Chris Cakes Clarification: we are serving pancakes and sausage tomorrow with Chris Cakes. This has been approved by Father Bob and he also reminds us that under the age of 14, children are not obligated to abstain from meat. Thank you.
We were recently notified that National City bank is being converted to PNC Bank during this coming weekend. At this point we will attempt to debit the accounts that we have on file under the National City routing and account numbers, however any family that is enrolled in the automatic draft program for tuition that has a National City account will need to provide the accounting office with their new routing and account numbers no later than Friday, February 26th. If you have any questions, please contact Amber at extension 235.
Please do not form two lines during pick-up (when we have this kind of snow), as it blocks other's ability to turn around on Pearl Street. Thank you.