The Mother-Daughter Tea committee needs volunteers to help with the following:
1) Food Preparation, set-up and tear-down--all of which are fun
group activities the day before and the day of the Tea (Dads
welcome). Please contact Deborah Pegher at 364-9366 or
2) Mothers and daughters to model during the Fashion Show. Wardrobes will be provided. Please contact Courtney Van Ostran at 344-3208 or
3) 7th and 8th grade girls to serve at the Tea. Please contact
Deborah Pegher at 364-9366, or email
Parent volunteers, please note that any help will be credited toward volunteer fundraising hours. Thank you for your support!
St. Francis Cub Scout Pack 8, and Boy Scout Troop 8 wish to congratulate Cubmaster Dave Burd for receiving the Bronze Pelican award from Bishop Campbell last Sunday. The Bronze Pelican award is a diocesan recognition given to adults who have made an outstanding contribution to the spiritual development of Catholic youth in the Boy Scouts of America. Since Dave accepted the role of Cubmaster the Pack program has flourished and membership has more than quadrupled. Congratulations Dave.
Next Sunday, February 7, is the annual Cub Scout’s Super Bowl Pancake Breakfast in the cafeteria. Scouts will be serving pancakes from 8am to noon to raise money for camping, activities, and awards. Cost is $5 for an individual, $15 for a family. Contact a scout you know for ticket presale.