Latest Flocknotes

31 May 2013

Weekly Word 05-30-13

30 May 2013

Newark Catholics Cheer Mini Camp

23 May 2013

Weekly Word with attachments 05-23-13

Enclosed Today:
•Letter to families
•Strings Interest (online)
•Greenwave Volleyball

22 May 2013

School Supplies Orders for 2013-14

The deadline for paper orders is May 30th, not May 23rd as listed on the paper copies that were sent home on Monday (click here for the paper order form) Online orders should be submitted by June 1st. (

20 May 2013

Friday May 24, will be the last day that the cafeteria will be able to accept charges for lunches. A letter will be sent home on Thursday May 23rd to families that have outstanding charges on their accounts. These balances will need to be cleared before we can release report cards and records. This includes sending student records onto new schools for families that are relocating.

Thank you for your help in clearing our accounts.

17 May 2013

The date for the Confirmation Retreat scheduled for this coming November 2013 was INCORRECTLY communicated at the Confirmation Orientation Meeting this past Wednesday as taking place on Nov. 16th.

Please note that the CORRECT DATE FOR THE CONFIRMATION RETREAT IS NOVEMBER 23, 2013.  Please make the necessary change to the yellow Program Preparation Schedule sheet distributed at the meeting.  Sorry for the inconvenience!
Weekly Word with attachments 05-16-13

•Letter to families
•VBS info & registration
•‘Labels for Education’ Collection Sheet
•Gr 5-8 Strings Interest Form

16 May 2013

Tonight our award winning STRINGS ensemble will present a variety of selections in the school gym. Student ARTWORK will also be on display. Please join us at 7:00pm for an evening of ARTS and ENTERTAINMENT!
Gr. 5-8-Variety Show auditions for students who returned permission forms will be held during the school day on Friday, May 17th. Students will be given a time to meet w/Mrs. Walsh for about 10 minutes in the gym, library, or music room  (depending on their act). Performers should bring their costume (or a picture of it), lyrics to songs (whether they are singing or dancing to a song), and props they may need. Pianists will not need to bring a keyboard. Questions?


09 May 2013

03 May 2013

St. Francis de Sales Parish Festival

As preparations come together for the 9th Annual St. Francis de Sales Parish Festival on May 18, we are ready to add the most important element of the day: VOLUNTEERS! (Without full support from them, the day just isn't the same.) This year, we are again offering a very convenient online system for choosing times and activities that best fit your interests (but on a first-come, first-serve basis).

Each tab includes contact information for the respective committee chairs, but all general questions can be sent to And remember, service at this year's festival applies toward next year's volunteer hours.  Take a few minutes now and visit :

2013 Festival Flyer

02 May 2013

Weekly Word with attachments 05-02-13

Enclosed Today:
•Survey Summary
•Variety Show info-Gr. 5-8
•Catholic Family Night w/Clippers
•NC Junior Golf (6th/7th)
•Mom Prom/Mother’s Day prayers
•Directory Form