:

Do you need service hours? Are you looking for a fun way to spend some time this summer?

Teen helpers are needed for Vacation Bible School at St. Francis de Sales from 9 a.m. until 12:30 p.m. on June 21 through 25. You can be a group leader and take children from station to station. You can be an assistant at either the craft, snacks, music, or games stations. You can babysit a small group of toddlers to five-year olds.

If you want to help, we’ll find a place for you!

You must be at least 7th grade or older, able to attend a training session, and be present at the majority of days of the actual session.

Contact Lori Mazzone for further information at 345-9874 extension 222.

DEADLINE TO VOLUNTEER IS JUNE 7! A mandatory meeting for all volunteers will be held June 15 at 7 p.m. in the St. Francis School Cafeteria

16 April 2010

Just a reminder....The Teacher's Association is hosting a fundraiser at Adornetto's Restaurant on Tuesday, May 20 - 4:00-9:00. Please join us for a fun and relaxing dinner - we will receive 20% of the sales and there will be a "Tip" jar available to help us reach our goal for new teacher computers!

The St. Francis de Sales Teachers and Staff are excited to announce that we are organizing a 3 on 3 basketball tournament as well as a Corn Hole tournament for this year’s Spring Festival on May 15, 2010 - 11:00 A.M. – 11:00 P.M.

3 0n 3 Basketball

There will be two categories for the 3 on 3 basketball tournament,

4th-5th grades will compete from 12:00-4:30 in the gym
6th-8th grades will compete from 5:00-9:30 in the gym

Students participating will turn in a registration form, pay a $5.00 entry fee, and have their name put into the drawing for teams. In order to try to keep teams evenly matched, each team will include a mixture of 6-8th graders/ 4-5th graders. Each team will be guaranteed 3 round-robin games. The top team from each bracket will be in a playoff, winners will then proceed to the final game. Players on the winning team will receive a
Tournament Champ t-shirt and a gift card. If your son or daughter is interested in being on a team, please help him/her check schedules to be sure the tournament time is free. Registration information is posted below! Registration forms and fee will have to be in by the due date so that we have time to draw for teams and organize the pool play.

Corn Hole

The Corn Hole tournament will take place outside (at the Pearl Street cul-d-sac) weather permitting. There will be four age groups/brackets. The winner of each bracket will receive a Tournament Champ t-shirt and a gift certificate.
All ages are welcome! The fee will be $10.00 per team of two.

• Division 1 K-4 1:00 pm
• Division 2 5th – 8th 3:00 pm
• Division 3 Parent & Child (12 and under) 5:30
• Division 4 Adult 7:30

Registration forms are posted below! Please join us for a great time at the 6th Annual St. Francis Parish Spring Festival!

Cornhole Registration

3 on 3 Basketball Registration


13 April 2010

Tuition agreements for the 2010-2011 school year are being mailed out this week. Please see the letter enclosed with the tuition agreement for information regarding payment options and due dates.

Please join us for the last meeting of the 2009-2010 school year! We will meet on Tuesday, April 27th from 6:00-7:00 p.m. in The Lamy Center, Conference Room A. We will be discussing the results of the 2009 Christmas Bazaar, planning for the 2010-2011 St. Francis Drive and the Welcome Back Spaghetti Dinner.

We hope to see you there!

12 April 2010

St. Francis had 4 students qualify to participate in the Ohio Wesleyan University OWjL Camp this summer in Delaware, Ohio! Congratulations to: Mike Kimberlin (8th grade), Garrett Bemiller (7th grade), Hannah Poly (6th grade), and Rachel Bloom (6th grade). Have a great time at camp!

09 April 2010


Bishop Frederick Campbell will confer the Sacrament of Confirmation on all in-coming 8th Grade Students (current 7th Graders) on Sunday, December 12, 2010, 5:30 pm at St. Francis Church. All current 7th Grade Students and Parents are invited to attend this important information meeting on May 5th to register for the program, to obtain the class schedule, and to learn about service project and the patron saint projects and other details. Classes will be held on Wednesday evenings, 7:00-8:30 pm, beginning August 25th, for all 8th Grade Students (’10-’11 school year) including St. Francis School, PSR, and home schoolers. Questions??? Contact Bob Moraine: 740-349-9829 x214

07 April 2010

Join us for the St. Francis Teacher's Association Fund Raiser at Adornetto’s Restaurant on Tuesday, April 20th, from 4:00-9:00 p.m. Clip your coupon and join us for dinner! We will receive 20% of each bill that has our coupon attached, invite your friends and families! All money raised will help support the School Technology Program. See you there!

We won 2 more grants!!!
The Catholic Foundation awarded St. Francis de Sales School $3000.00 to help replace bathroom fixtures in the student bathrooms and another $4500.00 to replace bathroom floors. Yeah!

Have you been laid off, let go, downsized, or part of a reduction in force? Is the work of finding work getting you down? Could you use some help? Hope? Support? The "St. Joseph Jobs Support Ministry" is here for you! Our goal is to provide educational and networking skills and support to the unemployed and underemployed of our parish, and to empower you to find new, meaningful employment. Our first meeting is Monday, April 12, from 9 a.m. to 11 a.m. in Johnson Hall B. Come, join us! Any questions, call John Barbour at 366-4124.

The group will continue to meet each Monday at the same time/place. Cheri Hottinger, president of the Licking County Chamber of Commerce, will be our inaugural guest speaker on April 12 to discuss the Licking County economy and available resources for those seeking employment.

Anyone is welcome, regardless of church affiliation.

Masses move back into church! After a more than 3 month hiatus from the church, we are on schedule to be in the gym on Saturday, April 17th! Therefore, all masses will resume in the Church the weekend of April 17/18. Adoration will resume in the Day Chapel on Sunday, April 18th at 7:00pm. The first Daily Mass in the Day Chapel will be Tuesday, April 20th at 9am. Thanks be to God!

06 April 2010

Please mark your calendar for Thursday, April 15th 3:00pm to 7:00pm & Friday, April 16th 1:00pm to 4:00pm for a CHURCH CLEANING PARTY

Cleaning Duties will include:

· Putting hymnals in pews

· Washing down doors & windows

· Bringing items from storage back into the church

· Wiping down pews

· Dust mopping floors

· Hanging Stations of the Cross

· Sweeping outside entrances

Many hands make light work, so please plan to help us get ready to be back in the church for Saturday, April 17!

Don’t Forget…All hours count towards school volunteer hours!

Christy McNabb, Business Manager, 740-345-9874 ext 224

Giant Eagle Info

05 April 2010

New Kindergarten Summer Program Flier at St. Francis

Thank you to all of the parents that have volunteered to help with our program! For those that have signed up to assist during the event, you will be contacted by our Volunteer Coordinator, Konnie Nelson, as we get cloer to the date to confirm your participation and discuss your assignment. It's not too late to sign up! Contact Christy Charvat at or Konnie Nelson at